Welcome to the book The Brown God and His White Imps, or, The Evils of Tobacco and Cigarettes (1916), by Theodore F. Frech and Rev. Luther H. Higley. To go to the "Table of Contents" immediately, click here.
Tobacco pushers and their accessories conceal the breadth of tobacco effects, the enormity of the tobacco holocaust, and the long record of documentation.
The concealment process is called the "tobacco taboo." Other pertinent words are "censorship" and "disinformation."
Here is the text by Theodore F. Frech and Luther H. Higley of an early exposé (1916) of tobacco dangers. It cites facts you rarely ever see, due to the "tobacco taboo."
The phrase "tobacco taboo" is the term for the pro-tobacco censorship policy—to not report most facts about tobacco.
As you will see, information about the tobacco danger was already being circulated in 1916, 96 years before the famous 1964 Surgeon General Report. Be prepared.

The Brown God and His White Imps,
The Evils of Tobacco and Cigarettes

by Rev. Luther H. Higley and Theodore F. Frech
(Butler, Indiana:
The Higley Printing Co, 1916)


The Tobacco Habit is, at present the greatest single evil in this land. The more violent, immediate and visible effects of the Liquor Traffic had led most of us to regard it as the greatest enemy to civilization, but a careful study of the effects of tobacco will convince any intelligent and open-minded person that tobacco is at least a very close second to liquor, if not a greater evil in the aggregate.

None of us have a complete or accurate conception of the enormity of the evil effects of tobacco. The only way its evils could be adequately comprehended would be to be able to measure the difference between a life-time's work of a generation of men entirely free from the direct and hereditary influence of tobacco and that of a generation of men more or less filthy, indolent, dishonest, dependent and debilitated in body and mind by the use of tobacco from youth.

Tobacco, attacking as it does such a large per cent of our youth, in the tender years of their development, blighting and blasting their physical and mental growth and gnawing at their vitality like a loathsome disease, effects a physical and moral degeneracy in the race that makes it an evil to be compared only with the Liquor Traffic.


Liquor, in its balmiest days, did not reach and affect so many of our people as Tobacco does today. Liquor seldom got our boys until they were pretty well matured, physically and mentally at least. Today tobacco is getting a much larger portion of our boys and while they are yet physically, mentally and morally undeveloped, thus making the production of a physically, mentally and morally normal citizenship impossible.

Tobacco is a greater hindrance to the spiritual welfare of the church than Liquor. It is in the nominal church at least and gets the boys right in our Sunday Schools and in the families of our church members.

Few Christian ministers, philanthropists and Christian laymen have awakened to the enormity of this evil. The removal of the Liquor Traffic alone will not give us a physically, mentally and morally clean and vigorous manhood. The work to be complete must be followed by the removal of the Tobacco business.

We commend to ministers and Christian workers generally, a careful reading and study of this little book and all similar literature to be had upon the subject; and the immediate laying of the foundation for a battle that must be fought and won before the perfect fruits of the removal of the Liquor Traffic can be realized.
            The Publisher.


Foreword  1
CHAPTER I. The Sacrifice of Money  5
Cost of Smoking and Chewing
Indirect Cost of Tobacco
Destroys the Fertility of Soil
Time Wasted Lighting Pipes
Medical Bills Increased
Cost of Pipes
Asylums and Almshouses
CHAPTER II. How Tobacco Affects the Body15
Tobacco Affects the Teeth
Injures the Voice
Impairs the Senses
The Appetite
Leads to Drunkenness
Injures Blood and Heart
On the Lungs
Nervous System
Produces Disease
CHAPTER III. How Tobacco Affects the Mind36
Destroys the Mind
Cause Insanity
Weakens the Intellect
CHAPTER IV. The Deadly Cigarette46
More Poisonous Than Other Forms
Their Affect on the Young
Lead to Drink, Morphine and Opium
Affect on School Boys
More Girls than Boys Graduate
Experiments of a Doctor
An Insane Boy
Freeing the Slave
The Experience of a Judge
Practiced Among Girls
Degenerating as a Nation
Cigarette Eye
A Summary
CHAPTER V. The Use of Tobacco a Sin64
Tobacco Brings the User Under Bondage
Condemned by Scripture Because Filthy
Living After the Flesh
A Sin Against the Body


CHAPTER VI. The Anti-Tobacco Battle  82
The Magnitude of the Evil
Tobacco Must Follow Liquor
A Herculean Task
Methods to Pursue
A Campaign of Education
The Need of Organization
The No-Tobacco League of America
Object of Organization
Co-operation with Public Schools
Legislation Against the Evil
CHAPTER VII. Short Stories About Tobacco  94
A Child's Sad Death
Giving Up Tobacco
104 Years Old and Used Tobacco
The Culprit's Ruling Passion
Bad Habits Hard to Break
Some Experiments
Good Security
What King James Thought of Tobacco
What a Woman Did for a Boy
Cured of a Bad Habit
Dat Ole Pipe??
The Old Farmer's Tobacco
Smoking Tobacco
A Warning Not Heeded
Vice Somewhere
A Reformed Man's Testimony
A Minister's Repentance
Praying Over Tobacco
Money for Foreign Missions
A Battle With Appetite
Saved From Tobacco
Tobacco and Conversion
Abandoning Smoking
Marks of Tobacco
The Parable of the Tobacco Seed
A Minister Rebuked
Why Brother Thoughtful Never Used Tobacco
More Destructive than Saloons
How the Cigarette Figures
Use of Cigarettes Rapidly Increasing
Affects of Tobacco Inherited by Children
The Wily Weed (A Poem)
The Indian's Revenge (A Poem)


The Brown God


"Know ye not that to whom ye yield yourselves servants to obey, his servants ye are." Rom. 6:16.

THE extent to which Tobacco is, in a sense, the god of this country, is shown principally by the tremendous sacrifice of money made to it.

The annual amount spent directly for tobacco is little if any less than $2,000,000,000. For the year 1920, the Treasury Department at Washington estimated it at $2,110,000,000, which was the generally accepted amount for that year. For the year 1921, the amount was considerably less, probably a little less than two billion dollars.

It is difficult to realize the enormity of this sum. Two billion dollars is one thousand times two million. It is a little less than six million dollars a day for every day in the year. The Tobacco God consumes nearly two million dollars at each meal three times a day. Two million dollars is about the value of all the property in an ordinary town of 2,000 people. The Tobacco God destroys value equal to about three whole towns of 2,000 people every day in the year.


If some fiend should go through our country completely destroying three whole towns every day, rendering 6,000 people homeless, he would be stopped at once; yet he would not do as much damage as Tobacco, for the injury would be entirely economic and not physical, mental and moral.

Think of the people of this enlightened country sacrificing such an amount to the satisfaction of a sin-created appetite! And the money is worse than wasted, for it serves no good purpose and is destructive to both body and mind and is often obtained at the sacrifice of real comforts and necessities.

How wretched and disgusting is that filthy, picture of humanity which is so common—a family spending from forty to one hundred dollars a year for tobacco and yet all, even the helpless infant, suffuring for proper food and clothing and living in a house without the ordinary comforts of life!

It is said that a Southern family lived nine years without a single window light or as much as a hole through the wall for a window, and yet during these years their tobacco bill did not fall short of two or three hundred dollars. This is a sample of the shiftless poor under the tobacco plague. The nasty weed is a cruel tyrant over them. The demands of this god must be met even if the family is destitute of food and clothing.

And it is not only the shiftless poor that sacrifice to this god. Bishop Thompson stated in one of his addresses, that the church spends more money for tobacco than would support her ministry at home and her missions abroad.

Cost of Smoking and Chewing

The cost of one cigar or one chew of tobacco is small, but in the course of years or a life-time many thousand repetitions of that expense amounts to large sums.

Two cigars a day at 5 cents each, for fifty years at 6 per cent interest compounded semi-annually, amounts to $11,469.00. Three cigars a day at 5 cents each will amount to $16.216.37. Chewing 1 cents worth a day amounts to $1,146.92, in fifty years. Chewing 25¢ worth a week amounts to $4,096.12 in 50 years.

Suppose a boy begins the use of tobacco at ten years of age; suppose he spends five cents each day for tobacco until he is forty years of age; and suppose he could have received seven per cent compound interest for the money thus used; how much would his tobacco bill represent? Not less than $1,723. But what adult smoker spends only five cents a day?

A business man expends thirty-seven and one-half cents a day for six or eight cigars. At the rate of interest suggested above, what would be his tobacco bill in only ten years? $1,885.45. In twenty years? $5.594.40. In thirty years? $12,890.57.

At fifty cents a day, and at the same rate of interest for thirty years, we have a tobacco bill of $17,239.

But these are not idle figures alone. Mr. L. P. Hubbard, of 76 Wall street, New York, has given the whole subject a personal test. He says he began the use of tobacco at the age of twelve, and for some


years thereafter he continued the habit. Suddenly he resolved to emancipate himself "from a slavery worse than Egyptian bondage."

At the time of this resolve, he was using six good cigars a day, at a cost of thirty-seven and one-half cents. This amount he placed regularly in the savings bank, receiving seven per cent interest on all deposits. He found these amounts represented yearly savings of $136.50.

For fifty-nine years Mr. Hubbard placed his tobacco money in the bank. What had his savings from six cigars a day brought him? The sum of $103,626.32.

This seems hardly probable. But on a leaflet he has printed is a table so that any one may see for himself. Mr. Hubbard concludes by saying:
"Great as this saving has been, it is not to be compared with improved health, a clear head and steady hand, at the age of over 83 years."

Yet men will continue to smoke; continue to live in rented houses; and continually remain too poor to enjoy many comforts and even luxuries which the money they have worse than wasted might bring them.

A highly respected and wealthy citizen of one of our cities, a man now over 80 years of age, has made an interesting calculation as to the cost of the cigars he has smoked during his life-time. He began to smoke when quite young, and has always used the very best quality of cigars. The period of his smoking covers sixty-seven years. He knows the amount he has expended, and calculated the sum invested in


cigars every six months, and placing it at compound interest at 6 per cent. On the basis of the savings bank calculations, he finds that the total sum now amounts to $200,000. It seems like an enormous sum to have been wasted in smoke. But the gentleman, who has been a successful business manager and methodical in keeping his account, spent a good many hours in making up this cigar account and he is satisfied that the sum of $200,000, including the interest compounded once in six months, is correct.

"Jones, have you heard of the fire that burned up the man's house and lot?"

"No, Smith; where was it?"

"Here in the city."

"What a misfortune to him! Was it a good house?"

"Yes; a nice house and lot —a good home for any family."

"What a pity! How did the fire begin?"

"The man played with fire, and thoughtlessly set it burning himself."

"How silly! Did you say the lot was burned too?"

"Yes; lot and all—all gone, slick and clean."

"That is singular. It must have been a terribly hot fire; and then I don't see how it could have burned the lot."

"No; it was not a very hot fire. Indeed, it was so small that it attracted but little attention, and did not alarm anybody."

"But how could such a little fire burn up a


house and lot? You haven't told me."

"It burned a long time—more than twenty years; and, though it seemed to consume very slowly, yet it consumed about one hundred and fifty dollars' worth every year, till it was all gone.

"I can not understand you yet. Tell me where the fire was kindled, and all about it."

