Welcome to the book Tobacco and Its Effect upon the Health and Character Of Those Who Use It (1879), by James C. Jackson, M.D.
Tobacco pushers and their accessories conceal the breadth of tobacco effects, the enormity of the tobacco holocaust, and the long record of documentation.
The concealment process is called the "tobacco taboo." Other pertinent words are "censorship" and "disinformation."
Here is the text by James C. Jackson, M.D. (1811-1895), of an early exposé (1879) of tobacco dangers. It cites facts you rarely ever see, due to the "tobacco taboo."
The phrase "tobacco taboo" is the term for the pro-tobacco censorship policy—to not report most facts about tobacco.
As you will see, information about the tobacco danger was already being circulated in 1879, 85 years before the famous 1964 Surgeon General Report. Be prepared.
This is one in a series of reprints of books on this subject.

Tobacco and Its Effect upon
the Health and Character
Of Those Who Use It

by James C. Jackson, M.D.
(Dansville, NY:
Austin, Jackson & Co, Pubs, 1879)

Within the last twenty-five years the use of tobacco with our people has increased thirty-three and a third per cent. over the ratio of the increase of population. At first thought it may be difficult for the man of reason and reflection to account for this, knowing, as he well does, that great efforts have been put forth in the direction of inducing people to abandon the use of spirituous liquors. Naturally enough he might think that a man who was quickened in his moral sense in respect to the unhealthfulness of the use of ardent spirits would also, under the same tram of reflection, be induced to give up or to abstain from the use of tobacco.

Paradoxical as it may appear, however, the fact of the increase of the use of tobacco, in proportion to the whole population since the Temperance reformation, is well established. This fact can be and has been demonstrated in various ways. Statistics, showing the quantity used in the country settle the question decidedly, and the philanthropist, however glad be might be to doubt, cannot relieve himself from the evidence which is easily to be obtained on the subject

As a physician, I have for a long time entertained the opinion that the use of tobacco by our people is far


more deleterious in its effects upon their health than is the use of alcoholic drinks; but as no one at once gets at the truth in detail, or so as to feel himself comprehensively the master of it in all its relations, and to be aware of all its bearings, it is only within a few years that I have settled myself down thoroughly in the conviction that no habit of the American people is so destructive to their physical vigor and their moral character as that of the use of tobacco.

Tobacco may justly be classed as one of the most powerful poisons known to man. By Toxicologists, or those who study the nature and effects of poisons upon living organisms, it is classed as such, but ranks as a depressant, rather than an excitant. There is no other poison which as a depressant is considered more efficient. Experiments have been made in various ways to decide this point, and with the physician there is no longer any doubt in regard to it. Unlike the diffusible stimulants it lowers the action of the heart and nervous system, whenever it is taken into the circulation; and unless the person using it has become habituated to it, so that his nervous forces are related by terms of accommodation to its presence in the blood, the effects are seen in a very marked and powerful degree.

In connection with my associates in the management of a Health Institution, and through our correspondence with persons outside of our Establishment with reference to the breaking up of their use of tobacco, I have had opportunities to study its effects upon a great many people. Over two thousand persons have come under my professional supervision in our Institution, who, at the time of placing themselves in our hands with a view to their restoration to health, were in


the use of this poison. Besides these, through our correspondence we have given professional advice, with a view to their abandonment of it, to over three thousand persons who were in its daily use. How many others have been influenced against its use by articles which I have written upon its deleterious effects on health and morals, I do not know; but any one can see that opportunities sufficiently large for making examination into its effects have been mine, to justify me in generalizing and in drawing conclusions upon which I may safely rest.

