"that thousands and tens of thousands die of diseases of the lungs generally brought on by tobacco smoking. . . . How is it possible to be otherwise? Tobacco is a poison. A man will die of an infusion of tobacco as of a shot through the head." —Samuel Green, New England Almanack and Farmer's Friend (1836).Americans took heed. Result: Declining U.S. tobacco use, reported by Dr. J. B. Neil, 1 The Lancet (#1740) p 23 (3 Jan 1857). Prior to mass media advertising, non-smoking was "common" in the U.S., says Prof. John Hinds, The Use of Tobacco (Nashville, Tenn: Cumberland Presbyterian Publishing House, 1882), p. 10.
Abortion | AIDS | Alcoholism | Alzheimer's |
Birth Defects | Crime | Deforestation | Divorce |
Drugs | Fires | Heart Disease | Lung Cancer |
Mental Disorders | Seat Belt Non-Use | SIDS | Suicide |
“In 100 years' time the arguments of those promoting smoking, and smokers' freedom, will be seen to be as retrograde and foolish as the arguments of those who once sought to
“Reason eventually prevailed and doubtless will do so also with smoking. “Promotion by tobacco companies may then be seen for what it is—the ‘pushing' of a dangerous drug.”—Beulah R. Bewley, “Smoking in Pregnancy,” 288 Brit Med J (#6415) 424-426 (11 Feb 1984). |
"The works of Dr. [Raymond] Pearl and of Drs. English, Willus and Berkson at the Mayo Foundation have been epochal in their significance, showing that coronary disease of the heart is six times as prevalent among heavy smokers as among nonsmokers and that the mortality rate among heavy smokers between the ages of thirty and fifty is approximately twice as high as that of nonsmokers. Dr. Pearl's report and graph in reference to the comparative death rates of smokers and nonsmokers were published in Science magazine on March 4, 1938, and the report of the Mayo medical scientists was published in The Journal of the American Medical Association on October 19, 1940," says Frank L. Wood, M.D., What You Should Know About Tobacco (Wichita, KS: The Wichita Publishing Co, 1944), p 33.
"There is nothing new about the kid-gloves treatment meted out by the media to the cigarette industry and the story of smoking and disease," p 134. "The data . . . . show that magazines that accept cigarette ads are less likely than magazines that don't accept them to report on the hazards of smoking. A few editors have stated publicly that they don't want to offend their tobacco advertisers," White, supra, p 139.
"Cigarette advertising exerts an irresistible influence on many editors. The story of smoking and health is grossly underreported [due to] self-censorship imposed by editors who are fearful of offending cigarette advertisers. The presence of cigarette advertising seems to exert a 'chilliing effect' on the free flow of information about smoking and health," White, supra, p 139. "Indeed, it can cost a lot of money to be outspoken. Newsweek's June 6, 1983, issue, which included a long article on the nonsmokers' rights movement, carried no cigarette ads. When the cigarette companies learned of plans for the story, they asked that their ads be removed. The magazine may have lost as much as $1 million in advertising for publishing that story," White, supra, p 139. "Cigarette money doesn't just inhibit editors from printing articles about smoking, it also creates a barrier to antismoking advertisements. Dr. Kenneth Warner wrote in the New England Journal of Medicine (February 7, 1985) [about] difficulties in placing ads for antismoking clinics," White, supra, pp 139-140. "Self-censorship and toadying to the cigarette companies extend beyond magazines . . . . Barry Ackerly, owner of a radio and four television stations and, even more important, of one of the largest billboard companies in the country, proved his loyalty to tobacco in 1986. He sent out a memo to all his operations telling them to reject public service announcements of the American Heart Association and the American Cancer Society . . . . " White, supra, p 141. The media resorts to outright lying, which by anybody else could be deemed criminal fraud. For example, in one article, "the author said that reduction in smoking . . . does not reduce the risk of heart disease, which, he said, is caused mainly by stress," p 135. "Stress" is a code-word used under tobacco lobby influence, i.e., it is a mythical concept! on the order of saying that the "flat earth" caused the person to fall off the edge!! Never happened, never will! |
“a classic case of disinformation. It is like representing yourself as an auto safety expert and writing a [paper] on 'how to reduce your risks of death and injury on the road' and purposely avoiding any reference to seatbelts and the risks of drunk driving, instead focusing in depth on the desirability of getting your windshield wipers changed frequently.” See Larry C. White, Merchants of Death (New York: William Morrow Beech Tree Books, 1988), Chapter 6, "Advertising Addiction," p 141. |