"Well, then it was kindled on the end of a cigar. The cigar cost him, he himself told me, $12.50 per month, or $150 a year, and that in twenty-one years would amount to $3,150, besides all the interest. Now, the money was worth at least ten per cent, and at that rate, it would double once in about every seven years; so that the whole sum would be more than $10,000. That would buy a fine house and lot in any [1916] city. It would pay for a large farm in the country. Don't you pity the family of the man who has slowly burned up their home?"

"Whew! I guess you mean me: for I have smoked more than twenty years. But it doesn't cost so much as that, and I haven't any house of my own, have always rented; thought I was too poor to own a house. And all because I have been burning it up! What a fool I have been!"

The boys would better never light a fire which costs so much, and which, though so easily put out, is yet so likely, if once kindled, to keep burning all their lives.

Indirect Cost of Tobacco.

Millions of dollars' worth of property have been destroyed by smokers. The great fire which commenced on Battery Wharf, Boston, July 27, 1855


was no doubt set by a workman who was smoking among the loose and drying cotton. The loss was $500,000.

The great fire at London in 1861, which destroyed eleven millions, was said to have originated from spontaneous combustion in hemp; but the chances are ten to one that the cause was a workman's pipe.

Some years ago a gentleman in Jamaica Plain was passing his barn, and saw smoke coming out of the door. On following it back into the harness-room he saw fire in a coat; and, on taking it up to throw it out of the barn, a pipe dropped from it, showing the cause of the fire.

An insurance company says:
"One-third or more of all the fires have originated from matches or pipes. Fires in England and fires in America are being kindled with alarming frequency by smokers casting about their fire-brands, or half-burned matches."

It was from a match thrown down by a smoking plumber that the Harper's printing establishment took fire, consummg five blocks, at a 1oss of about a million dollars, and throwing nearly two thousand people out of work.

Destroys the Fertility of the Soil.

Tobacco is said to make heavier demands upon the fertility of land than almost any other crop known.

Tobacco exhausts the land beyond all other crops. As proof of this, every homestead from the Atlantic border to the head of tide-water is a mournful monument. It has been the besom [Ed. Note: broom] of destruc-


tion which has swept over this once fertile region.

The old tobacco lands of Maryland and Virginia are an eye-sore—odious "barrens," looking as though blasted by some genius of evil.

There are those who claim that the land can be kept in good condition by the free use of fertilizers. But the experience of many years furnishes evidence that this crop ultimately exhausts the soil, and that in consequence its culture is deprecated by the better class of agriculturists.

Time Wasted Lighting Pipes.

The time wasted by users of tobacco, especially by smokers, is no small item. Read the advertisements of "situations wanted" and you will often find the words "no tobacco," "no cigarettes." Why? Because thoughtful employers know that smokers not only endanger their property from fire, but they consume no inconsiderable amount of time, cleaning, refilling and lighting pipes, which means more to the employer than the mere wages paid for that time. In order for an employer to give employment to a man, he must have invested money in machinery, buildings, lands, material to work upon, light, heat, power, etc. These cost him money, often equal to or more than the man's wages. So that the time lost by the employee, cleaning, filling and lighting his pipe, costs the employer about double the cost of the time lost.

A smoker will consume from one to three minutes to refill and light his pipe. A smoker will often smoke ten pipes full a day. At 3 minutes spent filling and re-lighting, makes 30 minutes lost a day, 150


hours in a year. If he gets 50 cents an hour, he probably costs his employer $1.00 per hour, and his pipe causes his employer a loss of $150 a year or $1,500 in ten years. The employer also loses the profits he might have made if the time had been properly employed, and the interest on the investment which would amount to considerable.

A smoker may easily waste enough of his time to make himself a non-dividend producer for his employer.

Medical Bills Increased.

Tobacco, being a poison has an injurious effect on every part of the body and thus aggravates and increases the severity of many diseases, and actually produces others, so that it increases bills for medicines and doctor's services. Chapters II and III will deal with this, the Effect of Tobacco on the body and mind.

The Cost of Pipes.

The cost of pipes, cigar and cigarette holders for the year 1920 was not far from three million dollars. This does not include vast amounts spent for fancy cigar and cigarette cases, tobacco pouches, smoking sets, etc. The Canadian Cigar and Tobacco Journal for August 1920, said that the people of the United States spent $1,000,000 in 1919 for cigar and cigarette holders alone. City papers carry advertisements of women's jeweled cigarette cases costing as high as $1,000 each.

Asylums and Alms-houses.

In order to make a fair estimate of what this


drug costs the country, we ought to visit our alms-houses and houses of correction, our reform schools, insane asylums, jails, and penitentiaries, to which poverty, disease, and crime resulting from the tobacco habit, with intemperance following in its wake, bring hundreds and thousands. For the support of all these we are taxed, and that doubly since we are also assessed to supply many of them with the very poison that brought them there.

We complain that we are poor; but who can look at the cost of tobacco without wondering that we are not poorer? Stewards find it hard to collect money sufficient for the support of the ministry; a collection is taken for some benevolent purple, and how small is the amount! Our Missionary Society has a hard struggle to meet the demands made uipon it. We pay dollars for self-gratification and self-indulgence, and cents for the spread of the Gospel! As a rule people love the gratification of a useless appetite more than they love their God.

How often will a man go through life without owning a home, when the money that he spends on this narcotic, if put on interest, would be ample for the purchase of one! How many families are cramped for the necessaries of life because the husband and father will not give up his cigar! And how many a man reduced to beggary holds on to his pipe!

If the $2,000,000,000 or more a year now sacrificed to this evil, were turned into useful channels, what wonderful material blessings it would bring to our people. A subject for profitable speculation.




"Know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost?" I Cor. 6:19.

"If any man defile the temple of God him shall God destroy, for the temple of God is holy." I Cor 3:17.

WE SHOULD understand at the outset that the active agent in Tobacco in all its forms, is an actual and virulent poison known as Nicotine, which next to prussic acid, is the most deadly of all poisons. Von Enlenberg, in his analysis of tobacco, states that every one hundred pounds of dry leaf yields from two to seven pounds of nicotine. Three drops of this oil of tobacco upon the tongue of a full-sized cat usually causes death in from three to ten minutes.

*Even when used as a medicine it is so uncongenial to the system and of so baneful a tendency that physicians now seldom administer it. In many instances where it has been applied internally or even externally, it has caused death in a very short period. A tobacco poultice applied to the pit of the stomach causes terrible vomiting. Its application to the head produces similar effects.

Dr. Beach tells of a girl about seven years of age in good health, who was seized with incessant
*We are indebted to the Gospel Trumpet Co., Anderson, Ind., for matter contained in this and the following Chapter.


vomiting by merely having an ointment of butter and snuff applied to her head, which was affected with scabies.

"A medical gentleman in New Hampshire a few years ago was consulted by the mother of a girl four years old who was afflicted with a severe eruption or humor on the face. The mother was anxious, from having heard stories of its efficacy in other cases, to make an application of tobacco. The physician, however, advised to the contrary, and left her, to visit her sick neighbor.

"While prescribing for the latter, he was called back in haste to the child, whom he found senseless and motionless on the floor. The mother informed him that being still persuaded that tobacco would be beneficial, she had, after he retired, taken some from the bowl of a pipe and rubbed it over the child's face; that the child set out to walk across the room immediately after the application, but had not proceeded half-way before it fell in the condition in which he found it.

"The physician remained an hour and a half, resorting to various means of resuscitating the child. The pulse occasionally reviving and then dying away again, until finally animation was restored; though for years afterward the child was subject to alarming nervous symptoms and is even now puny and feeble. The constitution of the child previous to the experiment was good; but the shock upon the nervous system was so severe that it never wholly recovered, and probably never will."

Dr. Murray relates the history of three children who were seized with vomiting, vertigo, and profuse


perspiration, and died in twenty-four hours with tremors and convulsions, after having the head rubbed with a liniment made from tobacco, in hope of freeing them from scurf.

"The tea of twenty or thirty grains of tobacco," says Dr. [R. D.] Mussey [1780-1866], "introduced into the human body for the purpose of relieving spasm, has been known repeatedly to destroy life."

The French poet Santa Santeul was poisoned by a thoughtless person's emptying the contents of a snuff-box into his wine. As soon as he had swallowed the draught, he was attacked with excessive pains, violent vomitings, and faintings, of which he died in fourteen hours.

"A youth of fourteen, after smoking for toothache," says Dr. Drahen, "fell down suddenly and died the same day."

Dr. M. Lauden of France says, 'It is the appalling testimony of a college of physicians, that twenty thousand persons in our land die annually from tobacco poison."

A member of one of of the largest tobacco firms in St. Louis said recently that tobacco kills more men than alcohol. When manufacturers themselves say this, is it not time for Christian men to sound the alarm? Agriculturists say that it soon poisons the soil on which it grows, or that it impoverishes the soil more than any other plant in the vegetable kingdom.

Kempfer says, "A thread dipped into the oil and drawn through a wound made by a needle in an animal has killed it in seven minutes."


"The Indians of our country," says the Journal of Health, "are well aware of its poisonous effects, and were accustomed to dipping the heads of their arrows in an oil obtained from the leaves of tobacco, which being inserted into the flesh occasioned sickness and faintings, and even convulsions and death."

Mr. Barrow, the African traveler, tells us that the Hottentots use this plant for destroying snakes. "A Hottentot," says he, "applied some of it from the short end of his wooden pipe to the mouth of a snake while darting out its tongue. The effect was as instantaneous as that of an electric shock. With a momentary convulsive motion, the snake half untwisted itself and never stirred away. Its muscles were so contracted that the whole animal felt as hard and as rigid as if dried in the sun."

Any tobacco-user doubting this remarkable testimony will be convinced of its authenticity by capturing a live snake, placing a foot upon its neck to prevent it from biting, prying open its mouth and spitting tobacco juice into it. You will find that it will go into terrible convulsions and die quicker than by cutting off its head. Take the oil from the bowl of an old pipe and place it upon a cat's tongue, and it will die in a very few minutes.

A pound of tobacco contains an average of 320 grains of nicotine, and it is said that one grain will kill a dog in three minutes. It was related of some soldiers in Canada, that when under hard service, they contrived to unfit themselves for duty by placing a moistened leaf of tobacco in the armpit. It caused sickness at the stomach and general prostra-



The poison of tobacco, set free by the process of either chewing, smoking, or snuffing, when for the first time it is swept through the system by the blood, powerfully affects the body. Nausea follows, and the stomach seeks to throw off the offensive substance. The brain is inflamed and headache follows. The motory nerves become irritated, giddiness ensues.

Ed. Note: More Examples:
Dr. Jackson (1826)
Dr. Thorn (1845)
Dr. Titus Coan (1850)
Animal Evidence (1860)
Dr. Schroff (1882)
Dwarzak & Heinrich (1891)

Thus we see that nature earnestly protests against the formation of this habit. But after repeated trials, the system adjusts itself to the new conditions. The tolerance of the poison is finally established, until the former symptoms are no longer noticeable. But such powerful substances can not be constantly inhaled without producing marked changes.

The three great eliminating organs, the lungs, the skin, and the kidneys, throw off a great part of the product, but much remains in the system.

When the presence of poison is constant, especially when the habit is indulged in excessively, these organs become overtaxed; and the disturbance which at first is merely functional must necessarily, in many cases at least, lead to chronic derangement. Sometimes the strong and healthy will seem to escape without any visible effect, while the weak and those subject to disease will be infused in proportion to the extent of indulgence.