Unlike stimulants, as I have said above, tobacco serves as a depressant. Given to a person unused to it, and in health, it affects the nervous system in a way most remarkable. To a new beginner who takes it, either in the form of chewing or smoking, there is manifested very distressing sickness at the stomach, with such fullness of the head as not unfrequentlyto be attended with ringing in the ears, partial loss of sight, partial delirium, violent contraction of the muscles of the throat, great difficulty of breathing, twitching of the muscles of the body at large, and partial loss of sensibility in the low er extremities and tips of the fingers, together with great relaxation of the lower bowels, partial paralysis of all the sphincter muscles, and especially of the large intestine. These conditions are not all seen in each case, but in every case a sufficient number of them to startle any physician who for the first time should become witness to their manifestation. Personally I have never known of, nor have I seen a man, woman or boy, in whom these effects of tobacco, in their first attempts to use it, were not more or less visible. I doubt whether there ever lived a human being who, upon taking into


his mouth the first chew, or upon smoking the first pipe of tobacco, or the first cigar, was not made so abnormal in all his vital manifestations as to exhibit in good degree the morbid conditions which I have described above. The strong and the weak, the old and the young, the male and the female, are measurably affected, when the first attempt at use of it is made.

In organisms largely endowed with nervous temperament, hyper-sensibility to the presence of the poison in the circulation is shown. In instances not a few has it come to my knowledge that such persons have found it impossible, for a long time after commencing its use, to indulge without decidedly unpleasant sensations. Notwitbstanding these, they have persevered—some for weeks, others for months, others still for years—in its use, being made sick more or less severely by each successive indulgence, till at length Nature, having been for a long time outraged, adjusts herself thereto, and thenceforward they are free from any of the original morbid manifestations, unless they attempt to abandon it, when these suddenly re-appear with severity.

Persons of lymphatic temperament, of large build, in whom the circulation is sluggish, whose nervous systems act vigorously only under exigency, suffer not as much in the incipient stages, nor are the morbid sensations as long continued as of those of the temperament just before described; but no person is entirely exempt from the reactions which the Vital Forces set up against the presence of this poison in the blood. One would reasonably infer that a substance producing such effects in the beginning of its use, would be abandoned; and I am disposed to think that it would be, were not its use so general as to have become privileged, and to have secured for itself some pre-


scriptive rights, lying beyond the reach of mere convention. Vices, like virtues, take on protectional arrangements, and, if they can be lifted into the dignity of a fashion, are more secure from that point than from any other which they could occupy. Nothing with mankind is so difficult to reach as a vicious indulgence or habit, guarded and guaranteed by all those attractions which make it a fashion. There are very coarse vices existing among men which are approachable, and which, without any great difficulty, are reached and abolished.

But humiliating as it is, I think it is neverthless true, that just to the degree that a vice has for its existence no other justification than the indulgence of mere animal propensity, and is therefore beyond the pale of reason, is it difficult to reach and overthrow it, provided always that it has secured to itself such general assent as to place before it for its protection the social forces, and to make it fashionable. I know this was true in my own case when trying to abandon the use of tobacco. I know also that it has been the case with hundreds, and for that matter, with thousands with whom I have held earnest conversations in regard to their attempt at its disuse. It seems to me that no person could have suffered severer physical distress than I suffered when I commenced the use of tobacco. No motive of which I now can conceive as possibly influencing my conduct could have been sufficiently forcible to have kept my determination good to be able to chew and smoke tobacco so as not to be made sick, other than that which bound me, and in larger or lesser degree binds every man to do what he sees others doing, and by the doing of which they acquire higher position and larger confidence among their fellows than otherwise they would possess.


It may not be unprofitable to the reader to give a view of the motives which led me to become a chewer and smoker of tobacco. At the time I commenced ite use I was only eleven years old. My father—an Allopathic physician, distinguished in his day and in his locality for his professional success—used it as far back as I have any remembrance of him. The minister in our place, who was a Presbyterian clergyman, and a very good man, is associated in my mind with his indulgences in this direction, on all those social occasions which brought him to my father's house, as a guest. The editor of our newspaper, who has since risen to be one of the most influential and powerful leaders of a political party which this State has ever had, was seen by me during the period he lived in my native town as regularly smoking his pipe as he went to his boarding-house to obtain his meals. A young lawyer who afterwards came to be a very distinguished member of the Bar in Central New York, though now for many years dead, was always seen in his office with a pipe in his mouth. The deacons of the church to which my parents belonged were every one of them users of tobacco—and I think, as all the other gentlemen used it—in the form of chewing and smoking. My mother—a more remarkable woman, in many respects, than any other whom it has been my fortune ever to know, and of more than ordinary intellectual culture and womanly grace—was also a smoker. Our tavern-keeper, as good a fellow as ever kept an Inn, was never seen on his stoop of an afternoon when the shadows began to grow long, without a pipe in his mouth. My teachers in Latin and Greek—one of whom was a very learned man; and far and wide, in our sparsely settled country, was known to be as won-