“You cannot hope to bribe or twist, thank God! the British journalist. But, seeing what the man will do unbribed, there's no occasion to.” |
This massive moral depravity has a long record. "As postwar president of Washington College in Lexington, Virginia, [America's enemy who helped cause 1,038,222+ casualties] Robert E. Lee [1807-1870] created the nation's first [college] departments in . . . two curricula fields . . . journalism and commerce," says Webb Garrison, Civil War Trivia and Fact Book (Nashville, Tenn., Rutledge Hill Press, 1992), Chapter 5, "First Events and Achievements," p 110. This sinister linkage, journalism and business, prostituting truth to the Old South agenda, continues to present. And casualties thereby aided and abetted continue en masse. The result was quickly obvious:
“There is no such thing, at this date of the world's history, in America, as an independent press. You know it and I know it. There is not one of you who dares to write your honest opinions, and if you did, you know beforehand that it would never appear in print. I am paid weekly for keeping my honest opinion out of the paper I am connected with. Others of you are paid similar salaries for similar things, and any of you who would be so foolish as to write honest opinions would be out on the streets looking for another job. If I allowed my honest opinions to appear in one issue of my paper, before twenty-four hours my occupation would be gone. The business of the journalists is to destroy the truth, to lie outright, to pervert, to vilify, to fawn at the feet of mammon, and to sell his country and his race for his daily bread. You know it and I know it, and what folly is this toasting an independent press? We are the tools and vassals of rich men behind the scenes. We are the jumping jacks, they pull the strings and we dance. Our talents, our possibilities and our lives are all the property of other men. We are intellectual prostitutes,” says John Swinton (Analysis, 1880), cited in Prof. Michael Parenti, Ph.D., Inventing Reality: The Politics of News Media, 2d ed. (New York: St. Martin's Press, 1993), Chapter 3, "Who Controls the News," § 3, "On the Line: Editors," p 39, in turn citing Sender Garlin, Three American Radicals (Boulder, CO: Westview, 1991), pp 31-32. (German Video).
"Most Americans have no idea that what we are fed by the news media is nothing more than a portrayal of what powerful corporations want us to believe, that what happens to pass as education is as often as not mere propaganda, that what we learn in church may have very little or nothing to do with the truth, that what our parents teach us may be nothing more than an accumulation of their own personal biases, no doubt a rather subtle modification of what they were taught by their parents. And through such a process, governments and nations around the world wield control as to what their citizens, believe, value, and do."--Doug Soderstrom
“Omission is the most powerful form of lie.” – George Orwell. "The American media’s gravest shortcoming is much more their errors of omission than their errors of commission. It’s what they leave out that distorts the news more than any factual errors or out-and-out lies," says William Blum, in The Anti-Empire Report #121 (7 October 2013).
See also
TV's constant image changes are "thereby conditioning the mind to an endless flicker of changing pictures rather than developing its ability to give protracted attention to one thing. Television is not the medium for coveying sophisticated [complex, abstract] ideas or developing . . . cognitive habiits and intellectual discipline. . . . Rather, it encourages passivity in the viewer and a kind of unthinking receptivity to quick images [a] mind-pulverizing curriculum," pp 164-165.Accordingly, "the media are filled with themes and images that are decidedly political," Chapter 11, p 177. "Reading was [in the nineteenth century] a form of both recreation and learning. . . . the media's baneful effects on public discourse are today readily apparent [in the 21st century]. One need only compare the [seven-hour] Lincoln-Douglas debates of 1854, in which [abstract, legalese, and historical] ideas and arguments were given prolonged and complex treatment, with the televised presidential debates of today in which well-coached, image-conscious candidates are given two minutes to respond to contextless questions presented by journalists who specialize in superfical presentations," p 179. "By eating up our leisure time, fragmenting our attention, and keeping us from reading, the entertainment media retard our capacity and willingness to handle complicated ideas and engage in serious discourse [without having to] outshout each other in order to finish a sentence," p 179.
