Welcome to the book Tobacco Under the Searchlight (1925), by William H. Brown. To go to the "Table of Contents" immediately, click here.
Tobacco pushers and their accessories conceal the breadth of tobacco effects, the enormity of the tobacco holocaust, and the long record of documentation.
The concealment process is called the "tobacco taboo." Other pertinent words are "censorship" and "disinformation."
Here is the text by William H. Brown of an early exposé (1925) of tobacco dangers. It cites facts you don't normally ever see, due to the "tobacco taboo."
The phrase "tobacco taboo" is the term for the pro-tobacco censorship policy—to not report most facts about tobacco.
As you will see, information about the tobacco danger was already being circulated in 1925, 39 years before the famous 1964 Surgeon General Report. Be prepared.

Tobacco Under the Searchlight
by William H. Brown
(Cincinnati: Standard Pub Co, 1925)

To all who desire to know the truth about one of the greatest evils in the world to-day, that their attitude toward TOBACCO may be based upon Intelligence, and not upon Prejudice or Ignorance, is this book dedicated.


Table of Contents
Preface  3
Cross-references  7
Doctors Quoted  9
Writers and Lecturers Quoted10
The Turning of the Tide
Tobacco Arouses Opposition
The Three Steps
Removing the Masks
Under Construction**
The Letters of the Bible
"The Poor Polish People"
"Treating" the Family
Running the Government
Education and Crime
Fogs and Cigarettes
Incidental Cost is Heavy
Not a Wave, But a Harvest
Assassins are Tobacco Addicts
Tobacco Fiends, Of Course
Everywhere the Same Sad Story
Misbranding Tobacco Products
The Nose of the Camel
"Tobacco Always a Bad Thing"
When The Facts Came Out
Under Construction**

Classified Material
Advice25Animals27 Antiseptic33
Gambling119 Health121 Immorality123
Insanity135Inventors137 Labor138
Law142 Liquor145 Longevity148
Mental151 Musicians155 Offensiveness158
Slavery196 Soldiers203 Statesmen208
Taxes212Teachers214 Torture215


Cross References
Note.—The figures indicate the page
and the order of the incident.
For instance, 'Shakespeare, 40-1'
refers to the first incident on page 40.
Asbestos, 48-2 Assassins, 63-1
Athletes, 17-1, 18-2, 196-3Bacteria, 34-2
Beetles, 129-1Bible, 60-1, 89-1, 178, 221
Birthdays, 222Boy Scouts, 163-1, 205-1
Bryan, W. J., 145-1 Bryant, William Cullen, 41-2
Burbank, Luther, 68-1, 94-3, 130-2Burroughs, John, 148-1
Camp, Walter, 38Cannibals, 175-2
Cannon, Uncle Joe, 210Capper's Weekly, 58-3
Carnegie, Andrew, 87-1Carnarvon, Lord, 208-3
Caruso, 155-3Chaplin, Charlie, 19-1
Cobb, Ty, 36-1Comparisons, 83-2, 153
Competitors, 67-1Coolidge, President, 98
Cowboys, 126-2Cruelty, 72-1
Dartmouth College, 122-3"Days," 196-1
Dempsey, Jack, 220-2Dentistry, 158-3
DePew, Chauncey M., 211Drugstores, 121-1
Edison, Thomas A., 55-3, 137-1Editors, 185-2
Fables, 64-2Fanatics, 158-2
Ford, Henry, 43-1, 85-3, 86-2Germany, 17-2
Grace, Eugene R., 18-1Grant, U. S., 94-1
Gideons, 164-2Harding, President, 97
Heinz, H. J., 85-2Houdini, 172-1
Hunger, 26-1Inconsistency, 56, 60-3
Jordan, David Starr, 46-1Juggling, 66-1
Jurors, 165-2Kaiser, 196-2
Kansas, 68-3, 171-3, 214-2Korea, 50-1
Life Insurance, 122-2Lightning, 114
Lincoln, 95-1, 149-2Lindsay, Judge Ben., 70-4
Liquor, 120-2London Lancet, 75-3, 202-1
London, Jack, 42Mack, Connie, 36-2
Maxim, Hudson, 137-2Millionaires, 133-1
Money, 131-3Morgan, J. P., 129-2
Mothers, 120-1Murder, 200
McKinley, William, 94-3, 96, 166-2Napoleon, 94-2
Nicotine, 22-1Odd Fellows, 163-2
Paddock, Charles, 37-2Parades, 185-1
Pensions, 205-3Philippines, 129-1
Pictures, 39-2Plumbers, 226-1
Poems, 111, 159, 221Poland, 60-2
Post, Saturday Evening, 21Poultry, 182-1
Poverty, 19-2Prayer, 50-2
Preachers, 51-3Prince of Wales, 132-3
Railroads, 87-3Recommendations, 44-2
Rhode Island, 68-3Rodents, 108-1, 172-2
Roosevelt, "Teddy," 95-2, 96Rotarians, 164-3
Ruth, Babe, 17-1Sabotage, 140-1
Sacrilege, 186Salvation Army, 53
Schwab, Chas. M., 18-1, 86-1Shakespeare, 40-1
"Smokers," 197-1Snakes, 93-1, 174-2
Sociability, 158-4Soldiers, 35-1
Steinmetz, Chas. P., 138-1Stevenson, Robert Louis, 41-2
Stickers, 145-2Stupidity, 40-2
Submarines, 197-2Suicides, 70-1
Supreme Court, 66-2, 144-1Teeth, 92-2, 93-2
Tesla, Nikola, 137-3Tolstoy, Count, 154
Turks, 128-1Twins, Siamese, 146-3
Wrestling, 36-1Y. M. C. A., 91-2, 163-1
Zionists, 52-1


