How to Prevent AIDS

AIDS is an acquired immune deficiency. Acquired from what? Have the media told us all the facts about its causation? and how long physicians have known it renders people more susceptible to diseases?

If so, why are allegations of censorship made?

How about this solution. Let's look at medical journals, and learn what doctors write to other doctors.

This site, one in a series of educational sites, assists in preventing AIDS by providing educational information. This material is not based on the media, but rather on medical journals and books.

Such professional sources say something you may not otherwise learn.

What is that?, you ask.

Answer: They, unlike the censored media, cite the real underlying scientific facts and truth, the role of cigarettes in the AIDS process (the cigarettes-AIDS link).

You ask, How are cigarettes linked to AIDS?

Answer: Cigarettes are linked scientifically to AIDS four (4) ways. They
(a) contain toxic chemicals,

(b) impair the immune system setting up the body for numerous diseases, by increasing susceptibility,

(c) have a role in leading to other drugs, and

(d) cause abulia and impaired self-defense reflex, leading to committing high-risk behaviors.

This adverse quadruple action makes cigarettes a risk factor in AIDS.

Note that
"preliminary studies indicate that gay men and lesbians tend to smoke more than their heterosexual counterparts. Several small studies show that smoking rates among gays and lesbians are high and increasing rapidly," says "Tobacco Use and Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) Populations" (1998).

  • "smoking rates are higher among adolescent and adult lesbians, gays, and bisexuals than in the general population," says American Journal of Preventive Medicine (2001).

  • For example, "Gay men and lesbians in California are 70 percent more likely to smoke than the general population, according to a recent UCLA study," says "NPR: Anti-Smoking Campaign Targets Gays" (22 July 2003).

  • "The percentage of young gays and lesbians who smoke is nearly double the national average among teens," says "Smoking By Young Gays At 'Alarming' Level" (26 October 2004).

  • "There were consistent patterns of elevated drug use in homosexually experienced individuals for life-time drug use, but these were greatly attenuated for recent use. Homosexually experienced men were more likely to report use of marijuana, cocaine and heroin, and homosexually experienced women more likely to report use of marijuana and analgesics than individuals reporting only opposite-sex partners. Both homosexually active men and women were more likely than exclusively heterosexually active respondents to report at least one symptom indicating dysfunctional drug use across all drug classes, and to meet criteria for marijuana dependence syndrome," say S. D. Cochran SD, D Ackerman, V. M. Mays, and M. W. Ross, "Prevalence of non-medical drug use and dependence among homosexually active men and women in the US population," 99 Addiction (#8) 989-998 (2004).

  • "Overall, homosexually experienced women are more likely than exclusively heterosexually experienced women to currently-smoke and to evidence higher levels of alcohol consumption, both in frequency and quantity," say S.A. Burgard, S. D. Cochran, and V. M. Mays, "Alcohol and tobacco use patterns among heterosexually and homosexually experienced California women," 77 Drug and Alcohol Dependence (#1) 61-70 (2005).

  • "Smoke-filled bars and clubs are common hang outs for some gay men. For this reason, according to the American Cancer Society, gay men are more likely to smoke or be exposed to smoke. A recent article on gay smoking cites 36 percent of LGBT adults are smokers, compared with 25 percent of all adults. Smoking accelerates the progression of AIDS and increases the risk of lung cancer. HIV also accelerates smoking-induced emphysema," says Ramon Johnson, "Gay Smoking and Cancer: Gays Have Higher Cancer Risk" (2006).

  • And see bibliography at Project Cork of Dartmouth Medical School.

  • The role of cigarettes in AIDS in the context of its adverse immune system effects has been repeatedly cited in medical journals, for example, by

    (1) Guy R. Newell, M.D., Peter W. A. Mansell, M.D., Michael B. Wilson, M.Ed., H. Keith Lynch, M.S., Margaret R. Spitz, M.D., and Evan M. Hersh, M.D., "Risk Factor Analysis Among Men Referred for Possible Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome," 14 Preventive Medicine 81-91 (1985);

    (2) Martin T. Schechter, M.D., M.Sc., Ph.D., William J. Boyko, M.D., F.R.C.P.C., Eric Jeffries, M.B., M.P.H., F.R.C.P.C., Brian Willoughby, M.D., C.C.F.P., Rod Nitz, M.D., Peter Constance, M.B., B.S., Michael Weaver, Ph.D., Barry Wiggs, M.Sc., and Michael O'Shaughnessy, Ph.D., "The Vancouver Lymphadenopathy - AIDS Study: 4. Effects of Exposure Factors, Cofactors and HTLV-III Seropositivity on Number of Helper T Cells," 133 Canadian Medical Ass'n Journal 286-292 (15 Aug 1985);

    (3) Neal A. Halsey, M.D., Jacqueline S. Coberly, Ph.D., Elizabeth Holt, Dr.P.H., Jeannine Coreil, Ph.D., Patricia Kissinger, B.S.N., M.P.H., Lawrence H. Mouton, Ph.D., Jean-Robert Brutus, M.D., M.P.H., and Reginald Boulos, M.D., M.P.H., "Sexual Behavior, Smoking and HIV-1 Infection in Haitian Women," 267 Journal of the American Medical Ass'n 2062-2066 (15 April 1992); and

    (4) Sarah B. Watstein and Karen Chadler, The AIDS Dictionary (NY: Facts on File, Inc., 1998), p 253.