However, it is an established fact that all who persist in continuing the indulgence of this self-destroying habit must sooner or later, in some way or another, be affected by its poisonous influence. Beyond the shadow of a doubt tobacco is a poison—deadly in large doses; pernicious and harmful in


small doses. It deteriorates and contaminates every organ and tissue with which it comes in contact in the body. Its influence is to lessen vitality, to benumb the sensibilities, to shorten the life, to kill.

Tobacco Affects the Teeth.

There are a great many persons who believe that however dangerous may be the effects of tobacco, it surely does preserve the teeth, specially when chewed. This, however, is a very sad mistake. There are no preserving qualities in tobacco. We shall prove to you that it is a destructive enemy to the teeth.

It is true that tobacco is used, both by chewing and by smoking for toothache. We admit that in many cases it affords relief and prevents pain. But does it remove the cause? Does it cure the diseased tooth? No. It only benumbs the nerves. It has the same effect as chloroform upon the man who undergoes a surgical operation. He has no consciousness of pain, but still the disease remains uncured.

There is creosote in the fumes of tobacco, and this creosote is used by dentists to kill the nerves of teeth. So, tobacco smoke or quid, applied to the teeth, in many cases deadens the pain, and gives temporary relief. But who has ever known of a single case where a positive cure was affected? It is a noticeable fact that those who use tobacco for the toothache never stop using it when the tooth stops aching.

The soundness of the teeth is always in proportion to the soundness of the gums, and the lining membrane of the mouth, and the whole alimentary


canal. Tobacco makes the gums loose and spongy and injures the lining membrane of the alimentary canal, especially of the stomach. Therefore the application of tobacco to the gums and the inside of the mouth can not but hasten their decay. The gums become loose and diseased; the teeth are affected and wear out fast.

[Dr. R. D.] Mussey [1780-1866] says that "by observing the mouths of scores of individuals addicted to the tobacco habit, who boasted of the soundness of their teeth and of freedom from toothache I have seen them so worn that they extended but a little way beyond the gums. In the part of the mouth where the quid was kept, this wearing out or wasting away is more obvious than in other parts."

Dr. [William A.] Alcott [1798-1859] says, "The teeth of those who use tobacco are in a less perfect state than those of other people."

Dr. [Benjamin]Rush [1746-1813] speaks of a man in Philadelphia who lost all of his teeth by smoking.

Dr. [Joseph] Warren [1741-1775], of Boston, says not only that the common belief that tobacco is beneficial to the teeth is entirely erroneous, but also that its poisonous and relaxing qualities are positively injurious to them.

Such is the general opinion of medical men, not only in this country, but also in Europe. True, we do find here and there an old tobacco-user whose teeth so far as they are not worn out are free from decay. But such cases are very rare and they prove nothing in favor of tobacco. They simply show that the individuals who thus held out had strong constitutions [[Ed. Note: i.e., were first-generation smokers], without hereditary tendencies to disease of the alimentary canal and teeth, and that if in spite


of the tobacco their teeth were comparatively perfect, they would have been still better had they abstained from it entirely.

Besides causing premature decay, tobacco destroys the beauty of the teeth. Who has seen a tobacco-user with ivory white teeth? And who has not noticed the dark-brown color of the teeth of a tobacco chewer, smoker, or snuffer? No doubt God intended that the teeth should last as long as the owners, yet in but few of the thousands of tobacco-users is this the case.

Injures the Voice.

Snuff-using impairs the voice by obstructing the air. Both the chewing and the smoking of tobacco cause a dryness of the nasal membrane, especially smoking. The smoke of tobacco contains many fine particles of the weed itself, and these lodge in the passage. We all know how soon smoke of any kind, especially tobacco smoke, will darken a white surface. This is done by depositing its fine dust, or soot, upon it. The lining membrane of the nasal passage receives this dark, filthy, poisonous, tobacco soot, which causes dryness. If the habit be indulged in regularly, a certain amount of throat irritation must ensue, such as weakness of the voice, tremulousness, squeaking or hoarseness, a tickling sensation, followed by a hacking cough. The voice becomes harsh, thick, husky, and stammering.

W. H. Griffiths, professor of music, in his treatise on the human voice, says,

"In every case of a singer being a habitual user of the weed, a dryness of the mucus membrane is noticed, much to the det-


riment of the voice."

He advises all who value their voice to lay it [tobacco] aside. He further says:

"A young pupil who at the age of eighteen took a violent fancy for smoking a pipe, which indeed was seldom out of his mouth, contracted inflammation of the pharynx, which affected his singing in a peculiar manner. His voice would sound most clear and brilliant for a few seconds; but afterwards, growing husky by degrees, a fit of coughing would ensue. This would generally terminate the lesson. In fact, it was found expedient to discontinue the study altogether. On examining him with the laryngoscope I discovered granulations covering the membrane as far down as the epiglottis, and on the lid itself.

"In this gentleman's case it was especially unfortunate, as he possessed one of the most perfectly shaped throats for vocalization that it has been my privilege to examine. He would, I am convinced, have made his mark in the vocal world were it not for the fatal habit."

Dr. Woodward, of the State Hospital for the Insane at Worcester, declares that one frequent cause of permanent loss of voice in modern times by public speakers, especially clergyman, is the use of tobacco in some of its forms.

Impairs the Senses.

There can be no doubt that the use of tobacco injuriously affects the senses. It can not be applied to the membranes in the region of the mouth, eyes, ears, nose, and brain, day by day, year after year,


without serious results. It impairs and benumbs and dulls the sense of


so that plain food becomes tiresome, and it is not unusual for the tobacco-user to add a large amount of seasoning, such as salt, pepper, mustard, and spices. Water also, and even fruit, to the taste which has been perverted by tobacco, soon become insipid. Many reject fruit altogether.

Who has not noticed the dull, flat taste of the tobacco-user. Surely nothing can be relished after the mouth and throat have been exposed to the stimulus of the smoke or juice of tobacco. When the user first introduced tobacco to his mouth, the taste was anything but pleasant; but the continued indulgence has perverted the taste until the very thing that was once so disgusting has now become a sweet morsel.

How many will agree with me that the average tobacco-user has more relish for his pipe and quid than he has for his meal? I have heard many tobaccco-users say they would rather go without dinner than tobacco. Is it any wonder that food is not relished and is refused when such a state of the taste exists? Some have continued the habit until the sense of taste has been almost entirely destroyed, and they are unable to discern the qualities of food by taste.


Perhaps snuff is more injurious to the sense of smell than is tobacco in any other form. Drs. Bell and Condie agree that snuff often entirely destroys


the sense of smell and impairs the voice. Those who use tobacco to any extent have one or more of their senses less perfect by its use. In many cases chewing and smoking impair the smell, and some continue the use of it until they can hardly smell at all. The writer has had experience in both chewing and smoking, and his testimony is that the sense of smelling is greatly benefited by discontinuing the habit.

It is asserted that snuff-takers are peculiarly liable to polypus and diseases of the nose. "Common snuff, in habitual snuff-takers," says Dr. Beach, "has been known to penetrate into the sinuses communicating with the nose, and into the antrum where it has formed horrible abcesses. It is carried down into the stomach, and by the use of it the skin is tinged with a bright-brown color." Many women have ruined their complexion by the use of it.

Old Dr. Salmon says,

"The ordinary use of snuff is of very evil consequence and I am confident that more have died of apoplexy in one year since the use of it than had died of that disease in one hundred years before."

All physicians agree that snuff-using is a very pernicious habit, but especially does it affect the nose and the sense of smell.


Tobacco often produces catarrh of the nose and head, and diseases of the ear sometimes follow, producing confusion of sounds. This may be similar to the rushing of steam or the motion of water, also ringing of bells, clashing of cymbals, or pounding of iron, the ear being incapable of hearing distinctly This may be due to the fact that the brain itself is


confused by the use of tobacco, and rendered unfit for the appreciation of sound. In many cases the use of tobacco causes slight deafness, in one or both ears.

Dr. [R. D.] Mussey [1780-1866] mentions the case of a Mr. Cummings, of Plymouth, N. H., who, enjoying the best of health, at the age of twenty years began the use of snuff and at the age of twenty-three began chewing and smoking, and continued in this way for thirty years, until his hearing was nearly destroyed. He was partially deaf for ten years, and at times the right ear was entirely deaf. In one month after discontinuing the use of tobacco, his hearing was restored and none of the former symptoms ever returned.


Thy use of tobacco also affects the sight. Seldom do we find a tobacco-user or snuff-taker whose eyes are not more or less affected. Who can fail to see the terrible effects of tobacco upon the eyes of our rising generation?

Many a young man has ruined his eyes by the use of this weed, and now he must, by the spectacles he wears, tell the world wherever he goes that he is a self-destroyer. It is safe to say that a great majority of those who wear eyeglasses before the age of fifty have destroyed their own eyes by the use of tobacco. I am often made to wonder if the young man or woman who so proudly dons the spectacles knows what they are telling the scientific world. The cigar in the mouth is often the cause of the glasses on the nose.

Tobacco-using produces confusion of sight. At


times sparks or balls of fire appear before the eyes. Again, large red spots haunt the vision, and deeply seated pains are felt. The nervous coat becomes seriously affected so that the object which impresses it is seen long after the eyes cease to look; thus rendering the vision imperfect, and sometimes resulting in total blindness.

Dr. [William A.] Alcott [1798-1859] speaks of a man who used tobacco for many years and at the age of fifty-five could not read a word without spectacles. After he quit the habit his eyesight gradually came back to him, and at the age of sixty-three his sight was better than most men's at his age. Being a surveyor, he was able to keep his minutes without spectacles.

Tobacco, like all narcotics, powerfully affects the nerves. In fact, the entire nervous system is more or less affected. This being an undisputed fact, the nerves of the ears and eyes must suffer. They become weakened and stupefied, therefore they are unable to perform their proper function.

Dr. Albert L. Gihon says,

"I have several times rejected candidates for admission into the Naval Academy on account of defective vision, who confessed to the premature use of tobacco. One of these, from the age of seven."

The Appetite.

We have already shown that the use of tobacco affects the sense of taste. It is a fact generally understood by medical men that whatever injures or impairs the taste has also a tendency to impair the appetite. Dr. Benjamin Rush [1746-1813] says, especially, that it impairs the appetite. The habitual tobacco-user often feels


a lack of appetite. Food is not relished as it should be, and sometimes it even becomes obnoxious.

Again, the appetite becomes excited to so abnormal a condition that the poor tobacco slave finds himself possessed with such a ferocious, gnawing appetite that nothing can fully satisfy it. Those who have given up the habit agree that in a short time they were blessed with a natural, healthy appetite.


Every medical man knows that the saliva, which is so copiously drained off by the tobacco-user, is the first and greatest agent that nature employs in digesting food. The use of tobacco injures digestion by causing the user to spit out the saliva which he ought to swallow. The saliva is not only intended to moisten the food in mastication, but there are properties in it to digest the food after it passes into the stomach.

The use of tobacco not only poisons the saliva that is taken into the stomach, but also weakens, dries up, and destroys the salivary glands in the mouth. The man who uses tobacco and spits away the overflow of saliva, spits away his life. The man who uses it and does not spit, retains the dreadful poison, to be carried through the entire system. The poisoned saliva enters the stomach and preys directly upon the very vitals of the body, causing indigestion and dyspepsia. Who, in view of these facts, can wonder at the dizziness, the faintness, the pain in the head and stomach, and the weakness of the victim of tobacco?