Doctors Quoted
Abbe, Dr. Robert, 76-2
Brady, Dr. Wm., 35-1, 42, 78, 104-2, 152-1, 165-3, 166-3, 230-1
Burr, Dr. Albert, 170
Boldyreff, Dr. W. N., 168-2
Bancroft, Dr., 135-1
Butler, Dr. G. F., 124-1
Brodie, Dr., 181-4
Brown, Dr. Samuel A., 233-1
Crutcher, Dr. Ernest, 21
Campbell, Dr. Francis, 76-2
Copeland, Dr. Royal S., 77, 160-3, 175-1
Cummings, Dr. R. S., 131-2
Danis, Dr. Chas. G., 63-1
Huber, Dr. John B., 73-2.
Harris, Dr. T. J., 74-1
Hamilton, Dr. Chas. L., 77
Hall, Dr. Winfield S., 123-2
Hogner, Dr. Richard, 167-2
Hirshberg, Dr. Leonard H., 169-2
Howard, Dr. G. H., 174-1
Hofstatter, Dr. R., 233-3
Kress, Dr. D. H., 35-1, 71-2, 74-3, 121-2, 127-2, 149-3, 181-2, 182-2
Kellogg, Dr. J. H., 29-1, 74-3, 217.
Kostral, Dr., 182-2
Lizars, Dr. John, 73-3
Leadsworth, Dr. J. R., 168-1
Mayo, Dr. M. S., 45-2
Mayo, Dr. Wm. C., 76-2, 169-1
Meylan, Dr. Geo. L., 59-1
McConachie, Dr. Alexander, 34-1
Nicholas, Dr. J. H., 20-1
Pack, Dr. F. J., 37-1
Paulson, Dr. David, 135-3
Pease, Dr. Chas. G., 142-1
Parker, Dr. Willard, 173-3
Poland, Dr. M. E., 27-2
Roman, Dr. Frederick W., 99
Solly, Dr., 130-1
Saylor, Dr., 135-2
Trinwith, Dr. T. H., 90-1
Towns, Dr. Chas. B., 65-1, 92-1
Von Kleinsmidt, Dr. R. B., 200
Wiley, Dr. Harvey W., 100-1, 144-1, 173-1
Williams, Dr. F. E., 135-2
Wolff, Dr. George, 33-1
Woods, Dr. Matthew, 74-2
Warren, Dr. John C., 76-2