derful in his way as Goldsmith's Village Schoolmaster, I never knew, except when he was eating, to be without a pipe or a quid of tobacco in his mouth, when he was out of bed. The gentleman who followed him as my teacher, a graduate of one of the colleges in my native State, and now a learned judge in one of the counties in Western NewYork, always had a spittoon in his school room, and furnished me the first opportunity which I ever had of seeing an article of that description made out of earthen ware.

On sunshiny days, or on rainy, misty afternoons, when there was less activity for each of these and kindred gentlemen in our little village, or on occasions when there was some great news slowly making its way from the centers of intelligence to our remote village, these men would assemble on the stoop of our village tavern to talk and chat and make themselves socially agreeable. I have counted twenty of them at one time sitting in chairs, or standing against the stoop-posts, or lounging so as to secure to themselves easy positions, every one of them smoking while the chatting went on. Below them, and standing by, ready to put on to their feet any shoes which Death might make vacant, were the young men of our town—the law-students, the young teachers, the mechanics' apprentices, in their various ranks and grades,—all or nearly all of whom were in the use of tobacco or were trying to learn to use it.

Slowly there grew up in my mind a consciousness that in some way, shape or manner, there were connected with the use of tobacco, passports to higher social relations and to more manly conditions than it was possible to obtain without the use of it. It became a serious matter, therefore, with me to be able to use it. Although a child in years, my father had educated me up


on the plan of never having me such. I never knew but little of the sports of childhood—of its sunny, pleasant hours. I never ran up and down any of its hard-beaten paths. As soon as I was able to realize the responsibilty of my life in the feeblest degree, manhood was the state which was always presented to me for my consideration, and every motive that could be brought to bear upon me to its attainment was made effective. To be a man, not a child; to be a man, not a boy; to be a man, not a youth; was represented as the chief good after which I was to seek. Of course my mind became preternaturally active and morbidly sensitive in respect to the accomplishment of this great object, and as I saw that social position had its symbols and types of recognition, and among these was the use of tobacco, either in the form of chewing or smoking, or more generally both, I determined to bridge the chasm which seperated me from the manly, and to become, let what would happen to me, one of the initiated.

It was as beautiful a Sabbath morning in June [1826] as ever the sun shone upon in our clime, when I resolved, with all the fervor and energy characterizing my nature, to make the attempt. My father had a hired man of middle age who was himself a great tobacco chewer, never using it in any other form. He advised me to commence by chewing, gave me directions about it, telling me what I must expect, announcing to me that I should be deadly sick, but that it would not last a great while, when I got over it, I must immediately take another chew into my mouth, which would make me even sicker than before, and after this sickness passed away I should have little or no further trouble.

Ed. Note: More First
Time Use Examples:
Dr. Thorn (1845)
Dr. Titus Coan (1850)
Dr. Woods (1850's)
Animal Evidence (1860)
Dr. Diocletian Lewis (1882)
Neal Dow (1882)
Dr. Schroff (1882)
Blatin (1882)
Dwarzak & Heinrich (1891)
Higley & Frech (1916)

Our house was a modest farm-house, facing the public


street, and shaded by beautiful locust trees. In front of the door was a large flat stone, and just before the threshold on either side stood two locust trees shading the doorway. When our family had all gone to church, sitting down upon that stone and looking up through the opening spaces of the trees overhead, I introduced this poison into my veins. So far as I ever had consciousness of my conditions, they areas vivid to me now as they were on that morning, and no language of which I am the owner can begin to describe the terrible suffering through which, on that blessed Sabbath day, I passed.