Dr. Stevens speaks of a young man twenty years


of age, in general good health, whom, he says, he found in the full belief that he could not possibly digest his dinner until he had followed it by a quid of tobacco, and to whom he remarked, "Can it be that God so made the stomach that it can not do its appointed work, unless aided by a quid of tobacco, a pipe or a cigar?"

There are those who are truly honest, but are so deceived that they believe tobacco aids in digestion. Some quack physicians have actually prescribed it as a cure. Nothing can be more absurd. There is not a living man today who can certify that tobacco has cured him of indigestion.

I have known men to use it for years as a cure, so they argue, but never to get absolutely cured. But I am aware of the fact that some who have quit its use have gotten well of this disease. No man can ever expect a permanent cure of dyspepsia so long as he continues in a habit that causes the disease. Remove the cause—behold the glad results.

Leads to Drunkenness.

"The use of tobacco," says Henry M. Brown, "produces a dryness or huskiness of the mouth, thus creating a thirst which in many cases is not satisfied with anything short of alcoholic drinks. In this way the use of tobacco often lays the foundation of drunkenness." One man calls it, in its many forms, the "tributaries to the great ocean of intemperance." "The tendency of every stimulant habit," says Dr. Steele, "is toward a stronger tonic, and the nicotine habit once introduced, the alcohol habit often follows."


Truly, the way to the rumshop is paved with tobacco leaves. Very seldom do we find a drunkard who does not use tobacco. They go together. "Tobacco and alcohol," says one, "are twin brothers." One demands the other, and especially where you find liquor you nearly always find tobacco.

There were 600 prisoners in the state prison at Auburn, N. Y., a few years ago, for crimes committed when under the influence of strong drink. Of these, 500 testify that they began their course of intemperance by the use of tobacco. Prison statistics show, with scarcely an exception, that forgers, defaulters, and swindlers use tobacco, while ninety-seven per cent. of all male convicts first lost their freedom by the bondage of tobacco.

Over 700 drunkards joined the Washingtonians in one society in Baltimore in 1840. All backslid except sixty-seven who abandoned strong drink and tobacco at the same time.

Blood and Heart.

The use of tobacco injures the red corpuscles of the blood and greatly disturbs the action of the heart and blood vessels. It has been recently shown that while the pulse is seventy-two among non-users, the average pulse of those addicted to the use of tobacco is eight-nine—an increase of about seventeen pulsations every minute. This is to say that to every 1,000 pulsations in those who do not use it, there would be 1,233 in those who do use it. The effect of such an increased action of the heart is very injurious, giving it increased labors and increasing the number of beats about 24,000 a day.

Ed. Note: See also William Thayer Smith, Ph.D.,
Prof of Physiology, Dartmouth Medical College,
Primer of Physiology and Hygiene: A Textbook for Primary Classes
(New York: Ivison, Blakeman & Co, 1885), pp 46-48.


"Who has not observed the numerous sudden deaths during the past few years from heart-trouble? Dr. Alcott says that
"of the men thus dying, it will be found that ninety-five, if not ninety-nine, in one hundred use tobacco or coffee or both excessively. In these cases there is a spasm or stoppage of the heart. The man falls and usually never speaks. I could name fifty who felt the premonitions of heart-trouble, and, quitting the use of tobacco and coffee, have been freed from it for ten, twenty, or thirty years."

It is safe to say that nearly all the affections of the heart, such as palpitation, etc., are caused by the use of tobacco.

On the Lungs.

By the use of tobacco in any of its forms, the poisonous flavor is taken directly into the lungs. Especially do the fumes of the pipe, the cigar and the cigarette work deadly destruction to this organ. The lungs are lined with mucous membrane exceedingly sensitive to anything but pure air. We have all noticed this when breathing anything offensive.

The body needs food, clothing, sunshine, bathing, and drink, but none of these wants are so pressing as pure air. Other wants may be met by occasional supply, but air must be furnished every moment or we die. Now the vital element of pure air is oxygen gas. It is the stimulating, life-giving principle. No tonic is so invigorating as a few full breaths of pure, cool air.

The breathing of air full of tobacco smoke brings on sore throat and is apt to cause inflamma-


tion of the lung tissues. Many diseases of the lungs are due to its use. Especially has it been known to cause the death of many by the dreadful disease of consumption.

The man who forces his lungs to breathe in poisonous fumes of tobacco smoke is doing just what nature refuses to do. Tobacco smoke is full of carbonic acid, just what the lungs at every breath are laboring to expel. Is it any wonder that men die of lung diseases when they shut themselves in a room for hours at a time, and poison themselves with the deadly tobacco smoke? The lungs demand pure air. Yet the tobacco-smoker, thinking more of what he calls the comforting pipe than of the prolonging of his days, continues, in spite of the repulsing of his better nature, to poison every breath he draws.

Nervous System.

"The use of tobacco," says Dr. Brown, "seems to act directly on the nervous system, enfeebling, exhausting, and destroying the power of life." Dr. Trall also declares that it torpifies, paralyzes, an lowers the tone of the whole nervous system, and he says that the use of this pernicious weed is one of the chief causes of so much sterility among men.

Dr. [Ray V.] Pierce, in his "Medical Adviser," says: "The use of tobacco is a pernicious habit, in whatever way it is introduced into the system. Its active principle, nicotine, which is an energetic poison, exerts its specific effects on the nervous system, tending to stimulate it into an unnatural degree of activity, the final result of which is weakness and even paralysis."


The horse under the action of the whip and spur may exhibit great spirit and rapid movements, but urge him beyond his strength with these agents and you will inflict a lasting injury. Withhold the stimuli and the drooping head and moping pace indicate the sad reaction that has taken place. This illustrates the evils of habitually exciting the nerves by the use of tobacco. Under its action the tone of the system is greatly impaired and it responds more feebly to the influence of curative agents.

Tobacco itself, when its use becomes habitual and excessive gives rise to the most unpleasant and dangerous pathological conditions, and general nervous prostration must frequently warn the persons addicted to the habit that they are undermining the very foundation of health.

Produces Disease.

A great many of the complaints to which flesh in its fallen state is heir are originated and aggravated by tobacco. As we have already proved, the poisonous effects of tobacco are felt on every one of the vital organs. This being the case, who could expect it to be used habitually without producing disease?

Dr. [Benjamin] Rush says that even when used moderately, tobacco causes dyspepsia, headache, tremors, vertigo, and epilepsy; also, many of those diseases which are supposed to be seated in the nerves. "I once lost a young man," he adds, "seventeen years of age, of a pulmonary consumption, whose disorder was brought on by smoking cigars."

Dr. Woodward, after presenting a long array of


facts showing the tendency of tobacco to produce disease, apoplexy, aphony, hyochondria, consumption, epilepsy, headache, tremors, vertigo, dyspepsia, cancer, and insanity, concluded by saying,
"Who can doubt that tobacco, in each of the various ways in which it has been customarily used, has destroyed more valuable life, and broken down the health of more useful members of society, than the complaint in question (bronchitis), up to the present time, or than it ever will hereafter?"

Dr. Brown, of Providence, says: "The symptoms which are liable to arise from the habitual use of tobacco, whether chewed, smoked, or snuffed, may be any of the following: dizziness, headache, faintness, pain in pit of stomach, weakness, tremulousness, hoarseness of the voice, disturbed sleep, nightmare, irritability of temper, seasons of mental depression, epileptic fits, and sometimes mental derangement."

One of the most eminent surgeons in the country states that of the cases of cancer of the lip which have come within his observation, all but three were those of individuals who had at some period of their lives used tobacco in some of its forms.

General [Ulysses] Grant [1822-1885] lost his life from a cancer caused by smoking cigars. The deaths of Senators Hill and Carpenter are also said to have resulted from the use of tobacco.

Dr. Pierce says "Tobacco, when its use becomes habitual and excessive, gives rise to the most unpleasant and dangerous pathological conditions: oppressive torpor, weakness or loss of intellect, softening of the brain, paralysis, nervous debility, dyspep-


sia, functional derangement of the heart, diseases of the liver and kidneys, a sense of faintness, nausea, giddiness, dryness of the throat, trembling, feelings of fear, disquietude, apprehensiveness, and general nervous prostration."

Dr. Willard Parker, of New York, says that for many years his attention has been called to the positive destructive effects of tobacco on the human system, and that he has found that excessive chewers or smokers of tobacco are more apt to die of epidemics and not recover soon in a healthy manner from injuries or fever.

Dr. Shaw enumerates eighty diseases caused either directly or indirectly by the use of tobacco.

Dr. Hammond, of Baltimore, declares: "As a physician of forty years practice, I give my decided opinion that tobacco has killed ten men where whisky has killed one. This, no doubt, will be disputed by physicians who indulge in the weed, but I believe it can be demonstrated that many of the chronic diseases to which the male population are subject, owe their origin to tobacco."

Dr. Grimshaw says: "So insidious are its effects that very few have regarded it as swelling the bills of mortality. It is nevertheless true that multitudes are carried to the grave every year by tobacco alone."

Says Dr. King, "A patient under treatment should give up the use of tobacco, or his physician should assume no responsibility in his case farther than to do the best he can for him."




"Thou shalt love the Lord thy God * * with all thy mind." Matt. 22:37.

AN OLD philosopher has said, "There is nothing great in the world but man; there is nothing great in man but mind." Indeed the mind is the measure of the man. A weakened mind is a weakened man.

There is a close connection between the body and the mind, so that when we injure or weaken the body, we usually injure or weaken the mind. When you destroy the mind, you destroy practically all that is useful or beautiful in man. The body without the mind is fit only for the grave. Without a healthy mind, man can neither serve God nor his fellowmen as he ought. We cannot adequately keep the very first commandment with a mind that has been even partly destroyed.

The ideal condition is a sound mind in a sound body. We have noticed the dreadful affects of tobacco upon the senses, and since it is through these avenues that we receive a great part of our knowledge, it surely seems reasonable that the mental powers are likewise affected.

Especially does the use of tobacco injure the


memory. It is not an uncommon thing to hear old tobacco-users complain of their lack of memory. If you were to tell them that tobacco was the cause, they undoubtedly would not believe it. It is doubtless a fact that there is nothing that destroys memory as the habitual use of tobacco. Very few old tobacco-users have a perfect and clear memory. Of all the preparations of tobacco, snuff seems to be the worst in proportion to its quantity.

Says Dr. Stevens: "It impairs the functions of the brain, clouds the understanding, and enfeebles the memory. Tobacco is injurious to every faculty of the mind, and is ruinous to the intellect."

Speaking of its effects, Gov. Sullivan said, "It has never failed to render me dull and heavy, to interrupt my usual alertness of thought, and to weaken the power of my mind in analyzing subjects and defining ideas."

The use of tobacco makes it difficult for the student to concentrate his mind upon his study. Before the full maturity of the system is attained, even the smallest amount of tobacco is very harmful. How sad to see so many of our youth enslaved by this dreadful habit! In spite of all the warnings of medical science and physiology the cursed habit is increasing daily.

I am sorry to say that in some of our public schools not only is there no teaching against this dangerous habit; but its use is even allowed on the grounds, and what is worse, some teachers, bound by the habit, furnish their pupils an example sure to be followed. Whenever a pupil forms the tobacco hab-


(pp 38-41)

body is proved by a comparison of smokers with non-smokers in institutions of learning. At the Polytechnic School in Paris the students were divided into two groups of smokers and non-smokers, and it was shown that the smokers were far inferior to the others in the various competitive examinations. At other schools and colleges in France a similar state of affairs was found. The non-smokers were healthier, closer students, and consequently better scholars; and as a result of these tests smoking was prohibited in all the public seminaries of France. Dr. Dio Lewis states that no tobacco-user within fifty years has graduated at the head of his class at Harvard.