    Cigarettes' toxic chemicals impair the immune system. The underlying fact about tobacco smoke is that its massive quantities of toxic chemicals cause
    "mutations of cellular genetic structures, deviation of cellular characteristics from their optimal normal state [leading to] a body-wide spectrum of disease,"—R. T. Ravenholt, M.D., M.P.H., writing in 307 New Engl Journal of Med (#5) 312 (29 July 1982).

    "Loss of activation of [normality] leads to a variety of immunologic disorders characterized by autoimmunity or immunodeficiency . . . Major immunologic abnormalities result from alterations in the mature T-cell subsets."—Ellis L. Reinherz, M.D. and Stuart F. Schlossman, M.D., "Regulation of the Immune Response--Inducer and Suppressor T-Lymphocyte Subsets in Human Beings," 303 New Engl J of Med 370-373 (14 Aug 1980).

    Other recommended papers and books include but are not limited to the following:

    (a) W. R. Thomas, P. G. Holt, and D. Keast, "Recovery of Immune System After Cigarette Smoking," 248 Nature 358-359 (22 March 1974);

    (b) Gunnar Nymand, "Maternal Smoking and Immunity," 2 The Lancet 1379-1380 (7 Dec 1974);

    (c) J. M. Hopkin and H. J. Evans, "Cigarette Smoke Condensates Damage DNA in Human Lymphocytes," 279 Nature 241-242 (17 May 1979);

    (d) John W. Gerrard, D.M., Douglas C. Heiner, M.D., M.Sc., Joseph Mink, B.Sc., Aileen Meyers, B.Sc., and James A. Dosman, M.D., "Immunoglobulin Levels in Smokers and Non-Smokers," 44 Annals of Allergy 261-262 (May 1980);

    (e) C. P. W.Warren, M.B., F.R.C.P.(C), V. Holford-Stevens, Ph.D., C. Wong, M.Sc., and J. Manfreda, M.D., "The Relationship Between Smoking and Total Immunoglobulin E Levels," 69 J of Allergy and Clinical Immunology 370-375 (April 1982);

    (f) Prof Robert C. Burton, "Smoking, Immunity, and Cancer," 2 Med J of Australia 411-412 (29 Oct 1983);

    (g) J. J. McKenna, R. Miles, D. Lemen, S. H. Danford, and R. Renirie, "Unmasking AIDS: Chemical Immunosuppression and Seronegative Syphilis," 21 Medical Hypotheses 421-430 (1986);

    (h) Lauritsen, John and Hank Wilson, Death Rush, Poppers and AIDS (New York: Pagan Press, 1986);

    (i) Biglan, A; Metzler, CW; Wirt R; Ary D; Noell, J; Ochs, L; French, C; Hood, D, "Social and Behavioral Factors Associated With High-Risk Sexual Behavior Among Adolescents," 13 J Behav Med (#3) 245-261 (June 1990);

    (j) Lauritsen, J, "The 'AIDS' War: Censorship and Propaganda Dominate Media Coverage of the Epidemic," New York Native (12 August 1991);

    (k) Morabia, Alfredo, "Poppers, Kaposi's Sarcoma, and HIV Infection: Empirical Example of a Strong Confounding Effect?" 24 Prev Med (#1) 90-95 (Jan 1995); and

    (l) Duesberg, Prof. Peter H., Inventing the AIDS Virus (Washington, DC: Regnery Publishing, Inc, 1996).

    (m) Multiple Sclerosis and Smoking, 154 Amer J Epidemiology 69-74 (2001) (MS is an immune-system related disease; smokers are more likely to develop MS; comparison with nonsmokers reveals current smokers more likely to get MS, i.e., 60% more likely. Smoking is also linked to other immune-system-related conditions, e.g., rheumatoid arthritis and lupus).

    "Tobacco . . . invites disease," says William A. Alcott M.D., The Use of Tobacco: Its Physical, Intellectual, and Moral Effects on The Human System (New York: Fowler and Wells, 1836), p 83, citing the example of cholera.

    "That smokers are more liable than others to infections of various sorts is known, and is probably the result of the lowering of vital resistance which the use of the drug always produces," says John H. Kellogg, M.D., LL.D., F.A.C.S., Tobaccoism, or, How Tobacco Kills (Battle Creek, Mich: The Modern Medicine Publishing Co, 1922), p 110. Dr. Kellogg also noted evidence of a resistance-lowering effect of tobacco, leading to tuberculosis, p 55.