No efforts that I have ever since made to secure to myself position with my fellows, to work out for myself a manly character, which should challenge the public confidence, have been marked by a more decided self-abnegation or greater sublimity of spiritual feeling than I exhibited on that day. I had not only no thoughts of educating myself into a vicious habit, but on the other hand I earnestly sought to possess myself of a means of becoming, though young, more respected and honored by every person whose respect and good will I was desirous to obtain. I do not believe that my heart ever went out in more earnest devotion, nor that I ever more sincerely prayed to Heaven to help me succeed in any effort that I was about to enter upon, than I did on that occasion.

In five minutes my saliva had mingled with the tobacco which I had put into my mouth, and I began to be blind. In a little while after I seemed to be thrown into illimitable space, driven on by Forces of which I had no knowledge, but which were omnipotent, and for the better part of a lifetime, as it then seemed, I drifted hither and thither, without the least self-control. I think no human being


was ever more thoroughly intoxicated than I was.

[Ed. Note: first time symptoms like
Dr. Thorn's,
Dio Lewis' experiment,
Dr. Schroff's experiment,
and as reported by
Neal Dow,
Dwarzak & Heinrich,
and Higley & Frech.

While I retained in extreme measure, consciousness of what passed on the occasion, there were no relations to personal existence which at the time were not and ever since have not been largely chaotic. How long in fact I was in that condition I do not know, but probably not a great while, when insensibility ensued, and I lay down upon the flagstone, and there remained, until, at length, under the reactions of the Vital Forces, consciousness returned, and I looked about and gradually found where I was

The battle was half fought. I immediately opened my mouth and took another chew, when blindness and deafness ensued, twitching of the muscles, and deadly sickness, with severe prostration, followed, and I again became insensible. It was ten o'clock when I first seated myself and entered upon my matriculation; it was half-past two o'clock when I came out of the last fit of insensibility. Dragging myself into the house by my hands, as a person would whose lower limbs had suddenly become paralyzed, I reached our pantry, and there found some cold coffee which had been set aside from breakfast, and of which I drank largely, after the directions of my father's hired man, previously given. Soon I became relieved from my great nervous and muscular depression and was able to get up. When our people returned from church I was in bed.

My father and mother came to see me, and I still retain clear and vivid impressions of how my father looked when he was called to my bedside by my mother's expressions of alarm. His entire wits were challenged to their uttermost in the matter of diagnosis. I heard him say to my mother that I was a very sick boy, and


looked as if I had been poisoned; at any rate he never in his life saw such symptoms, and he should call for counsel. Immediately a man was dispatched for one of our village Physicians, who, in consultation with my father, made out a prescription, to which I was subjected.

I, who was devout in seeking means to pass from embryonic life to one of full proportion, was actually so affected in certain of my faculties by this poison, that I showed what I never had before shown, a resolute cunning and shrewdness, with a species of falsehood, that enabled me to succeed in misleading both my father and the physician whom he had called in to counsel, in respect to the real causes that had operated to place me in the conditions in which I was.

From that day commenced my trouble. The effect of this poison soon showed itself upon my general health in the production of congested brain, and subsequently in frequent torpid states of the liver, attended with severe mucous dyspepsia. A close student, shut up for the most part. in rooms, pushed in niy education by my teacher, I came to be an invalid. At twelve years old I showed such abnormalities of the nervous system as greatly to excite the fears of my parents for my health, and to cause a wide-spread interest among medical men in respect to the peculiar phases of my disease. Sick as I was in body, I showed much more interesting phenomena in my mental manifestations. I became the subject of a double consciousness. I lived two lives, and far and wide in that region of country was I known as a remarkable somnambulist. No one could trust me to lie in bed or to fall asleep. I was more likely than not to get up, dress, or partly dress, and go anywhere and do all sorts of audacious things, with a coolness


that was astonishing. As a matter of course I was made the subject and the victim of the severest drug medication. From that period of my life until I was nearly forty years of age was I all the while in the hands of physicians. I used tobacco for fourteen years. At nineteen years of age my father having died, and responsibilities of a more than ordinary character in the care of a mother and children younger than myself coming upon me, I married. Up to this time I had never thought that tobacco hurt me, nor did any medical man who knew that I used it—and I think one was never employed in my case who was not made familiar with the fact—charge any of the morbid conditions which I showed to its use. However much I suffered by the drug poisons which my physician gave me, the foundation of all my ill health is, in my own mind, now clearly attributable to the use of tobacco.