Causes Insanity.

Insanity is one of the horrible consequences of using tobacco, according to the statement of physicians and statistics of insane asylums. The New York World, some years ago, after an investigation, asserted that in nine cases out of eleven, where insanity had resulted from alcoholism, the primary cause was smoking. Not only does tobacco cause insanity by means of alcohol, but it is a direct cause in itself, and cases could be cited if space permitted. So true is the connection between the habit and this disease that it has been proved that "lunacy has kept pace in France with the increase of revenue of tobacco." Mr. Sims estimated some years ago that there were about 70,000 lunatics in America, and of this number more than 15,000—or one in five—were made insane by tobacco.

The Dublin University Magazine says: "The


mental power of many a boy is certainly weakened by tobacco-smoking. The brain under its influence can do less work, and the dreary feeling which is produced tends directly to idleness. For all reasons it is desirable that our rising generation should be abstainers from tobacco."

The Scalpel, in speaking of the decay of the senses caused by the use of tobacco, says: "If there is a vice more prostrating to the body and mind, more crucifying to all the sympathies of the spiritual nature of man, we have yet to be convinced of it."

Weakens the Intellect.

Professor [Edward] Hitchcock says: "Intoxicating drinks, opium, and tobacco exert a pernicious influence upon the intellect. They tend directly to debilitate the organs; and we cannot take a more effectual course to cloud the understanding, weaken the memory, unfix the attention, and confuse all the mental operations than by thus entangling on ourselves the whole hateful train of nervous maladies. These can bow down to the earth an intellect of giant strength, and make it grind in bondage like Samson shorn of his locks [Ed. Note: [Judges 16:19-21] allusion] and deprive him of his vision. The use of tobacco may seem to soothe the feelings and quicken the operations of the mind; but to what purpose is it that the machine is furiously running and buzzing after the balance-wheel is taken off?"

Surgeon McDonald says: "I may mention a curious fact not generally known, but which requires to be tried only to be proved—viz., that no smoker can think steadily or continuously on any subject


(pp 44-45)



"A foolish son is a grief to his father, and bitterness to her that bare him." Prov. 17:25.

THE MOST INJURIOUS form in which Tobacco is used is the cigarette, but there are many erroneous ideas concerning it. Briefly stated, the principal error is the belief that the specially injurious effects of the cigarette copies from poisons contained in the wrapper, or "dope" added to the tobacco used in them.

It is the method of smoking, rather than the poisonous content of the cigarette, that makes it specially injurious, and not any poisons that may have been put into them. In fact it is probable that most if not all cigarette wrappers are less poisonous than the tobacco leaf used to wrap cigars, and it is certain that the tobacco used in most cigarettes, being of a cheaper grade, is less poisonous than the tobacco used in any other form of the product.

It is an undisputed fact that nicotine is the most poisonous drug known, except one, prussic acid. Hence no poison could be put into cigarettes that would be more poisonous than the nicotine in the


tobacco, except prussic acid, and it is not likely that prussic acid is put into them.

Whether cigarette wrappers are "doped" with any kind of poison or not, it is certain that they are injurious, for even clean paper, when burned, produces gases that have no proper place in the mouth or lungs.

Ed. Note: See example, acrolein, cited by Thomas Edison.

In smoking, the nicotine in the tobacco is vaporized by the heat of combustion and will condense into liquid as does steam. In smoking a cigar, the nicotine is vaporized by the burning at the end of the cigar, and much of it is condensed as the smoke is drawn through the cigar and never reaches the mouth. In pipes much of the nicotine is condensed in the bottom of the bowl or in the stem. But the tobacco in the cigarette is loosely packed, the combustion is free and the nicotine is both well vaporized and quickly and readily passed through the intervening tobacco into the mouth and lungs. The combustion being free, the smoke is more vaporous, and can be more readily admitted to the lungs than the smoke from pipe or cigar. The lungs, being especially adapted to the absorption of gases, and affording an emensely increased absorbing surface, absorbs vastly more of the nicotine into the system than is obtained by the smoker of cigar or pipe, few of whom are able to inhale smoke from them.

Hence the cigarette smoker gets more nicotine into his system than other smokers and consequently he is injured more. Besides the cigarette smoker repeats the dose much oftener than the cigar or pipe smoker.


(pp 48-59)

young men who smoke cigarettes. This is because they know that the victims of cigarettes cannot be trusted.

The laws of nearly every state in the Union forbid the sale of tobacco to boys, and the laws of Colorado even forbid people to give boys tobacco, so that boys who use cigarettes are not only disobedient to their parents but they are disobedient to the laws of their state. Patriotism is, after all, duty to one's school, and one's city. And no boy does his duty either to himself, his home, his school, his flag or his country, who will indulge in the vile habit of smoking cigarettes.

Ed. Note: It was experience such as this (that adults must be included so as to set a right example) that had led to Iowa's 1897 cigarette manufacturing and sales ban.

Practiced Among Girls as Well as Boys.

Not only is this dangerous practice indulged in by boys, but girls and women have acquired a liking for the cigarette, and many of them smoke in secret. A canvas of the public schools of Washington City disclosed the fact that while fifty per cent of the boys are habitual users of cigarettes, there were hundreds of girls in the lower as well as in the higher grades who were also addicted to their use. In other cities a similar state of affairs was discovered. Let the readers of this article make an investigation in their own communities and they will be surprised at the wide-spread prevalence of this vice.

They Commit Suicide.

During the twenty years that the publisher of this book has been in the printing business, he has had, at different times, two men in bis employ who used cigarettes. They were both younger than he.


They are both dead. They both committed suicide—luckily after they had left his employ. They became so despondent and so sick of such a life as they were living that they murdered themselves. This is the end to which many cigarette smokers come, and no one [laymen, 1915] knows how many, because in such cases the real cause is kept from public knowledge.

Degenerating as a Nation.

In the Spanish-Amercan-Filipino War [1898] it was demonstrated that we are degenerating as a nation; hundreds of our boys failed to pass the examination, because of the cigarette habit. In the 60's [Civil War, 1861-1865] only 13 out of 100 soldiers were rejected who made application. In the Spanish-American-Filipino War, 40 out of every 100 were rejected who applied, and 36 out of every 40 because of the cigarette.

The best and strongest young men physically are killed in war—the flower of the nation—and the cigarette smokers stay at home to propagate the race! Seven-tenths of those who become users of these deadly coffin-nails fall victims to tuberculosis or consumption.

Thousands of young men, who might have become useful citizens, are ruined every year from having contracted the habit of smoking cigarettes.

Ed. Note: See similar analyses by
James Parton (1868),
Dr. Hippolyte Depierris (1876),
Michigan (1889),
Rev. John Wight (1889),
Bruce Fink (1915).

The Cigarette Eye.

All our oculists are of one opinion, that the greatest enemy to the eyes of young men is the cigarette. There exists a disease among smokers which is dangerous, and which our best authorities were for a time at a loss to understand. After careful investigation this peculiar malady has been traced to the paper-covered cigarettes. It is now known as


cigarette eye," and requires for its cure a very long and careful treatment. Its symptoms are dimness and a film-like gathering over the eye, which appears and disappears at intervals. Not all cigarette smokers will necessarily have this trouble, but doubtless the eyes of all of them will be more or less affected.

A Summary.

The cigarette is the boy's worst enemy and must be exterminated, and the boy given a chance.

Ed. Note: See the Iowa example of doing this, and criminal law background.

The cigarette habit is more insidiously dangerous than any other habit because of the narcotic influence, and because of the methods of smoking.

Cigarette smoking benumbs and weakens the nerve that controls the heart, and makes it beat irregularly. Cigarette smoking weakens the stomach, and digestive juices are poisoned.

The inhaling of the smoke irritates the delicate membrane of the mouth, throat, lungs and nose.

Cigarette smoking exercises a definite affect upon the spinal cord, interferes with oxidation of the blood, and with nutrition, and also interferes with the functions of the eye, and makes the boy nervous. The cigarette will master the will powers, and dwarf and enfeeble the brain. It makes cowards and sneaks of boys, interferes with a successful prosecution of study, makes a boy dishonest, untruthful, impure and criminal in his life.

The cigarette will make a boy incapable of holding any responsible position, and leads him into the society of the indolent and vicious. It goes hand in


hand with impure literature, liquor, morphine and bad habits.

It holds thousands of boys in its death grip. It undermines their morals.

It is the curse of the boy's body, mind and soul, the bane of society, and the enemy of all true mankind.

Then stamp the cigarette out of existence, and give the boy a chance.

Ed. Note: See the Iowa example of doing this, and criminal law background.

to Imitate Women,
to Imitate Men.
What is the Moral?




"Whatsoever is not of faith is sin." Rom. 14:23.

THE reader has no doubt been convinced, by reading the previous chapters of this book, or otherwise; that tobacco, in all its forms, is destructive to the physical and mental well-being of the user as well as a tremendous economic waste and a filthy habit. If he has been thoughtful, he has, before this, come to the conclusion that its evil affects make its use not only a positive sin in which no Christian should indulge, but its tendency to lead to drink and all kinds of crime, and its blasting affect on a large part of the rising generation of boys, is such that even good citizenship demands that we abstain from its use, and from setting a bad example before the rising generation, and that we use our influence against this evil.

*But many excuse themselves by the claim that the Bible nowhere forbids the use of tobacco. Since the Bible was written Satan and foolish men have devised many evils, which of course are not directly mentioned in the Scriptures. Nevertheless, that per-
*The matter contained in this chapter was recently published in tract form by The Gospel Trumpet Co., Anderson, Ind., and is used by their permission.


fect and holy law lays down principles of righteousness which stand over against everything that is vile and sinful, whether it was practised in ancient Sodom or invented in modern Sodom and Egypt.

"Finally brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things. Those things, which ye have learned, and received, and heard, and seen in me; do: and the God of peace shall be with you." Phil. 4:8, 9.

Here the Word of God calls our attention to general principles of virtue and purity, as if to say: "'The light of my word and Spirit will enable you to judge of your own selves what things are pure and lovely, and what are sinful and unholy, without a direct mention of everything on earth that is good, and everything thaf is evil." Therefore through our knowledge of God and his law of holiness we may say that the use of tobacco, in any of its forms, is a sin in the sight of God.

We will now weight the habit by principles clearly laid down in the law of the Lord; for to this book we appeal as the standard that must decide what is sin and what is not. Some men whose bodies are steeped and consciences smoked in tobacco affirm that they feel no condemnation in its use. What then! shall we conclude that it is no sin to them? God forbid; for that would be making the blinded and seared conscience of man the standard of sin, and not the Word of God. Any practice that conflicts with the divine law is sin. If some are too blind to know it, the scales must fall from their eyes when God's ministers with one accord warn them of the


sin, without palliation or compromise. The use of tobacco, either chewing, smoking, or dipping snuff, is a sin in the sight of God.

Tobacco Brings the User Under Bondage.

