"About 25% of all deaths in the US are related to tobacco. That’s more than murders, car accidents, and HIV/AIDs combined. And 10% of all deaths worldwide are the result of tobacco-related diseases," says Action on Smoking or Health (retrieved 29 November 2013).
AGE | Nonsmokers | Light Smokers | Heavy Smokers | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
30 | 100,000 | 100,000 | 100,000 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
35 | 95,883 | 95,804 | 90,943
40 | 91,546 | 90,883 | 81,191
| 45 | 86,730 | 85,129 | 71,665
| 50 | 81,160 | 78,436 | 62,699
| 55 | 74,538 | 70,712 | 54,277
| 60 | 66,564 | 61,911 | 46,226
| 65 | 57,018 | 52,082 | 38,328
| 70 | 45,919 | 41,431 | 30,393
| 75 | 33,767 | 30,455 | 22,338
| 80 | 21,737 | 19,945 | 14,494
| 85 | 11,597 | 10,987 | 7,865
| 90 | 4,753 | 4,686 | 3,292
| 95 | 1,320 | 1,366 | 938
| |
AGE | Nonsmokers | Light Smokers | Heavy Smokers | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
30 | 8.18 | 7.86 | 16.89 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
35 | 8.78 | 9.63 | 21.27
| 10.01
| 11.89
| 23.91
| 45
| 12.04
| 14.9
| 25.69
| 50
| 15.16
| 18.61
| 27.49
| 55
| 19.82
| 23.67
| 30.09
| 60
| 26.72
| 30.49
| 34.29
| 65
| 36.88
| 39.83
| 41.2
| 70
| 51.69
| 52.84
| 52.72
| 75
| 73.02
| 71.28
| 72.33
| 80
| 103.22
| 97.95
| 100.44
| 85
| 142.78
| 136.50
| 139.48
| 90
| 197.49
| 190.23
| 193.68
| 95
| 273.2
| 265.1
| 268.9
| |
Why Tobacco Typically
Kills Prematurely
Ingredients and Emissions 100% Lung Cancer Rate The Post-War Formula Change to Add Coumarin, for Rat Poison |
For More Historical Data
Tobacco Ingredients' Effects Sites
Related Law Sites
Cocaine | Opiates | Alcohol | Tobacco
2,000 | 4,000 | 125,000 | 419,000
| |
Other Significant Writings by Dr. Pearl
"A Notable Advance in the Theory of Correlation," XXI Science (#523) 32-35 (1905)
Modes of Research in Genetics (New York, The Macmillan Co, 1915) "Biology and War," VIII Journal of the Washington Academy of Sciences (#11) 341-360 (4 June 1918) United States Food Administration, Statistical Division, Reference Handbook of Food Statistics in Relation to the War (Washington, Govt. Printing Office, 1918) (With Esther Pearl Matchett) "Influenza Studies. I. On Certain General Statistical Aspects of the 1918 Epidemic in American Cities," Public Health Reports 1743-1783 (Washington DC: Govt Printing Office, 8 Aug 1919). Reprint No. 548 "The Effect of The War on the Chief Factors of Population Change," LI Science (#1327) 553-556 (4 June 1920) The Nation's Food: A Statistical Study of a Physiological and Social Problem (Philadelphia: W. B. Saunders, 1920) "Influenza Studies. II. Further Data on the Correlation of Explosiveness of Outbreak of the 1918 Epidemic. III. On the Correlation of Destructiveness of the 1918 Epidemic. IV. On the Correlation Between Explosiveness and Total Destructiveness of the Epidemic Mortality," Public Health Reports 273-298 (Washington DC: Govt Printing Office, 18 Feb 1921). Reprint No. 642 "The Biology of Death," Scientific Monthly (NY: March-Sept 1921) Experimental Studies on the Duration of Life. I-XII, 2 vols, (Baltimore: 1921 and 1929) "The Vitality of The Peoples of America," 1 The American Journal of Hygiene (#5-6) 592-674 (Sep - Nov 1921) The Biology of Death; Being a Series of Lectures Delivered at the Lowell Institute in Boston in December 1920. In series: Monographs on Experimental Biology (Philadelphia, London: J.B. Lippincott Co, 1922) Biometrical Studies in Pathology (Baltimore, Johns Hopkins Press, 1922, 1924) From 21 Johns Hopkins Hospital Reports (#3, 5) and 33 Johns Hopkins Hospital Bulletin (Nov 1922) Introduction to Medical Biometry and Statistics (Philadelphia, London: W.B. Saunders Co, 1923) The Action of Alcohol on Man (London, New York: Longmans, Green, 1923) (With Ernest Henry Starling (1866-1927), Robert Hutchison (1871-), and Sir Frederick Walker Mott (1854-) Alcohol & Mortality (Plymouth, England: The Mayflower Press, 1924) Alcohol and Longevity. In series: Addiction in America (New York: Knopf, 1926 and reprinted, Arno Press, 1981 The Biology of Population Growth (New York: A. A. Knopf, 1925) To