After having been married some few weeks, I was rudely awakened from my silly and foolish dream-life to a consciousness that no slave was ever more thoroughly fettered than I was. My wife said to me,
"I wish you could find it compatible with your ideas of propriety to give up the use of tobacco. Your breath is offensive to me."
Instanter I said,
"I will give it up. Nothing will afford me greater delight than to yield to your request. I will never use any more of it."
So I entered upon my renunciation, and in twenty-four hours was as thoroughly conscious of my enslavement as one could be. Oh, how my nervous system suffered from the want of its daily draught of poison. The most violent headache and blindness, equal to that which was induced when I first indulged in the use of tobacco, came upon me, and such complete prostration of my physical powers, and de-


pression of mind, with perturbation of spirit, I hope never during my mortal life to be called upon again to endure. My blood played through my veins as if it were in a sea-surge. I saw all invisible things that were ugly and demon-like,—devils in the shape of old women, haggish and witch-like, danced around me. For the first time in my life I became sensible of the enslaving power of appetite. No force of will, or vigor of conscience were competent to my deliverance. My love for my wife, which usually absorbed all my self, faded away into nothingness. I saw nothing, thought of nothing, felt nothing but the overpowering desire for my tobacco.

My moral sense became inert, and like a dog to his vomit, or a sow to her wallowing in the mire, I laid my manhood down, and for the time being was transformed into a beast. When, however, I had re-induced the habitual conditions of the nervous system bv a return to my chewing and smoking, then came up more vividly than ever my loss of self-respect. A young and newly married man, I saw that "to will was present with me, but how to do good I found not." [Rom. 7:18] A Christian by profession, I felt ashamed, and re-resolved to break the appetite. For the better part of three months I repeatedly made efforts for my deliverance, and each time fell into deeper disgrace than before. Ultimately my nature became so thoroughly demoralized by vain attempts to recover its dignity and poise, that the baser and meaner elements in it were uppermost, and, for a time, there are no words in the English language which so decidedly describe the impression I had of myself, as when I say that I had become a thorough Sneak.

Out of this deep of degradation I found no earthly hand to lift me. My wife I could not appeal to; for my very


impotency had become my infamy. So there was no help in that direction. No friends came to my aid.—Everybody around me was using tobacco. At length—and I scarcely know how it came to pass,—I bethought me of the Saviour. I remembered what the apostle James said, "If any man lack wisdom, let him ask of God, who giveth to every man liberally, and upbraideth not." I was about to leave home on a journey. Beseeching the Saviour to help me recover my lost character, I went out into the darkness. I knew the nature of the conflict, and scarcely believed that I should succeed; but there came to me angels that strengthened me; and from that hour to this, the poison has not passed my lips. For four mouths, however, I was in a wild and dreamy haze, staggering through mist and darkness; a dozen times a day tempted and well nigh overborne, but conquering for the hour and struggling on.

This aspect of my life is not an uncommon one. I never yet stated it before a public audience, when at the close of the meeting some person, and, oftener than otherwise, numerous persons have not come to me, and, seeking my confidence, said that I had told their own struggles in their efforts for deliverance. In my private confidential relations with persons who have sought my professional aid, hundreds on hundreds have related to me their experiences, some of which were much more graphic than my own. No gutter-drunkard degraded from a loyal and true man into the condition of a besotted fool by the use of spirituous liquors, has ever yet appeared on the public stage able to relate experience so fraught with degradation, loss of manliness, and true dignity of character as hundreds of tobacco-drunkards in this country could show. The land is full of them,


—boys, and grown-up men—who from one year's end to the other, never see one single conscious moment in which they are sober.