Entire sanctification takes out of the heart, soul, and spirit everything that God did not create in us, and brings these appetites and desires of his own creation into their lawful and temperate exercise. Hence says Paul, "I keep under my body" [I Cor 9:27]. Not the body of sin, for that is destroyed, but the physical body. That is true Christian life. Christ and the soul take take preeminence over the body, the spiritual over the material. Moral quality does not inhere in matter; therefore human flesh can neither sin nor do acts of righteousness. It is, however, an instrument though which the mind and the spirit either sin or do good. Hence the injunction:
"Let not sin therefore reign in your mortal body, that ye should obey it in the lusts thereof. Neither yield ye your members as instruments of unrighteousness unto sin: but yield yourselves unto God, as those that are alive from the dead, and your members as instruments of righteousness unto God. Rom. 6:12, 13.
If, therefore, our body is wholly devoted to acts of righteousness, it is because the spiritual and mental elements that dwell within are all holy, and have perfect control of the members of the body as their instruments of righteousness; but if the body is to any degree prostituted to the works of sin, that proves there are inward elements of sin which use the members of the body as its instruments of unrighteousness. Holiness uses its temple to serve God, but sin uses the body in acts of unrighteousness.

Every tobacco-user is under a tyrant from whose


demands there is no appeal, save to Jesus Christ. Now, the Word of God positively asserts that no man can serve two masters [Matthew 6:24; Luke 16:13]. Therefore the servants of King Tobacco can not serve the Lord Jesus Christ.

No person can be fully saved in Jesus and at the same time be enslaved to any lust of the flesh. "If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed." John 8:36.

If any peculiar craving in the body has the mastery over you, you do not keep under your body, but the body through the raging of the appetite has you in bondage. Thus every tobacco user is in slavery. He is not free. No amount of healthful food will satisfy the burning lust. It is not so with natural hunger for food. If one article is not attainable, another will supply the need and satisfy the hunger. But the narcotic tyrant makes his demands independently of all food; yea, he clamors the most right after meals. And the slave must yield even though he is placed amid surroundings that compel him to indulge his idol with shame.

Suppose a person is converted to God and then falls under this hard old master, Tobacco; here is the result: "For of whom a man is overcome of the same is he brought in bondage [II Pet. 2:19]," whether the power is of man or of some lust. And the next verses say:
"For when they speak great swelling words of vanity, they allure through the lusts of the flesh, through much wantonness, those that were clean escaped from them who live in error. While they promise them liberty, they themselves are the servants of corruption; for of whom a man is overcome, of the same is he brought in bondage. For if, after they have escaped the pollutions of the world through the knowledge of the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, they are again entangled therein, and overcome, the latter end is


worse with them than the beginning. For it had been better for them not to have known the way of righteousness, than, after they have known it, to turn from the holy commandment delivered unto them. But it is happened unto them according to the true proverb: The dog is turned to his own vomit again; and the sow that was washed, to her wallowing in the mire." II Pet. 2:18-22.
Read it over, you that have gone from grace to tobacco; honestly confess that Brother Peter has here drawn your picture; then forsake the hard master and come back to Christ, He will set you free. And to every child of Christ not in the grasp of the dreadful monster we would say. "Stand fast therefore in the liberty wherewith Christ hath made us free, and be not entangled again with the yoke of bondage. Gal. 5:1.

Condemned by Scripture Because Filthy.

The using of tobacco is condemned by the Scriptures as a sin because it is a filthy practice.

Scarcely a user of the weed is so imbued with its stupefying poison that he will not admit the use of tobacco is a filthy habit. But were they all to deny it, it would be none the less true, as every clean person knows. Oh, the awful repugnance! What a shameful offense clean men and women must suffer through the selfish indulgence of those who choose to follow the obnoxious practice!

The users are scarcely aware of the fact that their breath and clothes are offensive. They leave their sickening puddles on the floors of meeting-houses, of railroad cars, etc., where others are forced to sit in holy horror. They chase us out of depots to stand in the cold. They drive us off the sidewalks or force us to inhale their nauseous smoke. They oblige us to run


the risk of dropping down, overcome by the deadly poison of their smoke that often densely fills stores, groceries, hotels, and post-offices. Oh! who can paint the outrage that the tobacco lust inflicts upon the innocent part of society? The use of tobacco therefore, is not only a filthy practice in the sight of God, but, as such, a violation of the command, "Be courteous." I Pet. 3:8.
"Having therefore these promises, dearly beloved, let us cleanse ourselves from all filthiness of the flesh and spirit, perfecting holiness in the fear of God. II Cor. 7:1.

"But fornication, and all uncleanness, or covetousness, let it not be once named among you, as becometh saints; neither filthiness, nor foolish talking, nor jesting, which are not convenient; but rather giving of thanks. For this ye know, that no whoremonger nor unclean person, nor covetous man, who is an idolater, hath any inheritance in the kingdom of Christ and of God. Eph. 5:3-5.

"Therefore lay apart all filthiness and superfluity of naughtiness, and receive with meekness the ungrafted word, which is able to save your souls. But be ye doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving your own selves." Jas. 1:21, 22.

In the defiling use of tobacco, men and women live in constant disregard of the above scriptures; hence, judged by them, they are sinners. For if the use of tobacco is not a filthiness of the flesh, we should like to know what can be.
"Woe to her that is filthy." Zech. 3:1.

"If any man defile the temple of God, him shall God destroy. I Cor. 3:17.

"He which is filthy let him be filthy still" [Rev. 22:11].

"Behold, I come quickly, and my reward is with me, to give every man according as his work shall be." Rev. 22:11, 12.
These texts are solemn warnings of the dreadful doom that will come upon all who live after filthy


lusts—especially such persons as have better light.

Living After the Flesh.

The members of the physical body are, as we have seen, the instrument through which a depraved nature works out the commission of sin, causing life to be on a low, animal plane, instead of on a spiritual. In the following quotations, to live "after the flesh," "in the flesh," etc., denote to live in the more or less free [Ed. Note: unrestrained] gratification of the lusts of the body, or to live the old life. Christians do not live after the flesh.
"That the righteousness of the law might be fulfilled in us, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit. For they that are after the flesh, do mind the things of the flesh; but they that are after the Spirit, the things of the Spirit. Rom. 8:4, 5.
Men that do live after the flesh can not please God.
"So then they that are in the flesh can not please God. Rom. 8:8.

"Among whom also we all had our conversation [Ed. Note: lifestyle] in time past in the lusts of our flesh, fulfilling the desires of the flesh and of the mind; and were by nature the children of wrath, even as others." Eph. 2:3.

The practice of uncleanness is the work of the flesh.
"Now the works of the flesh are manifest, which are these: adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lasciviousness, etc." Gal. 5:19.

Since tobacco-using is universally acknowledged to be a filthy habit, and since, as we have just fseen, filthiness is one of the works of the flesh, it follows that those who indulge in the unclean lust "live after the flesh." And now we will prove that spiritual death, as well as physical destruction, is in their practice.


"For if ye live after the flesh ye shall die; but if ye through the Spirit do mortify the deeds of the body, ye shall live. Rom. 8:13.

"Then, when lust hath conceived, it bringeth forth sin; and sin, when it is finished, bringeth forth death." Jas. 1:15.

So tobacco-users are alive to the flesh, and dead to God—especially, we may add, when the pure gospel has been preached and they "have no cloak for their sin" [John 15:22].

Again, God postively forbids men living after the flesh.
"Let not sin therefore reign in your mortal body, that ye should obey it in the lusts thereof. Rom. 6:12; 13:14.

"This I say then, Walk in the Spirit, and ye shall not fulfil the lust of the flesh; for the flesh lusteth against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh: and these are contrary the one to the other; so that ye can not do the things that ye would." Gal. 5:16, 17.

Walking in the Spirit and fulfilling the lusts of the flesh do not go together; hence they who do the latter do not the former. The desire for tobacco is a lust of the flesh, of the old man; and to gratify that lust is to live after the flesh; and "if ye live after the flesh, ye shall die." Oh, flee from dead works!
"Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him. For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of the world. I John 2:15, 16.
Look at the wicked, besotted vorld and see them revel in tobacco! Do they not love it? Do not the cigar, pipe, and quid go hand in hand with intoxicating drinks? Do not the stench of liquor and that of tobacco mingle together, and rise up like smoke from the bottomless pit? Did you ever see or hear of this notice on the walls of a saloon?

"No smoking allowed here."

No; that, and in hell itself


is the place for the smoke of sin and lust. May God pity the poor deceived soul who after hearing the real gospel of God imagines that he can breathe an acceptable prayer to Gpd that is mingled with the stench of tobacco—except it be this one, "God, be merciful to me a sinner" [Luke 18:13] and then it will not rise as high as his breath unless accompanied with, "I here give up my tobacco and all sins forever."

We have already shown that the filthiness of tobacco is a work of the flesh, and in our last text it is affirmed that "the lust of the flesh is not of the Father, but of the world." And "if any if any love the world, the love of the Father is not in him." This is a close point, but it is God's word.
"For the grace of God that bringeth salvation hath appeared unto all men, teaching us that denying ungodliness and worldly lusts, we should live soberly, righteously, and godly, in this present world. Tit. 2:11, 12.

"These are murmurers, complainers, walking after their own lusts: and their mouth speaketh great swelling words, having men's persons in admiration because of advantage. Jude 16.

"And others save with fear, pulling them out of the fire; hating even the garment spotted by the flesh. Jude 23.

"Dearly beloved, I beseech you as strangers and pilgrims, abstain from fleshly lusts, which war against the soul. I Pet. 2:11.

"That he no longer should live the rest of his time in the flesh to the lusts of men, but to the will of God. For the time past of our life may suffice us to have wrought the will of the Gentiles, when we walked in lasciviousness, lusts, excess of wine, revelings, banquetings, and abominable idolatries." I Pet. 4:2, 3.

No man can live soberly, righteously, and godly, and at the same time indulge in worldly lusts. Every tobacco-user lives in direct opposition to the above exhortation of Peter, and hence is a sinner. What


are the spots of the flesh on men's and women's garments? Such as the trappings of pride, spots and scent of tobacco, or anything else that is the dictation and work of the flesh, or depraved nature. So radical is the change wrought in conversion that the new man hates every remembrance of the lusts of the old man. But the tobacco-loving professor continues to love and chew what the corrupt old man loves.
"The Lord knoweth how to deliver the godly out of temptations, and to reserve the unjust * * to be punished. But chiefly them that walk after the flesh in the lust of uncleanness." II Pet. 2: 9, 10.

Oh, hear ye this, ye unclean tobacco-slaves! God threatens those who walk after the lust of uncleanness with special punishment in the day of judgment. Some live after the flesh in the lust of the eye in worldly pride. Others walk after the flesh in greed for money, or ambition for honor. But here a class spoken of who "walk after the flesh in the lust of uncleanness;" that is, they indulge a lust that makes them unclean. And the tobacco-user admits that his practice is a "filthy habit;" therefore he must also admit that he is included among those for whom God has reserved special punishment. Oh, flee to Christ!

Tobacco is not food; it only feeds the craving that it has created. The pleasure derived from the use of tobacco is like the sensation produced by scratching and rubbing the skin when it has the itch. Were it not for the disease, no pleasure would result from the friction. Likewise, were it not for the disease of the tobacco-appetite, the use of tobacco would sicken instead of give pleasure.


A Sin Against the Body.

