Writings and Links on
Conservatives' Mental Disorder Symptoms

For a starting point article, see “Political Conservatism as Motivated Social Cognition,” by John T. Jost, Jack Glaser, Arie W. Kruglanski, Frank J. Sulloway, 129 Psychological Bulletin (#2) 339-375 (May 2003), on psychiatric symptoms among conservatives.

And see “Is Political Conservatism a Mild Form of Insanity?,” by Psychology Prof. William Todd Schultz, Ph.D. (6 September 2008), citing the bottom line: “a person who had obviously drunk too much [said], 'The secret of my life is that I always need someone to hate.' [Prof. Schultz] was reminded of this exchange while watching the stupendously ruthless Republican National Convention over the last several days. Is there anything that conservatives do not hate?”

Note that “the Conservative Party was . . the stupidest party. . . . I did not . . . say that . . . Conservatives are generally stupid. I meant to say that stupid people are generally Conservative. I believe that is so obviously and universally admitted a principle that I hardly think any gentleman will deny it.” (Public and Parliamentary Speeches, 31 May 1866, pp. 85-86, by John Stuart Mill (1806-1873)

“Stupidity is much the same the world over. A stupid person's notions and feelings may confidently be inferred from those which prevail in the circle by which the person is surrounded. Not so those whose opinions and feelings are emanations from their own nature and faculties.”   (Subjection of Women, Chapter I, p. 273)—John Stuart Mill (1806-1873). See also data on pertinent mental disorders.

"The Right's Stupidity Spreads, Enabled by a Too-Polite Left," says George Monbiot, The Guardian/UK (Tuesday, 7 February 2012), citing "the Canadian study published last month in the journal Psychological Science which revealed that people with conservative beliefs are likely to be of low intelligence." For details, see the study by Gordon Hodson and Michael A. Busseri, "Bright Minds and Dark Attitudes: Lower Cognitive Ability Predicts Greater Prejudice Through Right-Wing Ideology and Low Intergroup Contact" (Psychological Science, February 2012, Vol. 23, Issue # 2, pp. 187-195).

The GOP's "suicide caucus" members hysterical to prevent Americans having health care are from atypical and/or gerrymandered districts, says Ryan Lizza, "Where the G.O.P.'s Suicide Caucus Lives" (The New Yorker, 26 September 2013).

Conservatives are more prone to believing falsehoods, with this proneness increasing after being told the truth, says the article "The Power of Political Misinformation" (Washington Post, 15 Sept. 2008, p A6). Said another way, "No need to tell the neocons facts, they just get dumber, and dumber." Such conservatives are "utterly immune to the truth -- and indeed, the truth only makes them dig deeper into their fantasy world," says Allen L. Roland, Ph.D., "Dealing with Right Wing Conservatives" (18 October 2008). Jean Paul Sartre, in "Portrait of the Anti-Semite" in Partisan Review 8, no. 2 (1946), translated by Mary Guggenheim, reprinted in Bigotry, Prejudice and Hatred, eds. Robert M. Baird and Stuart E. Rosenbaum (Buffalo, New York: Prometheus Books, 1992), Chapter 3, pp 35-45, described this same psychiatric pattern among anti-semites.

Conservatives are in medical terms, unresponsive to stimuli, with fragmentation, seemingly similar to schizophrenia. And see pertinent video 1 and 2, with examples of their delusions (labelled as "BS" in video 1). See also 2 Timothy 1:7 on having a "sound mind," which conservatives typically lack.

Indeed, "the Fox viewership seems to be marked by a sort of collective personality disorder," says Cynthia Boaz, Ph.D., "14 Propaganda Techniques Fox 'News' Uses to Brainwash Americans" (2 July 2011). See also
  • Chris Mooney, The Republican Brain: The Science of Why They Deny Science and Reality (Wiley, 1 April 2012)
  • "The Science Of Fox News: Why Its Viewers Are The Most Misinformed" (23 October 2014)
  • "Study: Fox News Viewers Have an IQ 20 Points Below US Average" (9 December 2012): "Study shows that the Americans who watch Fox News have an average IQ of 80, whereas the national average is 100. . . . [contrast] the [IQ] score of 70, which is where psychiatrists diagnose mental retardation. 'Several previous studies show that self-identified conservatives are less intelligent than self-identified moderates. We have never seen such a homogeneous group teetering so close to special needs levels.'"