    The first virus ever isolated was the tobacco mosaic virus, in 1892—Duesberg, supra, p 69.

    Underlying the adverse impact of cigarettes' toxic chemicals on the body, damaging the immune system, making people (especially smokers) more liable to infection and disease, is the fact that cigarettes contain well-established deleterious ingredients. This fact is so well-established in medicine that an appellate court took judicial notice of the fact, in the case of Banzhaf v F.C.C., 132 US App DC 14, 29; 405 F2d 1082, 1097 (1968) cert den 396 US 842 (1969). For details, the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS), Reducing the Health Consequences of Smoking: 25 Years of Progress: a Report of the Surgeon General, Publication CDC 89-8411, Table 7, pp 86-87 (1989), lists examples of deleterious ingredients including but not limited to:

    acetaldehyde (1.4+ mg)arsenic (500+ ng)benzo(a)pyrene (.1+ ng)
    cadmium (1,300+ ng)crotonaldehyde (.2+ µg)chromium (1,000+ ng)
    ethylcarbamate 310+ ng)formaldehyde (1.6+ µg)hydrazine (14+ ng)
    lead (8+ µg)nickel (2,000+ ng)radioactive polonium (.2+ Pci).

    Actually, judicial notice of cigarettes' deleteriousness was taken as long ago as pursuant to an 1897 Tennessee law, in Austin v State, 101 Tenn 563; 566-7; 48 SW 305, 306; 70 Am St Rep 703 (1898) affirmed 179 US 343 (1900). Michigan soon thereafter passed a law banning unsafe cigarettes, law numberMCL § 750.27, MSA § 28.216.

    Due to their deleterious ingredients, cigarettes emit deleterious emissions. Due to cigarettes' deleterious nature and ingredients, they, when lit, emit deleterious emissions. The Department of Health, Education and Welfare (DHEW), Smoking and Health: Report of the Advisory Committee to the Surgeon General of the Public Health Service, PHS Pub 1103, Table 4, p 60 (1964), lists examples of deleterious emissions (contrasted to the chemicals' "speed limits" set by the safety rule 29 CFR § 1910.1000) including but not limited to:

    acetaldehyde 3,200 ppm 200.0 ppm
    acrolein 150 ppm 0.5 ppm
    ammonia 300 ppm 150.0 ppm
    carbon monoxide 42,000 ppm 100.0 ppm
    formaldehyde 30 ppm 5.0 ppm
    hydrogen cyanide 1,600 ppm 10.0 ppm
    hydrogen sulfide 40 ppm 20.0 ppm
    methyl chloride 1,200 ppm 100.0 ppm
    nitrogen dioxide 250 ppm 5.0 ppm

    A. Biglan, et al, "Social and Behavioral Factors Associated With High-Risk Sexual Behavior Among Adolescents," 13 J Behav Med 245-261, supra, show that risky behaviors are significantly intercorrelated, and that an index of high risk behavior was significantly correlated to antisocial behavior, cigarette smoking, and illicit drug or alcohol use. This is particularly significant as cigarettes are typically the starter drug delivery agent, initiating children into drugs.

    See also the study by S. Bryn Austin, ScD; Najat Ziyadeh, MPH; Laurie B. Fisher, SM; Jessica A. Kahn, MD, MPH; Graham A. Colditz, MD, DrPH; A. Lindsay Frazier, MD, MSc, "Sexual Orientation and Tobacco Use in a Cohort Study of US Adolescent Girls and Boys," 158 Archives of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine, 317-322 (April 2004). The study shows that: "Lesbian and bisexual teen girls are more vulnerable to tobacco use and cigarette marketing than their heterosexual counterparts." This follows from the mid-1990s when R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Co. created the "Subculture urban marketing" Project SCUM campaign, targeting the gay community and the homeless in San Francisco.

    See related data from a century ago, 1889.

    In 1909, during the administration of three-term activist Governor Fred Warner, the Michigan legislature passed a law forbidding manufacture, giveaway, and sale of deleterious and adulterated cigarettes. (As with any other product, safe ones are allowed. The idea of the safe cigarettes law is to halt the fact that smokers are discriminated against by being the only people regularly sold a known deleterious ingredient. Other deleterious products are taken off the market as soon as deleteriousness is known. Smokers are thus the only group denied the benefit of standard product protection law.) The smokers' rights' safe-cigarettes law, MCL § 750.27, MSA § 28.216, bans
    "any person within the state" from action that "manufactures, sells or gives to anyone, any cigarette containing any ingredient deleterious to health or foreign to tobacco . . . ."

    Of course, due to cigarettes' other adverse effects, the law has the side benefit of potentially eliminating other cigarette adverse consequences as well, effects detailed at other sections of this website.