Writers and Lecturers Quoted
Babson, Roger, 83-1
Booth, Evangeline, 53
Bilz, Margaret J., 32
Brand, Dr. James, 158-4
Cruser, F. D., 108-1
Coward, Rev. S. L., 126-2
Clark, Davis W., 138-2
Davenport. C. B., 68-3
Dodge, H. L., 127-1
Forbes, B. C., 18-1, 129-2
Fisher, Prof. Irving, 144-2, 163-1, 198-2
Fink, Prof. Bruce, 219-1
Finnell, Rev. Virgil C., 142-2
Hubbard, Elbert, 41-1
Jordan, David Starr, 46-1, 230-2
Lessing, Bruno, 40-2, 99
LeBourdois, D. M., 216-2
Lord, P. L., 59-3
Lett, W. R., 101-4
Lough, Prof. F. W., 228-2
Macfadden, Bernarr, 39-1
Marden, Orison Swett, 39-2
McKeever, Prof. Wm. A., 57-2, 128-3, 131-1, 152-3, 199-1
Moulton, Robert H., 77
Mills, Edward W., 103-1
Neel, L. R., 100-2
O'Shea, Professor, 70-2
Putoni, Signor V., 33-2
Rimmer, Harry, 18-2, 104-3
Stegman, Henry M., 41-2
Scanlon, Rev. Chas., 51-2
Slattery, Margaret, 90-3
Tristram, Dr., 28-2
Tidswell, Dr., 181-3
Williams, Al., 38
Walker Robert Sparks, 75-2




As long as tobacco-using was confined principally to adults and to men, tens of thousands of persons were content to let things drift along in "the same old way"; but when the tobacco interests began to put forth efforts to popularize smoking among women and children, the tide began to turn. The violation of laws for the protection of minors has become so bold that even many addicts of tobacco have been aroused to the seriousness of the menace to growing boys and girls.

The Tobacco Record, in its issue of March 26, 1924, discussing cigarettes, made the following statement: "New smokers, boys and girls, begin on the cigarette, and generally stick to it."

The many abuses practiced in the use of tobacco, even by adults, is another factor in creating sentiment against the weed. Dr. Royal S. Copeland, formerly health commissioner of New York City, prior to his election to the United States Senate, said of the probable prohibition of tobacco:
"If any such laws are written in the books, the responsibility will rest squarely with the smokers, whose selfishness is unrestrained, and who thoughtlessly abuse the habit of smoking, to the unhappiness and the indignation of those who do not use tobacco."

The Dearborn Independent, Henry Ford's paper, says: "The danger to tobacco is not in any movement or in any organization. If there is any danger to tobacco, it is in the thing itself. If there should come a time when all science will pronounce it a poison, the end of its use can be foreseen."


That time is at hand. Scientists are practically a unit in agreeing that there is but one poison more deadly than nicotine, in its pure state, and that is prussic acid.

Not only are abstainers from tobacco aroused over the abuses practiced by smokers, finding it practically impossible to avoid the smell of nicotine, whether on public conveyances, eating places, or in stores or offices, but many users of tobacco, who make a conscientious effort to respect the rights of others to pure air, do not like the present condition of things. Dr. William Brady, who writes on health topics for a syndicate of daily papers, in discussing this point, says:
"There are a great many users of tobacco, as there were many users of alcoholic beverages, who would join the side of prohibition, if necessary, in order to put a stop to unmitigated nuisances.


Wherever tobacco has been introduced it has been opposed. After its discovery, in 1492, by a reconnoitering party which Columbus had sent ashore, while lying off the coast of Cuba, about a quarter of a century elapsed before it was sent to other countries. Cortez sent King Charles of England specimens of the tobacco plant in 1519. Later it was introduced into Turkey, Arabia and other parts of the world. Queen Elizabeth published an edict against its use, as did King James, who declared that "smoking is loathsome to the eye, hateful to the nose, harmful to the brain, and dangerous to the lungs."

Austria prohibited its use in 1590, with a heavy fine. In 1624 the Pope anathematized all "who defiled the sanctuary of God by carrying even snuff." The Duke of Moscow prohibited the entrance of tobacco into his dominions under severe penalty for the first offense and death for the second.