    Due to their doubly poor mental state, both low intelligence and pyschiatric disorder symptoms, conservatives were easily duped by the propaganda about IRS audits of tobacco lobby front groups, alias the 'Tea Party.' See truthful analyses (analyses beyond the low comprehension of conservatives), such as exist by Pam Martens, "IRS Sleuths Were on the Right Track: Big Tobacco Created Tea Party in 1994" (22 May 2013): "Big Tobacco not only created the Tea Party, it has promoted it over decades, pumped millions into marketing it, and pulled it out of its magic hat every time it needed to produce an overnight, spontaneous “grassroots” movement." Thus IRS agents were on the right track, asking the real purpose of the conservative groups claiming 26 U.S.C. § 501(c)(4) tax exempt status, as by federal law, "501(c)(4) organizations are civic leagues or associations operated exclusively for the promotion of social welfare or local associations of employees with limited membership." Groups supporting the tobacco holocaust, Jack Kevorkian style, working to enable millions to be poisoned to death, are the extreme opposite of "promotion of social welfare"! And see non-scandal background; and Heather Cox Richardson, "GOP’s Shutdown Debacle Resembles Our First … in 1879!" (30 September 2013) ("A conservative minority [of Confederates, tobacco planters] refused to fund the government unless the president [Hayes] gave them their agenda. . . . the very same men who had made war against the government on the [Civil War] battlefield were making war against it from their congressional seats.") (See also "What the 'T' in 'Tea Party' Stands For".

    "Attitudes that provoked the Civil War and still cause much red state-blue state nastiness have never disappeared, whether the issue is race, religion, guns, states' rights, trade, central banks or immigration," a quote from the review by Prof. Geoffrey Wawro of the book by Simon Winchester, OBE, The Men Who United the States (Harper Collins Pub, 15 October 2013).

    Conservatives' fantasy world includes "magical thinking." Things happen by magic. They wish a thing, wave their magic wand, presto, it happens. It's a sad trait of the ill-educated sound byte generation, all problems solved during the half-hour TV program, a symptom blatantly evident among conservatives. This symptom is enhanced by conservatives' delusions of grandeur, that they are so awesome that everyone must jump when they crack the whip, mouth off, wave their magic wand. They don't focus on realities such as genuine prevention issues (which they may, indeed often, undermine).

    "The whole art of Conservative politics . . . is being deployed to enable wealth to persuade poverty [scam the middle class and poor] to use its political freedom to keep wealth [the rich and powerful] in power," says Aneurin Bevan, cited in William Blum, Killing Hope (Monroe, Maine: Common Courage Press, 2004), Chapter 3, p 34.   “Feingold and other endangered Democrats face the oddest of coalitions [conservatives aka tea-baggers]. Working-class voters most damaged by corporate America have made common cause with new, faux populists to demand tax cuts for the wealthy, the continued under-regulation of corporations such as BP and Goldman Sachs and the repeal of Obama's health system overhaul so that insurers can decide who will and won't get care. What is best for business is best for America."   [Conservatives aka Tea-baggers] "seem willing to send clowns to Washington,” says Margaret Carlson, author of “Anyone Can Grow Up: How George Bush and I Made It to the White House” and former White House correspondent for Time magazine, [now] a Bloomberg News columnist, in “Lifelong maverick senator faces angry electorate, Tea Party candidate,” in Macomb Daily (18 October 2010), p 8A. And see Eric Alterman, "The Tea Party’s Forebears Are a Movement of the Rich" (31 October 2013), saying “The rich and their allies 'practice a tradition' of recruiting the lower classes to their cause,” citing sociologist Isaac William Martin's book Rich People’s Movements: Grassroots Campaigns to Untax the One Percent (Oxford University Press, USA, 2 September 2013).

    Conservatives even sabotage themselves by believing their own falsehoods and delusions! See, in health care context, examples in Prof. David Michael Green's “My 1933 Nightmare”   (Common Dreams.org, 11 August 2009). Green cites their “willful ignorance translated into incoherent, and in fact ironically self-defeating, rage . . . in a country populated by so many fools, people who can so readily, proudly and belligerently be made into tools of their own destruction . . . the greatest political, economic, cultural and military power on the world's stage . . . so incredibly backward at its core.”) And see Roger Hoppe, “24 Ways Republicans Lie” (26 August 2002).