    Analysts have also found that drug dependence does not suddenly occur overnight! A nonsmoker suddenly wants to use crack cocaine! Not so. Drug dependence develops in stages, over a period of years. People who do not use the starter drug, rarely proceed to later drugs in the sequence.

    Tobacco use is an addiction, not a habit, see Ronald M. Davis, M.D., (a health authority during Gov. John Engler's first term), "The Language of Nicotine Addiction: Purging the Word 'Habit' From Our Lexicon," 1 Tobacco Control 163-164 (1992), opposing the tobacco lobby/media lie that smoking is merely a habit. Indeed, smoking is much worse than merely an addition. Smoking directly causes brain damage.

    The National Institute on Drug Abuse reports that daily use of marijuana is 20 times higher among high school seniors who smoke tobacco, and the daily use of other illicit drugs is 13 times higher among smokers." [Fishburne PM, Abelson HI, Cisin I, "National Survey on Drug Abuse: Main Findings, 1979" (1980)], cited in DiFranza, JR, Guerrera MP, "Alcoholism and Smoking," 51 Journal of Studies on Alcohol (#2) 130-135 (1990).

    So professionals and people who are sincere about wanting to prevent drug abuse, recognize that intervention must needs be occurring at the earliest stage—cigarettes. (Think about it; they wouldn't be citing issues of intervention at early stages, if stages were not something that is occurring!) See, e.g.,

    "Medical physicians and researchers have . . . described the drug problem rampant among many homsoexuals."—Duesberg, Inventing the AIDS Virus, supra, p 266.

    "Joan McKenna, an AIDS therapist from Berkely, California, described similar drug abuse patterns among one hundred homosexual men in her medical practice: "We found . . . nearly universal use of marijuana; a multiple and complex use of LSD, MSA, PCP, heroin, cocaine, amyl and butyl nitrites, amphetamines, barbiturates, ethyl chloride, opium, mushrooms, and what are referred to as designer drugs,'" pp 266-267.

    "John Lauritsen and Hank Wilson noted that 'Leaders of People With AIDS, who have known hundreds of PWA's, state that most of them were heavily into drugs, and all of them used poppers,' and that the owner of a prominent homosexual sex club in New York candidly admitted, 'I really don't known anybody who's had AIDS who hasn't used drugs.'" Duesberg, supra, p 267, citing Lauritsen, Death Rush, p 11, supra.

    Re the issue of censorship in the media, Dr. Duesberg asks this pertinent question: "Since drug abuse can severely damage the immune system, why has AIDS been identified primarily with sex, especially sex among homsoexuals?," p 266.

    Christopher Barillas, writing in "Alcohol Also known as: Booze, Hooch, Liquor" says, e.g., "Strong associations between alcohol use and high-risk sexual behavior among gay men has been reported by the government since at least the early 1990s" (25 September 2001).

    Christopher Barillas, writing in "Ketamine Also known as: Special K," says, e.g., "Because of its low cost, general tolerance and wide accessibility, Ketamine or Special K has become a staple of sorts among drug-using gay party goers. Special K is highly prized for the disassociative high (your mind separates from your body) it gives users and is often used in combination with other drugs such as ecstacy, crystal, cocaine and even heroin." And: "Some of Ketamine's dangers are behavioral. Many users say that in low doses Ketamine acts as an aphrodisiac and that it lowers sexual inhibitions. Obviously in such a state you might feel more prone to take greater sexual risks with your partner or partners, increasing your risk for contracting or transmitting HIV."

    Of course, it is a myth that the "mind separates from the body." What is happening is that brain damage is being caused, damaging the ability of the brain to receive the messages the body, via the eyes, ears, nerves, etc., is sending to the brain!

    It is well-established that tobacco is linked to both drug abuse and to brain damage, thus to the "behavioral" effects/deterioration that Barillas cites. The term for this behavioral deterioration is abulia.

    It is well-established that there is media censorship of tobacco related facts especially including of abulia. The media's widespread censorship of tobacco facts, to the extreme of printing gross disinformation, has been cited since at least 1930, see

    The tobacco taboo goes to the extreme of widespread refusal "even to read any book or article which refers to the harmfulness of tobacco . . . or in any other way exposes the evils of the drug." See Frank L. Wood, M.D., What You Should Know About Tobacco (Wichita, KS: The Wichita Publishing Co, 1944), p 63. Media censorship of tobacco news was bad enough then—even extreme disformation of calling smoking a habit—which it is not.

    Now the media is concealing tobacco's role in drug abuse and thus as the underlying factor in the immune deficiency known as AIDS. Let us note the summary of the matter:

    Minorities are targeted, as tobacco pushers target blacks, e.g., illegally sell cigarettes to minority children in particular, as shown by Klonoff, et al., "An Experimental Analysis of Sociocultural Variables in Sales of Cigarettes to Minors," 87 Am J Pub Health 823-826 (May 1997). Illegal sales are MORE to minority youth, than to white youth.
    Blacks are 13% of the U.S. population, but have 38% of all AIDS cases; over 60% of those are among black women and children.
    See also the and sites.