While there has been opposition to tobacco, wherever introduced, the present high tide in America began with anti-cigarette


organizations. Gradually the agitation has increased, until now most persons who oppose it at all oppose it in all forms. While much of the recent literature on the subject contains special mention of cigarettes, it is largely because of the fact that the increase in the use of cigarettes has been so rapid as to practically eclipse all other phases of the evil.

It is well for the reader to bear this in mind while perusing the pages of this volume, especially where quotations from writers and authorities are given in their own words, with frequent mention of the word "cigarette," when in reality tobacco in any form is meant.

But it is tobacco, whether smoked in pipe, cigar or cigarette; whether snuffed or chewed. And it is nicotine in the tobacco that does the harm. "Tobacco is a mocker and nicotine is raging. Whosoever is deceived thereby is not wise."


Many of the leading workers in the movement to do away with tobacco believe that the best course of procedure is expressed in the following three words, in the order given: "Agitation, Education, Legislation."

Agitation is necessary to arouse as many persons as possible to the enormity of the evil.

When this has been done in any community, a vigorous educational program should be carried on—in the public schools, Sunday schools, and in all sorts of children's and young people's organizations.

When the present generation becomes informed on the subject, the time for effective legislation for the prohibition of tobacco will be at hand.

There is at present a law in every State in the Union providing for scientific temperance instruction in the public schools, which includes instruction concerning the nature and effects of tobacco. Parents everywhere should see that this


instruction is given. This is a good work for parent-teachers' associations.

Before the day of final prohibition of tobacco—preventing even its cultivation, except possibly under Government restrictions, for "medicinal" purposes, as for the killing of insects on plants and "ticks on sheep"—every possible law against selling to minors should be passed and enforced. Most of the States have laws along this line. [Iowa Example] With but few exceptions they could be much better enforced. This calls for vigilance on the part of friends of the youth of our land.


The widespread interest in the whole tobacco subject calls for a book that will not only inform the average citizen, but will also furnish material for those who wish to speak on the evils of tobacco in public meetings. Tobacco has been cleverly paraded under so many disguises that many otherwise well-informed persons have been deceived into believing its use is not only comparatively harmless, but that it is, under some circumstances, actually beneficial. Some one has said that "nicotine is good for lice, but it is hoped not many use it for that purpose."

To place tobacco under the searchlight of truth is the purpose of this book. To cover the many branches of the subject, that every possible aid may be furnished those who wish to become informed, over sixty sub-topics are treated. For the ready and convenient use of the reader, each sub-topic is treated in a separate division, and these in turn are divided into separate articles, properly headed. The divisions are all alphabetically indexed. In addition, there is given a "Cross-reference" Index, as many of the incidents are applicable to more than one subject. Following this is a classification of "Doctors Quoted" and "Writers and Lecturers Quoted."


A further purpose of this volume is to inspire to action, to aid in the overthrow of the evil that is doing more harm, in the opinion of many, than was ever done by liquor. Dr. Hammond, of Baltimore, says: "As a physician of forty years' practice, I give my decided opinion that tobacco has killed ten men where whisky has killed one."

John Barleycorn has been outlawed because of the evil he has done in the land, and now his next-door neighbor, Judas Nicotine, must be slain. One has no more right to exist than the other.




Babe Ruth gave up tobacco when he began training as an athlete. He not only did this, but went to his friends and begged them to give it up. Does any one believe that Ruth would ever have been known as the "king of the swat" had he continued smoking in the days of his youth?

The psychologists of Columbia University put him through a series of tests, and here is what they found: He sees more quickly than the average person, hears more quickly, and his nerves are steadier. Thus, when a ball comes toward him he swings at it with almost perfect co-ordination of vision, judgment and muscular response. A player injured by smoking could not possibly be at his best along these lines, so absolutely necessary in making quick decisions and correct responses.


An anti-tobacco and anti-liquor colony was founded in Dresden, Germany, in 1922, starting with ten families, each with a good-sized garden. The plan was sanctioned by the Government, and includes the keeping of a complete record of the ages, health, sex, number of children to the family, length of life, and all other health and hygienic conditions of the individuals. so that in the course of decades it will be possible to test the physiological and social effects of the non-use of liquor and tobacco.