    When you try to disabuse conservatives of their delusions, expect that they may retaliate by accusing you of being delusional!! “Is it not common knowledge that the belief that others are mentally ill rather than oneself is one of the commonest signs of mental illness?" says Karl A. Menninger, M.D., The Crime of Punishment (New York: Viking Press, 1968), p 99.

    Rational "people understand that the real issue . . . is not just the desire of Republicans to defund Obamacare. At a time when the middle class is collapsing and poverty is increasing, these right-wing ideologues want to repeal virtually every piece of legislation passed in the last 80 years which protects the elderly, the children, the sick, the poor and the environment. The truth is that ending Obamacare is just a small part of the right-wing extremist agenda, which is heavily funded by the Koch brothers and other very wealthy and powerful special interests. Their full agenda includes privatizing Social Security, ending Medicare as we know it, slashing Medicaid funding, eliminating the EPA and the Department of Energy and abolishing the concept of the minimum wage. Needless to say, they also want more tax breaks for the rich and large corporations. It should be clear to everyone that their long-term goal is to move this country into an oligarchic [monarchical] form of society in which billionaires completely control the economic and political life of this nation," says Senator Bernie Sanders, "The Political Crisis in Washington" (9 October 2013). And see Mary Bottari saying likewise.)

    "[T]here is much that is reminiscent - in the [October 2013] Republican Congressional strategy [shutting down the federal government] - of the approach taken by the Nazi Party in the Reichstag prior to the rise of Hitler. Specifically, the Nazis, though elected officials, were not at all interested in governing within the context of the Weimar Republic. Their main objective was to discredit the Weimar state and to bring about its collapse, thus permitting a complete assumption of power by the Nazi Party. [Re] the Tea Party Republicans who have been moving the shutdown, one has to be struck by the cavalier approach that has been taken. It is not simply that they are shutting down the government, yet receiving paychecks themselves. It is more about an orchestrated attempt to discredit the function of government. By this I mean not only discrediting public service, but also discrediting the ability of the political system to operate," says Bill Fletcher, Jr., "When Does Government Become A Circus... And What Are The Implications?" (10 October 2013).

    See also

  • John Dean, Conservatives Without Conscience (2006), and

  • Ralph Nader, in "United States Congress: A Graveyard for Democracy and Justice"   (Thursday, 19 January 2012), discussing the Republicanized Congress elected in 2010, says "Will someone call a psychiatrist? This is a Congress that is beyond dysfunctional."

    Note standard psychiatric data, the “special [warped] laws of logic that the schizophrenic uses in support of his complexes or ideas, which to us seem delusional. . . . keep in mind that” what “seems absurd to us is expressed . . . by the patient . . . To him, his idea is rational, unquestionable, based on an absolute conviction of its truth. His unconscious motivation, a desire that cannot be controlled . . . obliges the patient to use unusual ways of thinking,” p. 65, Understanding and Helping the Schizophrenic (New York: Basic Books, 1979), by Dr. Silvano Arieti. At 46, “The patient does not attempt to demonstrate the validity of his ideas. He 'knows'; that is enough. His knowledge comes from an inner, unchallenged certitude that does not require demonstration. 'He knows.'”

    At 24, “To date, it has not been demonstrated that the schizophrenic can be taught or coerced or convinced not to have these thoughts,” says Schizophrenia: Symptoms, Causes, Treatments (New York: Norton, 1979), by Kayla Bernheim, Ph.D., and Richard Lewine, Ph.D.

    See also Max Blumenthal, Republican Gomorrah: Inside the Movement that Shattered the Party (New York: Nation Books, 2009) (Review: "The book is very strong in describing the psychopathology that permeates so many of today's prominent personalities in the Republican Party leading to their poisonous policies and practices. Indeed, Blumenthal argues that psychopathology has captured the G. O. P. . . . Oozing psychopathology from every pore, these out-of-control and power-hungry 'whack jobs' (a la Sarah Palin) are laying the tracks for a catastrophic train wreck. The lesson for the U.S. and for the world can be summed up in one word: Beware.")

    Susan Estrich, "Perry Crosses the Line With Treason Comment" (Friday, 19 August 2011).

    Such psychiatric data answers the question, “Why Are Right-Wing Politicians So Smug?” by Ann Davidow (16 April 2010).