Tobacco planters had large role in slavery. In that capacity came about substantial experience committing censorship. They censored anti-slavery utterances before the Civil War! This censorship is recorded by Two centuries of tobacco farmer censorship experience! They know how to do it! And since murder is no longer an option!, sue the media when it does not 'suck up' enough! Genereally the media sucked up. See example cited by Rep. Charles H. Van Wyck, Despotism of Slavery (1860), p 436, supporting burning slaves at the stake, as an anti-abolitionist terrorism measure. ![]() Rev. Cheever, in God Against Slavery (1857), p 180, also predicted continuance of such censorship. See also their experience obtaining pre-emption laws. And see the classic pre-emption law, the Fugitive Slave Act. And see Larry Pinkney, “Keeping It Real — The US Mass Media: Tool of Disinformation And Control” (Black Commentator, 14 June 2007): “it is the debilitating and vile intent of the medium that is the actual ongoing powerful and crippling message . . . sometimes in overt form and at other times, insidiously subtle. The US mass media . . . is . . . akin to a virus that horribly weakens and debilitates the body. It is reminiscent of how true history reminds us that deadly disease-infested blankets were distributed by certain whites on this continent to Indigenous so-called 'Indian' people in the name of honor and helping them. Such is the reality of the US mass media, both past and present.” |
The media often aid and abet the continuing neo-Confederate hatred. Take the example of crime, 90% of which is by smokers. Media pundits typically cite knowingly false claims, factors common to both smokers and non-smokers. Honest professionals know that studying different behavior/effects, one must look for and study the differences (causation process).
Too many in the media have the Confederate mentality, hatred of Yankees. Essentially no media writer/speaker meaningfully opposes, resists, fights, and exposes the tobacco taboo. (Contact them; raise the issue. If a media writer/speaker condescends to respond, and says your methodology was wrong, remember this, in 150 years, no Confederate media writer/speaker has ever found any meaningful approach on this subject acceptable. To such media-types, all approaches contrary to the tobacco taboo are wrong!! To them, anything scholarly on this is wrong! even to be mocked, scorned, lambasted!) Observe. This webmaster has! Oft such media, when challenged, use an ' ignorance defense'! They 'didn't know.' Be advised, they've rehearsed that story! got it on file for instant use! The 'didn't know' claim is just another weapon in their arsenal of hate/malice, just another part of their scam. That scam didn't work for Julius Streicher. Please stop, read that link. Note that Streicher was hanged at Nurnberg for the disinformation he had published. The Nurnberg Trial, now there's a precedent that needs more following! |
Don't say, the media prints occasional references to cigarette-crime studies. The key is, the media omit such data in the routine, day-by-day news. Something rarely mentioned has no meaningful impact on the public. This is so especially in view of the massive disinformation distracting attention onto other factors (methods, guns, alcohol, even trench coats!!) It cannot be over-emphasized; the data on the crime-causation process has existed for a century; the media disregard -- to instead focus on irrelevancies -- is malicious, intentional and culpable.
“People like killers. And if one feels sympathy for the victims it's by way of thanking them for letting themselves be killed. —Eugene Ionesco” (Quoted by Jack Olsen, Give A Boy A Gun (New York: Delacorte Press, 1985), p 7.
That book reports on a sensational crime case. The book had a lot of name-calling against the perpetrator, but cited not one, NOT ONE, reference to the 90% factor in crime. The media writer (media “people like killers”) thus made the point, the media write for their job security. PERIOD. Your safety, your being informed of the 90% factor, is a ZERO concern. Crime prevention is anti-job-security, a real killer to the media, the most dreaded killer, a job killer. |
As the experts cited at our anti-crime website have shown, the 90% factor in crime has remained constant, unchanged across all the variables, societal changes 1836 to present, including radio, movies, television, Internet, pornography, depictions of graphic violence, and all other alleged factors. (Such irrelevant factors/variables are cited typically by persons who have NOT studied the subject, and/or are malicious, and/or wish to make money off crime and the suffering of others, by their circulating sensationalist disinformation to the gullible).