A tobacco merchant m Canton, 0., was quoted in a tobacco organ as saying that many of his customers were slowly, but surely, giving up the smoking habit, "as they need the money


to buy the necessities of life." Such a course may strike the average tobacco dealer as being queer. What will become of the tobacco industry if the people everywhere get the habit of using their brains in the expenditure of their money? But why shouldn't a man think first of the needs of his family?


B. C. Forbes, well-known financial writer, says of Eugene R. Grace, president of the Bethlehem Steel Company: "He lives simply, eating plain foods, and uses neither alcohol nor tobacco." Chas. M. Schwab says of Grace: "He is the greatest steel man America has ever produced."

Mr. Grace went to work for the Bethlehem Steel Company when he was twenty-three years of age. at $1.80 a day. He was gradually promoted, until in fourteen years he became president of the company. It is well to remember in this connection that Schwab at one time made this statement: "It is our invariable rule, in dealing with our employees, to give the preference to the man who does not use liquor nor smoker

Surely, no sane person can believe for one minute that Eugene R. Grace would ever have risen from a day laborer to president of the great steel company had he been a slave to tobacco. Men who choose officials to direct the affairs of great corporations are looking for those who have taken good care of their bodies and minds.


At the University of California, about the year 1919, five athletes were pronounced physically perfect, by the director of physical education. It seems superfluous to state that not one of the number was a user of tobacco.

Harry Rimmer, well-known California athlete, says: "Of twenty or more world champions that I have known personally, not one ever used tobacco in any form."


He further states that at one time he had a personal interview with Jack Dempsey, famous boxer, who assured him he had never passed the corn-silk stage in smoking, nor did he use tobacco in any form.

Hugh Jennings, manager of the Detroit Tigers, made this statement: "I can recall more than one hundred men, who are recognized as stars in the baseball profession, who have never smoked a cigarette."

"The rule is that successful athletes do not use tobacco. That is one reason why they succeed.


Charlie Chaplin, film comedian, said in 1924: "I have beeri a total abstainer for a number of years, neither drinking nor smoking."

The Prince of Belgium, when offered cigarettes while visiting in the United States in 1919, said: "I do not smoke." A princely reply.

Home-run Baker, after stating that he never did drink nor smoke, said: "If any youngster wants advice from one who doesn't mean to preach, here it is: Leave cigarettes and tobacco alone, and don't touch booze at any time."

A. Arthur Reade published a book in 1883 in which he mentions many noted men who did not use tobacco, including the following: Matthew Arnold, John Stuart Mill, Robert Chambers, William E. Gladstone, Thomas Hardy, Oliver Wendell Holmes. Sir Isaac Pitman and John Ruskin.


In 1899, William C. Todd, of Atkinson. N. H., deposited $500 in the Haverill Savings Bank, with the stipulation, written on the bank-book, that when the amount reached $1,000 the interest should be turned over to the selectmen of Atkinson to be used for the needy poor, but only to abstainers from liquor and tobacco. When the fund reached the required amount


(pp 20-59)

smokers; bad morals, 14 smokers and no non-smokers; bad mental condition, 18 smokers and 1 non-smoker; low rank in studies, 18 smokers and 3 non-smokers; older than the average, 19 smokers and 2 non-smokers.



Some one has estimated that the tobacco bill in the United States for one year would place six hundred dollars over every letter in the entire Bible, with a lot of money left over. As the Bible contains 3,536,489 letters, the reader may get some idea of the size of the pile of money wrapped up in tobacco expenditures, if it could be put in one pile, made up of silver dollars.

A dispatch from Washington in January, 1924, said the tobacco bill for the preceding year "would pay all the ordinary operating expenses of the Government for the next fiscal year, under the new budget estimates."


The Polish nation wanted a loan of $40,000,000 in 1924, and offered as security the Polish tobacco monopoly. The Tobacco Leaf said of this: "It's a good thing Poland learned to smoke, for, if they had not, where would the poor Polish people look for financial assistance?"