Begin With: Being Prophylaxis Against Pedantry. Suggestions about Reading Based on "The Reading of Graduate Students" 21 Scientific Monthly 33-44 [July 1925]). (New York and London: A. A. Knopf, 1930) The Biology of Population Growth (New York: A. A. Knopf, 1930) "Quotations: Tobias Venner and His Via Recta," 4 Human Biology (#4) 558-583 (Baltimore: J. Hopkins Press, Dec 1932) (Dr. Venner was a pioneer researcher, cited for example with respect to tobacco amblyopia and other tobacco effects). Constitution and Health. In series: Psyche Miniatures General Series, no. 60 (London: K. Paul, Trench, Trubner & Co., Ltd., 1933) "Biology and Human Trends," 25 Journal of the Washington Academy of Sciences (#6) June 15, 1935, reprinted in Smithsonian Institution Annual Report, 1935, pp 327-344 (Washington, 1936) "Multiplying Man," Yale Review, pp 584-602 (New Haven: March 1936) The Natural History of Population. In series: University of London. Heath Clark Lectures, 1937, at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine (New York: Oxford University Press, 1939) |
DISEASE | Smokers | Nonsmokers |
Respiratory | 16.09% | 10.69% |
Digestive | 11.88% | 9.92% |
Both of Above | 8.77% | 3.22% |
All Types | 36.74% | 23.83% |
Frequency | 45.83% | 32.71% |
Death rate data shows that about 400,000 smokers in America, out of about 59,000,000, are annually killed by smoking. The pushers rant, that's too low a ratio (4/590, i.e., a .0067796 rate) , so therefore, cigarettes are NOT killing!
World War II military statistical analysis found that "300,000 bullets were fired for each man killed," says Prof. Michael P. Ghiglieri, Ph.D., The Dark Side of Man (Reading, MA.: Perseus Books, 1999), p 185. 299,000 misses, 1 hit = only a 1/300,000 correlation! Vietnam War military statistical analysis found that it took 40,000 shots for each one dead enemy troop. 39,999 misses, 1 hit = .000025 correlation. 1/40,000, now that's a really low correlation! :) Of course, the underlying fact is, that the individual one hit was THE, repeat, THE, "causation" of the death. At individual level, it's causation. On the gross statistical level, it's supposedly only "correlation": 1/40,000 (.000025). If you were the Military Supply Officer, would you stop issuing bullets? -- would you deny they kill? -- because the correlation (1/40,000; .000025) was too low?! You think about it: cigarettes kill at a 4/590 (.0067796) rate. Intentionally fired war bullets killed at only a 1/40,000 (.000025) hits rate. What do YOU say; are the pushers right in denying their killing? Or do you agree that the pushers are committing mass premeditated murder at the holocaust level? and should be prosecuted, convicted, and executed as per pertinent precedents? Note censorship of tobacco news. |
1798 | 1845 | 1882 | 1909 | 1912 | 1915 | 1916 | 1929 |
pp 78-79 |
1. tobacco
2. alcohol 3. germs 4. toxins and pollutants 5. car crashes 5. guns 6. risky sexual behavior 7. poor diet and inactivity |
Jeffrey Kopman, "The WORST States for a Long Life" (1 August 2013) ("Hawaii is . . . the ideal location for people who want to live the longest, healthiest life possible. . . . Healthy life expectancy was generally lower in the South than the rest of the United States. . . . The lowest healthy life expectancy recorded was 75.8 — meaning the average resident of that state lives healthfully to age 75 — down 5.4 years from Hawaii’s 81.2, the highest mark. Hawaii also had the longest overall life expectancy at 86.3 years. Nationally, the average healthy life expectancy for all states was 78.9 years, and the average total life expectancy is 84.1 years.")
See also Mo Costandi, "Your Nose Knows Death is Imminent" (The Guardian, 20 October 2014) citing J. M. Pinto, et al. (2014). Olfactory Dysfunction Predicts 5-Year Mortality in Older Adults. PLOS ONE, 9(9): e107541. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0107541: "Losing the sense of smell predicts likelihood of death within five years." Of course, as tobacco's toxic ingredients damage both the brain and the nose thus damage the sense of smell.
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