This cigarette-crime link's remarkable constancy 1830's - present confirms beyond the court standard of "reasonable doubt," i.e., beyond ALL doubt, that "the only," the exclusive, the sole 90% factor in crime is tobacco, ruling out all other alleged factors/variables. Statistics (and chemistry) ARE how doctors know this, have long known this, and more, as the analysis is of the same typical medical type done since at least the year 1537.
In The Nurnberg Trial, 6 FRD 69, 161-163 (1946), prosecution included Julius Streicher, a Nazi propagandist who was convicted and hanged for his pro-death media words. Another in the media also executed was broadcaster William Joyce. The transcript and verdict were reprinted by J. W. Hall, M.A., B.C.L. (Oxon), Trial of William Joyce (London: William Hodge and Co, Ltd, Notable British Trials Series, 1946). So prosecutions for tobacco deaths should foreseeably also include aiders and abettors in the media. See our anti-genocide website. Streicher blamed a false cause for Germany's troubles, Jews. He was therefore, and correctly, hanged. The media blame false causes for what are instead tobacco-caused consequences. Should they receive a lesser penalty than Streicher?
Julius Streicher, in Germany, was "in the very land of smokers!" as stated in the book by Meta Lander, The Tobacco Problem, 6th ed. (Boston: Lee and Shepard Pub, 1885), p 308. Streicher should have been honest, and blamed smoking for the problems it was causing, not allying himself with smokers Hitler, Jodl, Keitel, Kaltenbrunner, Eichmann, etc. Writer/publisher Streicher got criminal liability, and well deservedly so.
In addition, there is civil liability of the media. When writings, books, newspaper ads, commercials, etc., aid and abet the killings, the publishers and advertisers are liable, as nothing in freedom of the press allows aiding and abetting murder and genocide, pursuant to case law such as Paladin Enterprises, Inc v Rice, 128 F3d 233 (CA 4, 1997) cert den 523 US 1074; 118 S Ct 1515; 140 L Ed 2d 668 (1998).
Pursuant to the "tobacco taboo," two area police officers, Larry Nevers and Walter Budzyn, never enforced the cigarette control law (ban on the gateway drug delivery agent--cigarettes), only laws against post-gateway drugs, e.g., cocaine. This misplaced approach turned fatal. They went to jail for years. For details, click here. | Thereafter, area law professor Ralph Slovenko wrote Psychiatry and Criminal Culpability (New York, John Wiley, 1995). Nathaniel S. Lehrman, M.D., reviewed it, "Book Review," 333 N Eng J Med (18) 1226-1227 (2 Nov 1995). Both author and reviewer discuss crime without regard to the 90% factor. A "natural and probable consequence" of the continued "tobacco taboo" is continued crime. |
In contrast to those materials, other writings purport to be advice to the public at large on crime prevention. Such materials are often written in response to public outcry about crimes, especially by children, school shootings, and the like. It is particularly immoral and reprehensible when the authors play upon their own reputation as purportedly sincere "concerned" people, but such purported advice books do not even include reference to the long and well-established cigarette-crime link.
Remember what Dr. Whelan, supra, called
"a classic case of disinformation. It is like representing yourself as an auto safety expert and writing a [paper] on 'how to reduce your risks of death and injury on the road' and purposely avoiding any reference to seatbelts and the risks of drunk driving, instead focusing in depth on the desirability of getting your windshield wipers changed frequently." |
In other words, an honest, moral, competent author will tell you the big factors, the 90% factors, with the far greater emphasis than any other aspect. With that in mind, here is a way to test the integrity of a crime prevention book / report / article author, of a book you might be thinking of in this respect. Look in the index for the words where the subject should be, e.g., "cigarettes," "smoking," "tobacco." If NONE are in the index, put the book or report down. If it is purporting in any way to cover crime prevention, or prisoners, it is a scam, a sham. And if you merely thought that the book / report could be used for that purpose, STOP.