A great outcry has been made within the last half century, against the degradation, misery, and wretchedness resultant from the use of alcoholic liquors, and the protestations of the good and the true have not been beyond the necessities of the case; but where one man gets drunk in this country from ardent spirits, so that he is unfit to fulfill in their best estate the duties which society and Government impose upon him, hundreds of men become thus incompetent to the performance of their social and public responsibilities from the use of tobacco. Where one boy has his nervous system so deranged by the use of ardent spirits as to render it impossible for him, however richly he may be intellectually and morally endowed, to reach high culture and large acquisition of knowledge, to be wrought up into practical usefulness in the various relations and duties of life, fifty boys are rendered thus incompetent by the use of tobacco.

I know of no sin among all the groups of sins, which crop out in our habits of living and curse us as a people, that for destructive vigor and ruinous accomplishment can compare with the use of tobacco. I am not fanatical. I do not exaggerate. I speak the truth in perfect soberness, and am sure that abundant testimony awaits me in the way of demonstration. Let us look a little into the thing, and see whether this view cannot be presented so as to commend itself to the consciousness and consciences of the good.

The human body, as a living organism, is related to the expression of its vitalities after well-defined and determinate laws. When these have their free play and force,


aided by proper external surroundings, and assisted by appropriate agencies, the body puts on its highest normal conditions, which we term health. Obstructions to the operation of these laws establish abnormal conditions of vitality, and this is disease—everywhere disease being nothing more, and nothing less, than vital force abnormally manifested. To place the body in certain conditions, and to subject it to the influence and effect of certain substances commonly denominated health-producing agents, is to secure to it the maintenance of its own powers, and thus cause it to show conditions of health. To subject it to the influence or effect of other agents, commonly denominated health-destroying or poisonous substances, is to force it to put on abnormal manifestations, and thus to make it show conditions of disease or death.

Among the substances which are not healtb-producing, but, on the contrary, health-destroying in their effects upon the organism when brought within its range of action, alcohol, in its various forms and mixtures, and tobacco, in its various forms of preparation, rank high,—the one denominated a stimulant, the other a narcotic. The effect of the one upon the Vital Force is to increase the intensity of that force, to be followed, in time, by a corresponding depression. The direct effect of the other is to depress or to lessen the intensity of the Vital Force, to be followed, in time by a corresponding excitement. Observation and experiment, which constitute in large degree the experience of professional men, have gone to establish the fact that certain substances are productive of specific effects, when these substances are placed within the range of action of the living forces of the human body.


These two poisons, therefore, stand over against each other. The one as a stimulant, or excitant, the other as a narcotic, or depressant—they work into each other's service—tobacco playing an original part in the destructive processes, and alcohol completing the ruin. Inquiry on a very large scale into the habits of men who have been known as habitual drinkers of alchoholic liquors, has settled the point conclusively that their appetites for strong drink were created and made clamorous by their previous use of tobacco, whose depressing effects upon their nervous systems were such as to establish an instinctive or impulsive desire for an offset.

The Chaplain of the State Prison, at Auburn, for the year 1854, I think, reports that out of over seven hundred male prisoners, six hundred were convicted of crime when under the direct or reflex influence of ardent spirits, and that a personal inquiry into the appetitial habits of this class of persons brought out this startling and forcible truth, that five-sixths, or five hundred, out of six hundred who vere convicted for crime when partially or ravingly drunk, had, from their own statements, the desire for strong drink awakened in them, so clamorously, as to demand gratification [self-medication] at any rate from the depressing effects on their nervous systems of the use of tobacco.

Outside of this statistical statement, my own investigations, in a much larger measure, go to corroborate the truth of this record. I have never yet known, in all my inquiries or researches, a single man who was an habitual user of alcoholic drinks who was not a tobacco chewer. I have never heard of but one habitual drunkard who had never used tobacco.

Both aspects of this 1854 analysis have been corroborated by research, the tobacco-alcoholism connection, and the tobacco-crime connection.