    “There is no viable alternative to the control of AIDS besides prevention. . . . quitting smoking, abstaining from substance abuse . . . However, the level of success in such efforts often is not high.”—Robin P. Graham, PhD, MPH, John P. Kirscht, PhD, Ronald C. Kessler, PhD, Saxon Graham, PhD, “Longitudinal Study of Relapse From AIDS-Preventive Behavior Among Homosexual Men,” 25 Health Educ & Behavior (#5) 625-639 (Oct 1998).

    That analysis is sound. Prevention at the personal level is failing. (This is due to several factors, tobacco-induced abulia, racism, and governmental corruption.) Prevention at the manufacturing and sale level, the Michigan approach, is needed.

    Note the reference, “Tobacco Use as a Mental Disorder: The Rediscovery of a Medical Problem,” by Prof. Jerome H. Jaffe, M.D. (Columbia University), writing for the limited-distribution government publication, Research on Smoking Behavior: NIDA Research Monograph 17, pp 202-217 (Dec 1977). This professional reference, not readily known to the modern public, cited rediscovery of the data on tobacco as mental disorder. This rediscovery of already known-data was needed due to the tobacco taboo, the deliberate long-term policy of censoring and suppressing awareness of that data, and the perverse, deliberately ignorant, willful insistence that tobacco-induced mental disorders and brain damage are merely a 'habit.'

    And see data by C. W. Heath, "Differences between smokers and non-smokers," 101 AMA Archives of Internal Medicine 377 (1958), as cited by the 1964 Surgeon General Report, page 387, on tobacco's emasculating effect.

    It was naively thought in December 1977 that this censorship policy might be overcome, and that once the public knew smoking is a mental disorder, not a mere habit, that would have a major impact on the public's perception of smokers ("a profound effect upon the reputation of this behavior"!)

    However, in the same era, despite the tobacco-AIDS-homosexual activities-connection, regression (via tobacco taboo and dumbed-down education) was occurring on the latter point. Indeed, during the benighted period prior to the “rediscovery of tobacco use as a mental disorder,”

    “an increasing number of psychologists and psychiatrists” were challenging the analysis
  • [in the 1952 Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders § 320.6, pp 98 and 121, and
  • in the 1968 edition, Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 2nd ed. (1968), DSM-II, § 302, p 92, "sexual deviation" and § 302.0, p 44, “Homosexuality”]
  • “that homosexuality is a mental disorder [sexual deviation] . . . and, finally [during the regression stage] the American Psychiatric Association voted to drop homosexuality from the official list of mental disorders . . . while on December 14, 1973, homosexuals were considered mentally disordered sexual deviants, on December 15, 1973 [and thereafter, to present], they were no longer so considered.”—James C. Coleman, Ph.D., Abnormal Psychology and Modern Life, 5th ed (Scott, Foresman & Co, 1976), p 590.
    See also background on
  • a. the tobacco promiscuity-higher risk sexual behavior link
  • b. certain citations of related aberrant behaviors
  • the twin methods of preventing you from knowing the data at a. above,
  • the tobacco taboo, and
  • the dumbing-down of education.

  • Residual effects of the benighted era continued through 26 June 2013 when in United States v. Windsor (Docket No. 12-307), the U.S. Supreme Court declared that what had before been known to be a mental disorder, is now a protected constitutional right! Dumbing down even includes Supreme Court judges. They were ignorant of the fact that
  • the mentally ill already have enough rights. Legal precedents such as Barylski v Paul, 38 Mich App 614; 196 NW2d 868 (1972) already showed that insane people have the same civil law responsibility for their torts as sane people, except, perhaps, for those torts requiring malice, if the insane person were to be so disordered as to be unable to think that deeply.
  • the public has a right to self defense against exposure to dangerous mentally ill individuals such as persons with a propensity to, for example, AIDS. The average person is not garbed like, say, a dentist or medical staffer, with masks and gloves, for self protection against transmittable disease or blood contact. The right of self protection is a pre-constitutional right, incorporated by reference into the Constitution's Bill of Rights, the Tenth Amendment. Thus granting the mentally rights that will foreseeably interfere with or obstruct exercise of such right, is unconstitutional.
  • Perhaps there will be another “rediscovery” of these aspects, without yet another lost century or so as with tobacco. In the meantime, large numbers are impacted. Since 1973, new issues have arisen, of which a recent one (2003-2008) is “gay marriage.” Of all the claims by the so-called 'both sides' (really nothing but insincere 'posturing'), neither side cites, or even acknowledges existence of, the medical fact and history data (summarized above). The tobacco taboo remains in full control. Disregarding significant aspects of scientific fact is “junk science,” hence improper. See precedents, e.g.,
  • U.S. v Amaral, 488 F2d 1148 (CA 3, 1973)
  • Richardson v Richardson v Richardson-Merrill, Inc, 273 US App DC 32; 857 F2d 823 (1988)
  • Christophersen v Allied-Signal Corp, 939 F2d 1106 (CA 5, 1991)
  • Brock v Merrell J. Dow Pharmaceuticals, Inc, 874 F2d 307 (CA 5, 1989)
  • eventually reaching the Supreme Court, Daubert v Merrell Dow Pharmaceuticals, Inc, 509 US 579; 113 S Ct 2786; 125 L Ed 2d 469 (28 June 1993).
  • Advocates of undoing the 1973 decision still seem to overlook the tobacco connection. For example, see this argument: “Homosexuality is not genetic. It is a gender identity disorder. Clincial Psychologist Joseph Nicolosi is an authority on its prevention and treatment. He explains it is not primarily about sex. It is about everything else, including loneliness, rejection, affirmation, identity, relationships, dysfunctional parenting, self-hatred, gender confusion and a search for belonging. Homosexuality is not easily overcome but healing is possible. Check out or,” The Source Newspaper, p A4 (10 July 2005). Note omission of reference to a tobacco conection.