Gilligan, James, M.D., Violence: Reflections on a National Epidemic (New York: Vintage Books, 1996)
Pollack, William, Ph.D., Real Boys: Rescuing Our Boys From The Myths of Boyhood (New York: Henry Holt and Co, 1998) Garbarino, James, Ph.D., Lost Boys: Why Our Sons Turn Violent and How We Can Save Them (New York: The Free Press, 1999) Ditton, Paula M., BJS Statistician, "Mental Health and Treatment of Inmates and Probationers" (Bureau of Justice Statistics, NCJ 174463 (July 1999) |
Please, if you have not already done so, read the website on crime prevention. You will see numerous references there. With those facts in mind, you can be ultra suspicious of any book that purports to this effect, let's quote from a real book cover,
"In the first book to help parents truly understand youth violence and stop it before it explodes, national expert Dr. James Garbarino reveals how to identify children who are at risk and offers proven methods to prevent aggressive behavior."If you "truly" believe his is the "first book" on the crime prevention subject, you are in danger of being on the sucker list of every scam artist around! There's a 'Brooklyn bridge' for sale to you! Call your local police immediately, you need protection and help! Or call your psychiatrist, you need treatment for your extreme suggestibility and gullibility! Or both!
George Trask, Letters on Tobacco, for American Lads; or, Uncle Toby's Anti-Tobacco Advice To His Nephew Billy Bruce (Fitchburg, Mass: Trask Pub, 1860) |
Trask in 1860 reprinted data already known by the 1830's!! So you can be suspicious of any book or report that purports that data about smoking and mental disorder prevalence among prisoners is something new. Not since the 1830's it isn't new!!
Please return to the top of this page, immediately, and read the various sites listed, or at least those on crime, birth defects, mental disorder, and Alzheimer's, so you'll be aware of the cigarette role in those matters.
Ed. Note: On tobacco-caused
addiction, brain damage, and mental disorder, be aware that tobacco pushers seek to censor the medical truth about this. For background on pusher efforts to censor this type data, see, e.g., M. D. Neuman, A. Bitton and S. A. Glantz, "Tobacco industry influence on the definition of tobacco related disorders by the American Psychiatric Association," 14 Tobacco Control 328-337 (Sept 2005). See also our tobacco censorship exposé site.
Reputation-impairing action had been recommended by Dr. Herbert H. Tidswell in 1912. Due to pusher hostility and intent, aided and abetted by media censorship, note the decades of inaction, decades approaching a century. You will not learn from the censored media about tobacco use in mental disorder terms. |
Note key words from Robinson v American Broadcasting Companies, 441 F2d 1396, 1399 (CA 6, Ky, 30 April 1971), the censorship case pursuant to the tobacco taboo. Tobacco growers sought to ban information on tobacco smoking hazards. This would mean that effective anti-tobacco words would not be allowed, only lay words 'encouraging' people such as youths to not smoke!
In rejecting the censorship request and ruling "no," the Sixth Circuit said that "although it was constitutional to require that anti-smoking commercials be broadcast, it does not follow that an injunction prohibiting the broadcast of the same commercials would likewise be constitutionally permissible." This decision affirmed the lower court decision, 328 F Supp 421, 422, 424-426 (D ED Ky, 1 June 1970). That U.S. District Court had rejected Tobacco growers' demand for restrictions on freedom of speech against smoking. The case involved "growers of burley tobacco [who] complain [of words] which announce, directly, or by innuendo, that the smoking of cigarettes will kill those persons who smoke them . . . . cigarette advertising . . . has been directed to young persons . . . [no] medical or scientific body undertaking a Systematic review of the evidence has reached conclusions opposed to those of the Surgeon General's. . . ." |
DoJ Lawsuit DoJ Appendix DoJ Press Release Law Writer Analysis Health Group Analysis |
For Dealing With Media Types Who Refuse To Print The Truth, The Whole Truth, and Nothing But the Truth |
Block Common Sense Solutions And see the summary of the book Into the Buzzsaw at the informative website www.WantToKnow.info, for more media censorship data. See also David Denby, "The Current Cinema: Tobacco and Drugs: 'Thank You for Smoking' and 'Brick,'” The New Yorker (3 April 2006) |
See how others, Nazis and East Germans, propagandized; contrast their tactics with those of tobacco pushers! See
Prof. Randall Bytwerk, Nazi and East German Propaganda Guide Page" (2004). 1920's pusher propaganda hooked women into the lifestyle of death, by using models. The hired "models lit Lucky Strike cigarettes in front of . . . photographers. The New York Times (1 April 1929) printed: "Group of Girls Puff at Cigarettes as a Gesture of 'Freedom'". This helped to break the taboo against women smoking in public.