Tobacco, as is well known, is a deadly poison; and the constant use of poison must impair the physical structure, sap the mind, and leave men without sufficient energy and stamina to seek and obtain salvation and to live a righteous life. The last assertion is borne out by a close observance of natural laws and of the effects of their violation. No person on earth under the stupefaction of tobacco is actually well, or in a normal physical condition. The very appetite itself is a disease.

While I was conversing recently with some women who were clamoring for their tobacco one whom God had given more than ordinary constitutional vigor remarked that she had dipped snuff ever since she was a child and that she was as well as anybody she knew. But having confessed that she was very wretched and could hardly live if without her snuff, she was shown that she was badly mistaken about her supposed good health; that her use of poison had so far destroyed her body that she could not live on wholesome food; that her stomach was so impaired that, without a stimulant, it was unable to digest and assimiliate food to sustain nature. Hence the distress without the poison. So if you wish to see how destructive of health your tobacco-poison is, just stop using it for a short time and note your condition.

The dreadful results of petting and humoring children are not seen as long as the practice is kept up; but when it is discontinued, the parents soon find that the silly course has entailed an injury upon


the children and a curse upon themselves. The squalling and the war in the family make the home almost unendurable. Just so the foolish tobacco users never see how they have murdered their systems until they attempt to quit their tyrannical habit. Then, worse than spoiled children, they are so ill-natured, miserable, and distracted; that no one can live in peace where they are, for the simple reason that they are spoiled, badly spoiled. They are of all men most miserable. They have tampered with the old serpent and have been bitten, and now they are nearly foaming madmen. They can not live that way. They must do one of three things:
  • either come to Christ, the only physician that can instantly extract the poison from their systems, and be healed by his miraculous power;

  • or quit, by their own power, the cursed habit that has spoiled them;

  • or keep on in their self-destruction until their burning lust is quenched in death and their defiled souls are forced into the presence of God to be punished for the "lust of uncleanness."

See how the sin of tobacco-using robs youth of vigor, puts an old, haggard look on the face, and dwarfs the body and mind as well as defiles the conscience. Every time you take a chew, a smoke, or a dip of the destructive poison you sign a note that you will have to pay sooner or later in sickness, pain and death, just as sure as nature's laws are inflexible.

Besides being a direct curse upon its victim, tobacco leads to other vices.

Let us hear the tobacco-user's defense before the judgment-bar of God's Word. One steps for-


ward and says, "I use it to relieve the toothache." Well, the filthy stuff rots and destroys the teeth, and then the poisonous drug will stupefy the exposed nerves and lessen pain. Get rid of your decayed teeth and the stuff that destroyed them, and give your soul and body to Christ, and he will both save and heal you.

Another cries out, "I use the weed to reduce flesh." If your corpulency is a disease, Christ can heal it; if natural, diet will do much for you. But do not defile the temple of God with tobacco or God will destroy both soul and body in hell. [I Cor. 3:17].

Many raise the clamor, "Not that which goeth into the mouth defileth the man, but that which cometh out," etc. [Matt. 15:17-18; Mark 7:15]. In this language Christ had no reference to tobacco, whiskey, and like evils. He simply spoke against a superstitious, rigid tradition of the [30's A.D.] Jews. They were exceedingly careful to wash their hands before eating, as though the smallest atom of dirt in their food would defile their souls; while, at the same time, their hearts were a sink of sin, out of which proceeded "evil thoughts, adulteries, murders," etc. (See Matt. 15:2; Mark 7:2-23.) Hence it is a perversion of the Word of God to apply the above scriptures to the use of tobacco, whiskey, etc. But even in resorting to those passages the user of the weed condemns himself, because both his sickening ambeer and his suffocating smoke comes out of his mouth. While he condemns himself, however, he justifies beer and whiskey topers; for the stuff they swallow does not usually come out of their mouths again, as the tobacco does.


Another excuse that we have heard professors of Christ use for their idol is this: "My pipe is much company for me." Others who live alone, have said, "It is all the company I have." And we have known some to affirm that their tobacco was all the comfort they had in the world. All these expressions too truly and sadly declare a graceless heart and a Christless life. Every real child of God has far better company and much sweeter comfort in the presence and approving smile of Christ than in plug or pipe, cigar or snuff.

Tobacco is indeed a "miserable comforter The very fact that a person condescends to such filthy company, proves him to be without the comforting presence of the pure Son of God. May no professed child of God ever again insult Christ bv preferring the vile weed to him for company.

Finally, it is said that God made the tobacco-plant, that he pronounced all he made "very good," and that therefore tobacco is good for man to use. But the distribution of herbs, fruits, and plants was for man, beasts, birds, and insects, as is shown in Gen. 1:29-31:

"And God said, Behold, I have given you [humans] every herb bearing seed, which is upon the face of all the earth, and every tree, in which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed; to you it shall be for meat.

"And to every beast of the earth and to every fowl of the air, and to every thing that creepeth upon the earth, wherein there is life, I have given every green herb for meat: and it was so.

"And God saw every thing that he had made, and behold it was very good. And the evening and the morning were the sixth day."

Here we see that God created some things for man and others for "birds and creeping things." All was "very good" for its designed purpose.



things good in their place, become a curse when subverted to a wrong use. So the Creator has clearly indicated that it was not his purpose that men should stuff into their mouths and stomachs everything he had made, but that they should use proper discrimination between what was made for them to eat and what was made for worms. And when men transcend their bill of fare, they invariably find that some things "very good" for worms are very poisonous to men.

Look at the two classes of tobacco-lovers. The worms grow rapidly and fatten upon it; whereas the silly army of human tobacco-consumers are, with few exceptions, a lean, haggard, dried up, smoked, and wretched class. So what is "very good" for "creeping things" proves a curse to man, tending to make him also a poor, sluggish, creeping thing on earth. Oh, that men were wise and would keep themselves pure and upright from the great transgression!

As tobacco-using involves both a sinful practice and a filthy condition, it is the province of both justification and sanctification to stop its use. As the first work of grace is conditioned upon a thorough repentance, and an entire cessation of sinning, no person who has heard the full gospel, which condemns the tobacco-sin with all others, can repent of other transgressions and receive pardon for them, and still use tobacco, any more than he can find mercy while he continues to practice any other vice. He can not do it. Unless he repents of, and abandons, all forms of transgression, he can find pardon for


none. Here, in "first principles" of salvation, the proper place for sinners to "cleanse their hands" from handling, and their mouths from using, the filthy weed. Still, we allow the possibility of men's attaining pardon without giving up the unclean weed, under the frequent low standard of preaching, which not only does not condemn the sin, but frequently justifies it by the filthy example of both preachers and people.

But even those who have made a profession of Christ without having heard tobacco-using renounced as a sin, will, if they continue the unclean practice, do so under more or less protest of conscience. They know and feel that the practice is wrong, and if they have any degree of justification before God, it ias because they are not able to quit the habit and have not learned that Christ can and will give them perfect deliverance from the filthy tyrant. Such are more or less overcome with doubts and beset with shame, because they know that their practice is not to the glory of God, but that it is the result of an unnatural "lust of uncleanness," which has the mastery over them. Hence all such, when the "true light shines" to them, have to stop their practice and repent of it, thus "clearing themselves" (I Cor. 7:11).

Even without the light of any teaching on the subject of tobacco-using, many children of God become condemned for their unclean habit and quit it; while doubtless a greater number come under condemnation and remain there. As conscience, if unheeded, becomes seared as with a hot iron, mem-


bers of the latter class may imagine themselves all right while living in their filthy lusts. But with the light of the Bible shining, no person can be justified, much less sanctified, while using tobacco.

Moreover, no person can deal in tobacco in the name of Jesus, because Christ is not in such filthy business; hence the dealer in tobacco disobeys the law of the Lord, which requires us to "do all things to the glory of God." Hence the business is sin.

One fact leaves every tobacco-slave without excuse when he hears the pure gospel of Christ; namely, His power and willingness to cleanse the very worst cases. He will heal the tobacco-disease instantaneously and so perfectly that the stuff will henceforth be utterly loathed. To this there are thousands of living witnesses. Many of them had used it in enormous quantities and for as many as forty and fifty years. It is a great miracle of course, but none the less a fact. Though the poison has impregnated every drop of blood in the system and every fiber of the body, the Lord is able to cleanse, and he will cleanse (Joel 3:21). Here we have our final proof that tobacco-using is a sin; namely the fact that God treats it as such.
"If we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship one with another, and the blood of Jesus Christ his Son cleanseth us from all sin * * If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness." I John 1:7-9.

Here is the promise of God that the blood will cleanse us from all sin and all unrightousness. Oh! let all who read these words be pure through the blood of Christ and glorify God with clean mouths and hands and pure hearts.


Men Who Fail by J. H. Cassell

We believe that the above faithfully illustrates the probable course a smoker will take. Of course there are notable exceptions, as a man's success depends upon several factors. But it is certain that tobacco hinders more or less in the upward course and helps more or less in the downward course.




"Who will stand up for me against the workers of iniquity?" Psa. 94:16. "Ye that love the Lord hate evil." Psa. 97:10.

THE REMOVAL OF THE LIQUOR TRAFFIC leaves the Tobacco traffic in the lead as the greatest evil in this land. The next great moral reform will be the removal of the tobacco business and organization to that end is already in progress.

The Magnitude of the Evil.

The sum total of the evil effects of tobacco upon the human race can hardly be realized by the best informed. We have never seen a generation of men free from the blasting and demoralizing effects of Tobacco, and we never can until tobacco has been put away for three or four generations, because it affects not only the user but his posterity to the third and fourth generation.

The only way that an adequate conception of the magnitude of this evil could be obtained would be to be able to observe the difference between a generation of men clean and entirely free from the physical, mental and moral degeneracy caused by


tobacco, and a generation of men more or less filthy, indolent, dishonest, dependent, debilitated and debauched in body and mind by the use of tobacco, not only by themselves but by their fore-parents for generations back.

The more violent, immediate and visible effect of liquor, has led most of us to believe it to have been the greatest evil in this land, which in some ways, at least, it was. But we believe that the intelligent, far-seeing student of the tobacco evil will come to the conclusion that Tobacco is at least as great if not a greater evil. The more general use of tobacco, and that by such a large per cent of our boys in their tender years, blighting and blasting their physical and mental development, gnawing as it does at their vitality like a loathsome disease, the fore-runner of all that is associated with liquor, together with its tremendous economic waste, makes it an evil to be compared only with the monstrous liquor traffic.

Tobacco Must Follow Liquor.

The removal of the liquor traffic alone will not give us a physically, mentally and morally clean and vigorous manhood. The work, to be complete, must be followed by the removal of the tobacco business.

Ministers and Christian workers generally should wake up to the fact and begin now to lay the ground work—the foundation for a battle that will take years to win, but must be won before the perfect fruits of the removal of the liquor traffic can be realized.

A Herculean Task.

The destruction of the Tobacco Evil will be a


(pp 83-85)

of this viper and crush out its life. The majority of men now being users cannot be induced to give their influence againrt the business, and legal prohibition cannot be secured until we have a generation of voters, a majority of whom are free from the habit and who will vote for and help to support laws prohibiting its sale and use.

A Campaign of Education.

As in the battle against liquor, the first thing should be a campaign of education. But in this battle, the education should be more generally applied to the young—even the very young—before they have gotten away from the mother's immediate care and influence; for tobacco is an evil that attacks the young even as soon as they are old enough to get away from the mother's immediate oversight, and long before the liquor business usually got a chance at him.

Ed. Note: See data on targeting children.