    See also the Roman Catholic Church Catechism, sec. 2 chapter. 2 Art. 6 No. 2357 (140-141) which on page 566 states, tradition has always declared that “homosexual acts are intrinsically disordered . . . Under no circumstances can they be approved.” (Source: William Price.)

    See also "Pentagon Lists Homosexuality As Disorder," by Lolita C. Baldor, Associated Press Writer (20 June 2006). "A Pentagon document classifies homosexuality as a mental disorder . . . . The document outlines retirement or other discharge policies for service members with physical disabilities, and in a section on defects lists homosexuality alongside mental retardation and personality disorders."
    The Pentagon came under pressure to revoke this accurate reference, and did so on 29 June 2006.
    For additional articles, see, e.g.,
  • Rick Fitzgibbons, "Medical Downside of Homosexual Behavior: A Political Agenda Is Trumping Science" (18 September 2003)
  • Jeffrey B. Satinover, M.S., M.D., "NARTH Report: TheTrojan Couch" (2005)
  • Dr. Rick Fitzgibbons, "APA Ignored Evidence that Homosexual Behaviour is Part of Psychiatric Disorder Says Noted Psychiatirst" (25 July 2005)
  • Gudrun Schultz, "NARTH Report Shows Gay Activist Influence on Mental Health Organizations" (9 February 2006)
  • John Jalsevac, "Homosexuality a Psychological Disorder: Pentagon Document" (20 June 2006).

  • Of course, Gov. Fred Warner (under whom what is in essence an AIDS prevention act (MCL § 750.27) was passed) is long gone. Michigan Governor John Engler [1991-2002] and staff were paper supportive of action to enforce that law, issuing five pertinent memoranda:

    Exec Order 1992-3
    Law Support Letter # 1
    Anti-Cigarette Smuggling Finding
    Law Support Letter # 2
    Governor's Overview

    An underlying factor is that Gov. Engler and staff did, and successor Jennifer Granholm and staff do, nothing to initiate real ENFORCEMENT of the law—and will continue to do nothing, unless and until they are repeatedly written letters seeking enforcement—action vs mere paper support.

    What this site is asking is your help in (a) getting the Michigan safe cigarettes law enforced, and (b) getting all other governments to pass the same law in their areas. Please help us save lives, prevent premature deaths, by preventing unsafe cigarettes and their posing a risk factor in AIDS.

    To fight this problem, here are four sample letters. Sample "A" is to Governor Jennifer Granholm asking her to have the State Police enforce the law. Sample "B" is to Attorney General Michael Cox asking him to take "cease and desist" action to enforce the law. Each has the authority to help. As both the Governor and Attorney General are lawyers, the letters are written in "legalese." Sample letter "C" is to the State Police Director asking his agency personnel to enforce the law. Sample letter "D" is different, and is for you to send where the government still ignores the cigarette-AIDS link. It is to be sent, for example, to the President, Congress, other Governors, and state legislators.

    * * * Sample Letter A * * *

    Honorable Jennifer Granholm
    Governor, State of Michigan
    P. O. Box 30013
    Lansing MI 48909-7513

    Dear Governor Granholm:

    This is a request that, to help prevent one of the risk factors in AIDS, you assign the Michigan State Police to enforce the safe cigarettes law, MCL § 750.27, MSA § 28.216.

    Cigarettes are a risk factor in AIDS. Cigarettes' deleterious chemicals depress the immune system. So cigarettes are not only the general No. 1 cause of premature death, they also have a role as a risk factor in AIDS. This fact has been repeatedly cited in medical writings, e.g., Newell, et al., AIDS Risk Factors, 14 Preventive Med 81-91 (1985); Schechter, et al., Vancouver AIDS Study, 133 Can Med Ass'n J 286-292 (1985); Halsey, et al., AIDS & Smoking in Haitian Women, 267 J Am Med Ass'n 2062-2066 (1992); and Watstein, The AIDS Dictionary (NY: Facts on File, Inc., 1998), p 253.