It apparently did not occur to the editor of Tobacco Leaf, or "the poor Polish people," that if their soil and time and money had been spent for useful products they would be just that much nearer to self-support than under tobacco slavery.


If the average smoker was compelled to buy ice-cream or candy for his wife or other members of the family every time he bought a cigar or other smokes, he would think he had a


very extravagant family. If the families of all smokers had as much bestowed upon them in the way of comforts and necessities as is spent for tobacco each year, it would mean over $3,000,000,000 more going into the homes of the United States each year instead of going up in smoke or out in tobacco juice.


The cost of running the United States Government from the beginning of George Washington's first administration, in 1789, to the close of Woodrow Wilson's second administration in 1920, was $90,884,312,808. Leaving out his second term, during which the heavy war expense occurred, the balance would be only $36,034,145,335.

Contrast this with the cost of tobacco in the United States for just one single year, now considerably over $3,000,000,000 annually, and it will be seen that in about twelve years the entire cost of the Government up to 1916 could be met by the tobacco expenditures. It is unbelievable that the people of our country will permit such a tremendous burden and waste to continue many years longer.


Warden Codding, formerly president of the National Public Welfare League, giving statistics for the State of Kansas, said: "It costs as much to put a man through the penitentiary as five men through the State University. The prosecution and care of the nine hundred men in the penitentiary is costing the State more than the education of the three thousand students at the university."

In view of the fact that 70 per cent. of the first crimes committed by individuals are committed by youths under twenty years of age, and the further fact that nearly every boy or young man who commits a crime is a user of tobacco, and that his smoking started him in the association with bad companions,


where crimes are plotted, it can be seen at once that much of the expense of maintaining corrective institutions is due to the tobacco habit.


It is estimated that a single day of continuous fog in London costs that city $50,000, because of extra lighting required. During the great war [World War I, 1914-1918], England spent $30,000,000 a year for tobacco for her soldiers in France, or $82,000 per day. The fog of tobacco is far more expensive, and injurious, than the fogs of nature. Besides, the tobacco fog is continuous, with never a "clear day." Great Britain borrowed many millions in money from the United States to help finance her part of the war.


The $3,090,000,000 spent for tobacco in the United States in 1923 was not near the total expenditure because of tobacco in our midst. The railroads have $71,000,000 invested in smoking-cars. Cigar-boxes cost about $25,000,000 a year. The tobacco trade consumes forty-five million pounds of licorice and fifty million pounds of sugar per year, on the average. The cost of matches is a big item.

Every one hundred rooms in hotels requires an extra janitor to clean up after tobacco users. There's a fortune invested in spittoons, ash-trays, cigar and cigarette lighters. The list of items incidental to the tobacco business is a long one, the total of which runs into vast sums each year, and which can not be accurately estimated.



What has been called a "crime wave" in the United States the past few years has been misnamed. It is not a wave. It is a harvest—the natural result of the sowing that has been going on for a decade or more, among the youth of America.


"Sow tobacco, and reap crime." The Criminal, published for detectives and police officers, says 93 per cent. of all criminals use tobacco before committing the crimes leading to their arrest.


Dr. Chas. G. Danis, of Chicago, in speaking of the effect of tobacco upon character, says:

"[Leon] Czolgosz, who murdered our beloved President [William] McKinley [1901]; [Charles] Guiteau, the assassin of [James] Garfield [1881]; [John] Booth, the degenerate who robbed our country of the glorious [Abraham] Lincoln [1865]—were all saturated with nicotine.

"The [tobacco addict] fiend [Santo Caserio] who took the life [1894] of Sadi Carnot, the President of the French Republic, was poisoned from inhaling the fumes of tobacco.

"The same thing is true of the murderers of the Empress [Elizabeth, 1898] of Austria [by Luigi Lucheni] and the King of Italy [Humbert, 1899, by Gaetano Bresci]."