The Need of Organization.

No great reform, under a free government, where the will of the majority rules or ought to rule, can be effected without a united, organized effort on the part of those desiring the reform.

The need is education, and moral or religious persuasion. The ignorance on the subject of tobacco is very dense, and the education of the general public is no small undertaking. It can only be accomplished by a united organized effort and the giving of much money on the part of enterprising, philanthropic Christian people.

And it will take some years of persistent, intelligent effort to accomplish the work, but it is a


work as noble and even more necessary than was the removal of the liquor traffic.

The No-Tobacco League of America.

There are several organizations that oppose tobacco as a part of their work, or like the Anti-Cigarette League, center their efforts against the cigarette only, or that are really personal enterprises rather than real organizations; but the only real organization in this country, designed exclusively to fight the tobacco evil in all its forms, on a nation-wide basis, is The No-Tobacco League of America.

This League is legally organized and incorporated under the laws of the State of Indiana with headquarters at Indianapolis, Ind. Mail addressed to the League at Indianapolis will reach the General Secretary and receive attention.

The No-Tobacco Journal, a 16-page monthly paper, is the official organ of the League and is wholly devoted to this reform. It is published by L. H. Higley, at Butler, Ind., price 35c per year.

The No-Tobacco League makes the following statement as to its character, pnpciples and purposes:

(1) This Organization has no other purpose than to educate the people concerning the evils of Tobacco in all its forms and to accomplish the abolition of its use.

(2) It is not affiliated with any particular church or religious organization, nor any political party, but seeks the good-will and co-operation of all.

(3) It endeavors to avoid antagonism to all other organizations designed in whole or in part to combat the evils of Tobacco, and seeks to co-ordinate and


(pp 88-91)

kind. So we urge the importance of a nationwide organization.

The No-Tobacco League aims first to create public sentiment and then supplement and clinch it with legislation. Anti-cigarette and anti-tobacco laws have been passed and repealed or become dead letters in several of the states for various reasons, but that does not in any way prove that wise laws properly enforced are not eminently needed in this line. In fact such 1aws must be secured and be properly enforced before we can reasonably hope for anything like compete relief from this great evil.

One of the first laws that should be secured and enforced is one compelling more thorough and adequate instructions in our public schools, beginning in the primary grades, concerning the poisonous nature of tobacco and its effects on the body and mind. The reason so many of the anti-tobacco laws are not properly enforced and are finally repealed is that the public is not sufficiently informed as to the evils of the habit.

Legal prohibition in tobacco is as necessary as legal prohibition in liquor, and it ought not to be hard to secure now since the 19th amendment has become effective.

Ed. Note: This was written shortly after Prohibition was adopted, and before the sabotaging and undermining of it, became known.

Since the women vote, a majority of the voters are not tobacco users and need only to be informed as to the real harm of its use to get them to vote right on this question. When the children are counted with the non-using adults, we have a very large majority of the people who are not tobacco users and interested in its prohibition.

But circumstances are such that it would be very


unwise to force the issue by means of the women vote and the minority of the men voters, for the reason that the raising, manufacture and sale of tobacco and the making and enforcing of the laws is almost wholly in the hands of the men a large majority of whom are tobacco users. It would be in the power of tobacco users and the tobacco trade to practically annul any prohibitory law that would interfere with the use of tobacco under proper conditions by adults, and it is certain that they would use such power to the limit. Under present conditions law to prohibit entirely the use of tobacco would be shamefully violated or enforced with great difficulty.

Ed. Note: See background on media censorship of tobacco news and on widespread bribery.

But there is now much need for the enforcement and strengthening of the laws we already have regarding the sale of tobacco to children and the teaching of its effects in our schools. This is the field for present activities relative to the making and enforcement of laws relative to tobacco. Public sentiment will now support such activities and they can be made effective.

The enforcing of such laws is a very important part of the educational campaign that is necessary at this time. When we can bring up a generation of men and women who have been properly taught and awakened to the enormous injury of tobacco to the individual and the race, and the tremendous economic waste of the business, we will have a citizenship that will realize the reasonableness of our cause, the righteousness of anti-tobacco laws and the necessity of their enforcement.

Ed. Note: From the hindsight of the year 2001, we see that this education never happened.




"The heart of him that hath understanding seeketh knowledge." Prov. 15:14.

"Give attention to reading, to exhortation, to doctrine." I Tim. 4:13.

WE HAVE gathered into this chapter, matter that may be used in various ways by workers against the tobacco evil. Some may be used for recitations and others for readings in getting up a program for an evening's entertainment dealing with the subject.

Others may be used as readings for the boys. When your boy wants a story or you wish to entertain him, read him some of these stories. Others may be used in getting up sermons and addresses on the subject.

A Child's Sad Death.

Tobacco is a poison. Here is a fact in proof. James Tenny was about eight years old, when a visitor to his father's house gave him a bright penny as he was going to bed, and he lay awake part of the night thinking what he should buy with it in the morning. That penny proved his ruin. He went early as the sun rose to a grocery and called for sugar-plums. The mischievous clerk told him he had no plums, but he had something better which he


would give him. He took a piece of tobacco, coated it thick with sugar, and told the little boy to put it into his mouth, and swallow it right down. He did so, and in a few minutes he began to feel the fatal effects of the poisonous weed. He ran home as fast as he could; but his sickness increased with every step, and deadly pale, and trembling with fear, he frightened his parents and friends by telling them he had swallowed something bad. They soon found it was tobacco. The physicians were called, the stomach pump use, and other remedies, but all in vain. Nature vainly roused all her forces to rescue him; the blood burst from his fingers and toes, and his body was convulsed with spasms. In two hours and a half the child died a victim to the practical joke of a tobacco chewer.

But it told the tale of the poisonous nature of this mean Indian plant, which no creature is foolish enough to eat but depraved man, except the loathsomest sort of a green worm, and the ugliest species of African goat. Every body in the village cried out against the clerk, and his master [employer] turned him away. Many persons gave up chewing and smoking and snuffing; but in a little while they forgot the warning, and went at it again. So powerful are the charms of this foul narcotic that health and long life are sacrificed to it by millions.

Giving Up Tobacco.

Sammy Hick, the Micklefield blacksmith, one day gave six pence to a poor widow. She blessed him, and could hardly find words enough with which


(pp 96-122)

clean thing; and I will receive you.

"And will be a Father unto you, and ye shall be my sons and daughters, saith the Lord Almighty."

More Destructive than Saloons.

"I am sure cigarettes are destroying and making criminals of more boys than the saloons. Cigarettes are not the effect of crime, but they are the cause of it."—George Torrence, Supt. Illinois State Reformatory.

Examples of Other
Smoking-Crime-Link References: The
Real 'Profile': White Male Smokers
1833 1836 1854 1857
1862 1878 1882 1901
1904 1912 1915 1916
1924 1925 1989 1991

How the Cigarette Figures.

"I am not much of a mathematician," said the Cigarette, 'but I can add nervous troubles to a boy, I can subtract from his physical energy, I can multiply his aches and pains, I can divide his mental powers, I can take interest from his work and discount his chances for success."—Anon.

Use of Cigarettes Rapidly Increasing.

That the use of cigarettes is rapidly increasing, can be easily proven by Government reports. The sale by American manufacturers for the calendar year ending Aug. 1, 1916, amounted to 13,465,000,000 cigarettes, as compared with 9,651,000,000 for the previous year.

Continuance at the present rate of increase over the last five months of the year, would bring the output for a full year to nearly 24,000,000,000 for the coming year.

"Smoked Like Devils."

When Columbus discovered the West Indies, he sent two men up into an island to see the people and make a report to him.

Among other things that they saw and reported


was that "The naked savages twist large leaves together, light one end in the fire and smoke like devils." The way they smoked and taught our ancestors to smoke, was to drink in the smoke and shutting the mouth, blow the smoke through the nostrils. Sure enough they must have looked like devils on fire to these people not used to seeing such things like we are.

Affects of Tobacco Inherited by Children.

Dr. Gentry, of Chicago, says,

"I know of a certainty, for I have traced it in scores of cases, that thousands of defectives, feeble-minded derelicts, are caused because their father used Tobacco. Nicotine in tobacco, will, when a father is intoxicated with it when a child is begotten, stamp upon its brain and intellect that which will cause it to be dwarfed in mind and, many times, in body.

"Asylums are filled with people who are insane, who are there because of the use of tobacco by parents. The nicotine in tobacco affects the gray matter of the brain and the child that is begotten by a father intoxicated by its use is ruined.

"The only way to stop the increase of dwarfs and of feeble-minded children, criminals and derelicts, is to stop the use of tobacco, and also the raising and manufacture of it—and that means a great battle has to be fought.

"The use of tobacco is a great crime and does more harm to the human race than alcohol, and I plead with the people of the world who are clean in mind and body to unite together in putting down this accursed traffic."


The Wily Weed
I have walked in summer meadows
     Where the sunbeams flashed and broke,
But I never saw the cattle nor the
     Sheep nor horses smoke.

I have watched the birds with wonder
     When the world with dew is wet,
But I never saw a robin puffing at
     A cigarette.

I have fished in many a river
     When the sucker crop was ripe,
But I never saw a catfish puffing at
     A briar pipe.

Man's the only living creature that
     Parades this vale of tears,
Like a blooming traction engine,
     Puffing smoke from nose and ears.

If Dame Nature had intended, when
     She first invented man, that he'd smoke,
She would have built him on a
     Widely different plan.

She'd have fixed him with a stove-pipe
     And a damper and a grate,
And he'd had a smoke consumer that
     Was strictly up to date.

The Indian's Revenge.
An Indian sat in a thoughtful mood,
     With vengeance on his brow;
His heart beat quick, and fired, his blood
     To launch a terrible blow!


"I'll be avenged! The proud pale face
     Shall all my vengeance feel;
I'll run him down in a hunter's chase
     With weapons worse than steel.
He stole my lands! He drove me away!
     And with fire-water cursed!
The game—it is mine to end the play,
     And his shall be the worst.
My weapons are in this box and bale,
     To be snuffed and chewed and smoked;
To be welcomed with wine and rum and ale,
     With every evil yoked.
Go, poisonous weed! the pale face curse;
     Go, stab him to the heart!
Then tell him to call an Indian nurse
     To ply the healer's art!
Ugh! I'll wire his nerves, and lay them bare
     To every sweeping wind;
And fire his brain, till demons glare
     On his excited mind.
His heart, oppressed like a lab'ring wheel,
     Shall stop and rush by twos;
While a sluggish stupor warps his will,
     Or hell within him burns.
To a quenchless thirst, and clouded mind,
     I'll add a fetid breath;
Make him to every disease incline—
     An easy prey to death."
Thus the Indian weed shall his wrongs redress
     In the old savage way;
Till Indian and pale face dwell in peace,
     And for each other pray.                 —Anon.
Dr. Depierris had said likewise in 1876, pp 97-99.

Ed. Note: See data on Confederate revenge.


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you can obtain this book via your local library.]

Other Books on Tobacco Effects
The Mysteries of Tobacco
by Rev. Benjamin I. Lane (1845)
Tobacco: Its History, Nature and Effects
by Dr. Joel Shew (1849)
The Use and Abuse of Tobacco,
by Dr. John Lizars (1859)

Tobacco and Its Effects: Report
to the Wisconsin Board of Health

by G. F. Witter, M.D. (1881)
Click Here for Titles of Additional Books