U.S. journalists follow the party line like Soviet journalists did. See Nikolai Lanine and Media Lens, "Invasion - A Comparison of Soviet and Western Media Performance" (20 November 2007) "Take any of the major media outlets, apply for a reporter's job. One requirement: Only Israel supporters need apply. Then try to write with reason about the 911 attacks or the Israel lying and world killings or how America did numerous black flag operations and killed millions or try to write about . . . . You'd last one day on the job and with a sore ass out the door. It is well known, the owners and editors give the talking points and wooo to anyone that goes off course," says "George" (23 Nov 2007), commenting on Gozawheena Bergacker's article, "Spreading Democracy (22 Nov 2006). Note that while "George's" allegations relate to a particular issue, and show a particular perspective, the principles he cites about media manipulations are valid regardless of issue, valid across-the-board, whenever manipulations resulting in deaths occurs Compare with the pro-tobacco party line, as enforced by publishers and editors for so long. Defy that, and a journalist is out! |
Count Leo Tolstoy (1828-1910), in Vicious Pleasures (London: Mathieson, 1896), pp 36-91 (Alcohol and Tobacco) linked Europe's war preparations to its leaders being drugged by tobacco and alcohol.
It is known that the German Kaisers were smokers. In the 1914-1918 World War, Germany invaded Belgium (despite a neutrality treaty). Germany rapidly conquered Belgium, then much of France, all the way to Paris, in the first month of the war. Conquests, advances, more conquests, more advances (Liege, Brussels, Lorraine, Ardennes, Charleroi, Mons, etc.), had rapidly followed in succession. Would you have learned this—the series of German victories early in the war—from the media?! No, of course not. The media reported nearly the opposite! "The fighting had been presented to the British public—as to the French—as a series of German defeats [emphasis added] in which the enemy unaccountably moved from Belgium to France and appeared each day on the map at places farther forward."—Barbara Tuchman, The Guns of August (New York: Dell Paperback, 1962), Chap. 20, p 432. Ask yourself: Can you trust the media not to deceive?! For additional analyses, see, e.g., Journalists are no doubt censored and harassed by governments. See e.g., But some government prosecutions of journalists are indeed legitimate, see U.S., German, and Rwandan examples. For other media issues, see www.tvnewslies.org/news/#media. Readers are advised that it is generally pointless to attempt to speak to the media for the purpose of educating them. Journalists generally have their minds made up in advance, do not want to be confused by the facts, have a grossly over-inflated attitude of their self-importance tantamount to delusions of grandeur, and may have anosognosia. They will thus foreseeably resent and deem as insulting any education effort you may attempt, and/or any comments you may make as to their low competence, education, and/or integrity level. Your attempt to educate some presstitute is simply the proverbial casting of pearls before swine. Never forget The New York Times scandal whereby the reporter fabricated events. The media have no hiring standards of integrity, i.e., are perfectly willing to hire the mentally ill, e.g., smokers, then with a crocodile tears type fake reaction, profess "concern" when some mentally ill hiree journalist displays typical foreseeable insanity symptoms! Media management's pretense of "concern" is well-rehearsed. The real truth is, media intend to keep hiring mentally ill applicants, e.g., smokers, notwithstanding the vast evidence against doing so. "Since Washington and Jefferson, in fact ever since [Alexis] de Tocqueville wrote his well-known [1835] book on America, American mores have been deeply altered. . . . the intellectual and moral standards of the nation have [seriously] lowered, principally in political circles. Men who enjoyed some authority on account of their knowledge, their moral character or their fortune, slowly withdrew from public life, disgusted with electoral struggles, repulsed by venality, and frightened by a violent, passionate press," says Lt. Col. Camille Ferri-Pisani, Lettres sur les États-Unis d'Amérique (1862) transl. by Prof. Georges J. Joyaux (1959). |
Examples of Tabooists: Still Fighting
the Revealing of Tobacco Facts
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Copyright © 1999, 2006 Leroy J. Pletten
The Crime Prevention Group.