    The cigarette-AIDs link occurs because of cigarettes' numerous toxic chemicals. The safe cigarettes act, MCL § 750.27, MSA § 28.216, bans unsafe cigarettes. It forbids "any person within the state" from action that "manufactures, sells or gives to anyone, any cigarette containing any ingredient deleterious to health or foreign to tobacco . . . ." Please, as an AIDS prevention measure, assign the Michigan State Police to enforce it, and aid county sheriffs and local police departments to do likewise.

    All cigarettes are deleterious, their label admits they are, and most if not all are adulterated with additives. MCL § 750.27, MSA § 28.216, puts personal responsibility on those with most knowledge of the contraband substance (manufacturers and sellers), not on unwary consumers, often children.

    State Police enforcement action is a normal action that they do in other state-wide law violation situations. There are precedents as well. Austin v State, 101 Tenn 563; 48 SW 305; 70 Am St Rep 703 (1898) aff'd 179 US 343 (1898); Shimp v N J Bell Tele Co, 145 N J Super 516; 368 A2d 408 (1976); Commonwealth v Hughes, 468 Pa 502; 364 A2d 306 (1976); and Smith v Western Elec Co, 643 SW2d 10, 13 (Mo App, 1982).

    As a matter of preventing AIDS, the Michigan safe cigarettes law needs to be enforced. Please help. The law against this deleterious and adulterated product needs to be enforced. Please assign the State Police to protect abulic smokers, children, and nonsmokers, by enforcing the safe cigarettes act, MCL § 750.27, MSA § 28.216. Please have them halt the rampant violations, and interdict deleterious and adulterated cigarettes.


    * * * Sample Letter B * * *

    Honorable Michael Cox
    Attorney General, State of Michigan
    P. O. Box 30213
    Lansing MI 48909

    Dear Attorney General Cox:

    This is a request that, to help prevent one of the risk factors in AIDS, you take "cease and desist" action to stop violations of the safe cigarettes law, MCL § 750.27, MSA § 28.216.

    Cigarettes are a risk factor in AIDS. Cigarettes' deleterious chemicals depress the immune system. So cigarettes are not only the general No. 1 cause of premature death, they also have a role as a risk factor in AIDS. This fact has been repeatedly cited in medical writings, e.g., Newell, et al., AIDS Risk Factors, 14 Preventive Med 81-91 (1985); Schechter, et al., Vancouver AIDS Study, 133 Can Med Ass'n J 286-292 (1985); Halsey, et al., AIDS & Smoking in Haitian Women, 267 J Am Med Ass'n 2062-2066 (1992); and Watstein, The AIDS Dictionary (NY: Facts on File, Inc., 1998), p 253.

    The cigarette-AIDs link occurs because of cigarettes' numerous toxic chemicals. The safe cigarettes act, MCL § 750.27, MSA § 28.216, bans unsafe cigarettes. It forbids "any person within the state" from action that "manufactures, sells or gives to anyone, any cigarette containing any ingredient deleterious to health or foreign to tobacco . . . ." Please, as an AIDS prevention measure, take "cease and desist" action to stop the rampant violations of the law. "Cease and desist" action is an action you take in other state-wide law violation cases. Please, as an AIDS prevention measure, do that in this situation.

    All cigarettes are deleterious, their label admits they are, and most if not all are adulterated with additives. MCL § 750.27, MSA § 28.216, puts personal responsibility on those with most knowledge of the contraband substance (manufacturers and sellers), not on unwary consumers, often children.

    "Cease and desist" action is a normal action that you do in other state-wide law violation situations. There are precedents, for example, Austin v State, 101 Tenn 563; 48 SW 305; 70 Am St Rep 703 (1898) aff'd 179 US 343 (1898); Shimp v N J Bell Tele Co, 145 N J Super 516; 368 A2d 408 (1976); Commonwealth v Hughes, 468 Pa 502; 364 A2d 306 (1976); and Smith v Western Elec Co, 643 SW2d 10, 13 (Mo App, 1982).

    As a matter of preventing AIDS, the Michigan safe cigarettes law needs to be enforced. Please help. The law against this deleterious and adulterated product needs to be enforced. Please take "cease and desist" action to protect abulic smokers, children, and nonsmokers, by enforcing the safe cigarettes act, MCL § 750.27, MSA § 28.216. Please take "cease and desist" action to halt the rampant violations.


    * * * Sample Letter C * * *

    Col. Peter C. Munoz, Director
    Department of State Police
    714 South Harrison Road
    East Lansing MI 48823

    Dear Col. Munoz:

    This is a request that, to help prevent one of the risk factors in AIDS, you assign officers to enforce the safe cigarettes law, MCL § 750.27, MSA § 28.216.