    So does the article "The GOP's Disastrous Ideas: Why Brazil, India, and China will be thrilled if Republicans win the midterms," by Eliot Spitzer (12 October 2010): "'There you go again.' Those now-famous words pretty much sealed the deal in the Ronald Reagan-Jimmy Carter debate in 1980 and proved what we have seen over and over: In politics, charm and wit usually count more than facts and logic. After Reagan's victory, we set out on a path of deregulation and tax cuts, a 30-year run on borrowed money and borrowed time that ended horribly in 2008. We know now where we stand in terms of what matters: a jobs crisis, declining middle-class incomes, structural federal budget deficits, trade deficits, and on and on. . . . We had better face up to a stark and uncomfortable reality: The clock is running out on our status as the world's dominant political and economic power. Platitudes, make believe, and hoping it will be so are not going to carry us any further. We have three weeks to make this choice. Because if we end up with a [Republican] Congress and a [thereby crippled Obama] White House that fail to re-chart our course over the next two years, it is clear who the winner will be. It will not be the person sworn in as president in 2013. It will be China, Brazil, and India. They are loving every minute of this."

    Adron Leonard, "The Bureau and the Journalist: Victor Riesel's Secret Relationship With the FBI" (14 February 2013) ("exposes how right wing columnist Victor Riesel, who died in 1995, willingly used his columns to spread negative and false propaganda, which was fed to him by the FBI, in order to discredit various progressive groups. This article is based on research from Riesel's personal archives, which eventually became available for scholars to study after he died. As this post points out, there are disturbing similarities between the way Riesel's numerous newspaper columns viciously attacked progressive groups, (at a time when he was clearly working in tandem with the FBI's clandestine program to disrupt and discredit the left (COINTELPRO)); and the way certain reporters and news media repeatedly published false attacks against Occupy Wall Street beginning in the fall of 2011").

    Examples of pertinent terminology include but are not limited to abulia,   dyscalculia and acalculia,   dyslexia,   fragmentation,   schizophasia,   confabulation,   delusions including of grandeur,   loosened associations,   psychopathology,   time disorientation,   unyielding unresponsiveness to normal stimuli, autistic, and anosognosia.

    Many people are doing a great job explaining conservatives' errors to conservatives, but . . . to no avail. Why? Having a "sound mind" is a gift, 2 Timothy 1:7, and conservatives disproportionately lack it. The Bible says to not “cast pearls before swine,” Matthew 7:6.

    It's good advice — not to even try, with some people. They claim to like citing the Bible. Here are some Bible cites for them, showing them to be lost, damned, predestined so. See Romans 8:29-30, cf. Ephesians 1:5 and 1:11.

    People trying to help conservatives get a grasp on reality generally write well, and would persuade the save-able, but it's hopeless with the predestined lost. You can't overrule God's will in that regard.

    This should be especially clear with conservatives who support ultra evils such as war and torture, in ultra violation of multiple Bible commandments of God, https://medicolegal.tripod.com/warisasin.htm

    Such pro-war conservative people are predestined to such rebellion against God's way, that's how God could predict wars !!! :) so far in advance.

    Additionally, conservatives often sabotage prevention of tobacco-related social evils they purport to oppose. For example, see data on the following subjects:

    abortion -- smokers 53-80% higher rate
    Abortion rates go up with Republicans,
    down with Democrats in office
    divorce -- 53% higher rate among smokers
    alcoholism -- 90% by tobacco users
    drugs -- 90-99% by tobacco users
    crime -- 90% by tobacco users.

    Rev. S. R. Shearer reveals the actual pro-death beliefs of Republicans and their accessories whose policies when in office increase the abortion rate, in "How the GOP and its ally, the Religious Right, have created a Death Cult" (10 February 2012) ("Contemporary conservatism is bent on destroying the social safety net (basic programs such as Social Security and unemployment insurance). . . . As recent data suggests, poverty leads to death and a diminished lifespan. When the ... Republicans stand against food stamps, unemployment insurance, Medicaid, and other programs for those displaced by the Great Recession, through actions both direct and indirect, they are in fact killing people." Such people talk pro-life, but in fact are pro-death by their voting.)

    Notwithstanding these long and well-documented facts, conservatives regularly fight anti-tobacco laws, while denouncing effects of not having such laws! And they appoint pro-tobacco types as judges to strike down efforts to control tobacco. Conservatives stupidly refuse to even apply the simple concept of prevention summarized so well in the 19th century in these words: Eliminate the cause; the effect disappears. "Sublatâ causa, tollitur effectus: Otez la cause, l'effet disparaît."—Dr. Hippolyte Adéon Depierris, Physiologie Sociale (Paris: Dentu, 1876), p 328.

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