Nathan Leopold, Jr., and Richard Loeb, the nineteen-year-old sons of Chicago multi-millionaires, who brutally murdered Robert Franks, the thirteen-year-old son of another Chicago millionaire, simply to get a "thrill" out of it, as they confessed, were both cigarette fiends [ Ed. Note: modern term: addicts]. This statement was made a number of times during their trial. It caused no surprise. Had the statement been made that neither of them had ever used tobacco, it would have been a tale rivaling the wildest fiction.


The statements of Judges and Juvenile Court workers everywhere pour in with the same sad, sickening refrain, over and over again, in relation to juvenile crime:
  • "He was a cigarette fiend," or,

  • "He smoked cigarettes," or,

  • "He was a victim of cigarettes," or,

  • "He smoked a package or more of cigarettes every day," or,

  • "He smoked cigarettes every time he could get one."

Magistrate Leroy B. Crane, of New York City, reports:

"Out of three hundred boys brought before me charged with various


crimes, 295 were cigarette smokers, charged with offenses all the way from shooting craps to burglary. Those who do not smoke seldom appear before me." [Details.]

Hon. George Torrance says:
"Of 4,117 boys received into the Illinois State Reformatory, since its organization on Jan. 8, 1893, 95 per cent. had the tobacco habit, and nearly all were cigarette smokers."

Examples of Other
Smoking-Crime-Link References
1836 1854 1857 1862 1876
1878 1882 1901 1904 1912
1915 1916 1924 1989 1991



The New York Times says the American Fair Trade League issued 105 complaints against manufacturers, in 1923, who mis-branded cigars which had been prominently advertised. [ Ed. Note: See related data].

Considering the number of "Egyptian" cigarettes advertised, one would naturally suppose that a lot of tobacco is raised in Egypt. The fact is, however, that no tobacco is grown in Egypt, and none has been raised there since 1890, when its cultivation was forbidden by law.


The fable of the camel that simply asked the privilege of poking its nose in its master's tent, then gradually worked its whole body in, and crowded the master out into the cold, is a picture of the way tobacco deceives. It comes simply as a pleasant sensation—after one has overcome the first unpleasantness—with never a hint of the army of evils trailing behind it.

When Pompey could not prevail upon a city to permit his soldiers to have lodgings therein, he persuaded the officers of the city to admit a few weak, maimed soldiers; but those few soon recovered their strength and opened the gates to the whole army.

When tobacco once gets firmly intrenched inside of a person, it often opens the gates to the whole horde of evil habits—


deception, lying, stealing, immorality and crime of various kinds. The good intentions of the youth have been overthrown. He has been conquered because he permitted the camel to poke its nose into the tent. Whack it, boys; whack it hard, the first time it comes around. It is no friend of yours. It is an enemy in disguise; an enemy that will stop short of nothing, not even murder, when it gets a person in its firm grasp.


Dr. Charles B. Towns, after twenty years' experience in treating drug addicts, says:
"The action of any narcotic is to break down the sense of moral responsibility. A narcotic develops the desire to deceive, to shift obligations and to avoid responsibility. When a man inhales tobacco excessively, he is narcotizing himself more than when he smokes opium moderately."

Dr Towns further states that, of six thousand narcotic cases under his care, nearly every one had been a user of tobacco.
"You can't talk to me about tobacco," he once said. "Tobacco is always a bad thing. It undermines nervous strength. It blunts the edge of the mind. I've never had a drug case or an alcoholic, except a few women, which did not have a history of tobacco."

Ed. Note: For more, see Dr. Towns' 1915 book, starting at p 140.


The tobacco interests made large capital out of the report of Dr. George H. Meylan, of Columbia University, which showed that among the sudents the smokers were slightly taller and heavier than the non-smokers. Dr. Meylan later made another report giving details of his investigations, which were published in the Popular Science Monthly, in which every one of his conclusions were against the use of tobacco.

The slight advantage in size on the part of the smoking students was due to the fact that they averaged eight months [older due to having been held back a grade!]


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Other Books in This Reprint
Series on Tobacco Effects
The Use and Abuse of Tobacco,
by Dr. John Lizars (1859)
Tobacco and Its Effects: Report
to the Wisconsin Board of Health

by G. F. Witter, M.D. (1881)
Click Here for Titles of Additional Books