    Cigarettes are a risk factor in AIDS. Cigarettes' deleterious chemicals depress the immune system. So cigarettes are not only the general No. 1 cause of premature death, they also have a role as a risk factor in AIDS. This fact has been repeatedly cited in medical writings, e.g., Newell, et al., AIDS Risk Factors, 14 Preventive Med 81-91 (1985); Schechter, et al., Vancouver AIDS Study, 133 Can Med Ass'n J 286-292 (1985); Halsey, et al., AIDS & Smoking in Haitian Women, 267 J Am Med Ass'n 2062-2066 (1992); and Watstein, The AIDS Dictionary (NY: Facts on File, Inc., 1998), p 253.

    The cigarette-AIDs link occurs because of cigarettes' numerous toxic chemicals. The safe cigarettes act, MCL § 750.27, MSA § 28.216, bans unsafe cigarettes. It forbids "any person within the state" from action that "manufactures, sells or gives to anyone, any cigarette containing any ingredient deleterious to health or foreign to tobacco . . . ." Please, as an AIDS prevention measure, work with prosecutors on this subject, assign officers to enforce the law, and aid county sheriffs and local police departments to do likewise.

    All cigarettes are deleterious, their label admits they are, and most if not all are adulterated with additives. MCL § 750.27, MSA § 28.216, puts personal responsibility on those with most knowledge of the contraband substance (manufacturers and sellers), not on unwary consumers, often children.

    State Police enforcement action is a normal action that officers do in other state-wide law violation situations. There are precedents as well. Austin v State, 101 Tenn 563; 48 SW 305; 70 Am St Rep 703 (1898) aff'd 179 US 343 (1898); Shimp v N J Bell Tele Co, 145 N J Super 516; 368 A2d 408 (1976); Commonwealth v Hughes, 468 Pa 502; 364 A2d 306 (1976); and Smith v Western Elec Co, 643 SW2d 10, 13 (Mo App, 1982).

    As a matter of preventing AIDS, the Michigan safe cigarettes law needs to be enforced. Please help. The law against this deleterious and adulterated product needs to be enforced. Please assign officers to protect abulic smokers, children, and nonsmokers, by enforcing the safe cigarettes act, MCL § 750.27, MSA § 28.216. Please have them halt the rampant violations, and interdict deleterious and adulterated cigarettes.


    * * * Sample Letter D * * *

    President George W. BushU.S. Senator _______U.S. Representative __Governor ___ State Senator __State Representative __
    1600 Pennsylvania AvenueSenate Office BuildingHouse Office BuildingState CapitolState CapitolState Capitol
    Washington DC 20500Washington DC 20510Washington DC 20515City State ZipCity State ZipCity State Zip

             This is a request that you take action to get a law passed that will serve as an AIDS prevention law. Michigan already has such a law. It is law number MCL § 750.27, MSA § 28.216. It deals with the cigarette link to AIDS.

    Cigarettes are a risk factor in AIDS. Cigarettes' deleterious chemicals depress the immune system. So cigarettes are not only the general No. 1 cause of premature death, they also have a role as a risk factor in AIDS. This fact has been repeatedly cited in medical writings, e.g., Newell, et al., AIDS Risk Factors, 14 Preventive Med 81-91 (1985); Schechter, et al., Vancouver AIDS Study, 133 Can Med Ass'n J 286-292 (1985); Halsey, et al., AIDS & Smoking in Haitian Women, 267 J Am Med Ass'n 2062-2066 (1992); and Watstein, The AIDS Dictionary (NY: Facts on File, Inc., 1998), p 253.

    The cigarette-AIDs link occurs because of cigarettes numerous toxic chemicals. The Michigan safe cigarettes act, MCL § 750.27, MSA § 28.216, bans unsafe cigarettes. Please, as an AIDS prevention measure, get a copy of that law, which in essence forbids "any person within the state" from action that "manufactures, sells or gives to anyone, any cigarette containing any ingredient deleterious to health or foreign to tobacco . . . ."

    All cigarettes are deleterious, their label admits they are, and most if not all are adulterated with additives. MCL § 750.27, MSA § 28.216, puts personal responsibility on those with most knowledge of the contraband substance (manufacturers and sellers), not on unwary consumers, often children. Michigan's well-written AIDS prevention act deals with one of the key risk factors, unsafe cigarettes, and bans them. We need the same law for the protection and benefit of everyone. Smokers should not be discriminated against by being the only people regularly sold a deleterious product. Other deleterious products are recalled and taken off the market.

    As a matter of preventing AIDS, everyone needs you to take action to get a safe cigarettes act passed. Please take action to copy the Michigan safe cigarettes law, MCL § 750.27, MSA § 28.216, so all of us can benefit from its wise prevention-oriented approach.


    * * * * *

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