Now, while it does not universally follow that every tobacco chewer uses ardent spirits, it will be found uniformly to


be the fact that he does use some form of stimulant or excitant, as a substitute therefor. There are countervailing forces in operation in respect to the use of Ardent spirits, such as the influence of Public Opinion against their use. A great many men and women, within the last thirty years, have had their moral sense very much exercised and educated in respect to the dangers arising from the habitual use of Alcoholic liquors.

But, while made sensible of the dangers in this respect, little or no instruction has been given in regard to the risks run from the use of intoxicating poisons of a different kind. Hence it will be found, upon close examination, that thousands of persons who have given up the use of Alcoholic drinks, have substituted in their places table beverages, or intoxicating drugs, to make up for their lose of their old accustomed stimulant. In proof of this, statistics go to show that Opium, outside of the use of it by the profession, as a medicine, has increased in sale over 300 per cent. within the last twenty years. Lawyers, ministers, artists, doctors, students, men of letters, in many instances, are in the daily use of opium.

Others who do not use it, have substituted for alcoholic beverages Hasheesh—Extract of Hemp—or Absinthe—Extract of Wormwood—whilst others use the strongest infusions of tea and coffee, drinking these twice, at least, and very many of them three times a day, and along with these using the most stimulating condiments upon their food, thus subjecting their nervous systems to such influence from the introduction of these stimuli and narcotic properties into their circulation as to make good in large measure for their total abstinence from alcoholic drinks. Thus related in their expressions of Nervous Force to the use of drinks and foods which serve in part


as substitutes for alcoholic stimulus, they keep up their use of tobacco, and so demonstrate most manifestly the truth of the statement made above, that while every or nearly every user of alcoholic drinks does use tobacco, in some of its forms, and while tobacco users do not all use alcoholic drinks, they do all of them use, in some form or other, such substitutes for alcoholic drinks as their sense of moral propriety and their regard for their characters in the public esteem will permit. To find a pure water-drinker who is a tobacco chewer, would be like finding a white black-bird.

When you take away from the tobacco chewer or smoker all stimulating drinks or stimulating drugs, or intoxicating substances of every sort and kind, and place him where his foods and beverages shall answer simple nutrient and solvent purposes, tobacco no longer answers its chief purpose in the department of his sensations. Hence the readiness with which we cure tobacco-users. By taking away from them all stimulating substances in the shape of foods and drinks, in a little while a disrelish, then a dislike, then a disgust to tobacco springs up, and they find it no longer so desirable to smoke or to chew as when they were under dietetic and drinking indulgences.

The diseases produced by the use of tobacco are different in their exhibition from those produced by alcoholic drinks. As, for instance, all poisons which in their effects are directly depressant, abnormaiize the nervous system, while poisons which in their direct effects are excitant or stimulating, affect the circulatory system.—These differences are exhibited, in marked degree, in Paralysis and Apoplexy. I have never known a man to have apoplexy from the use of tobacco. I have had over fifty cases of paralysis, induced, as I think, mainly by


the use of tobacco, aided by habits and manners of living directly calculated to produce derangements of the nervous system.

On the other hand, apoplexy is acknowledged by the Profession to be more frequently than otherwise the result of the use of alcoholic liquors in connection with habits and methods of living directly calculated to produce derangement of the circulation of the blood. Starting from this point, then, one can readily diagnosticate those diseases which are produced by the use of tobacco and kindred poisons, as he can those diseases which are produced by the use of alcohol and poisons of a similar nature. One class will be seen to be diseases of the nervous system, or the product of derangements of that system; the other will be found to be diseases of the circulation, or the result of derangements of the circulation. Many very remarkable instances of disease, produced by the use of tobacco, have passed under my observation,—of which I offer the following:


A few years since I was called by a gentleman to visit his son professionally. The lad was about fourteen years of age, naturally a boy of more than ordinary talent.—His father, distinguished in public life, was absorbed in his calling, and gave the care of the lad in his younger years almost entirely to his mother. She, a fashionable woman, with but little of the domestic in her nature, weak and quite indulgent to her child, allowed her son to do pretty much as his appetites prompted, and at the age of nine years the father was astonished to learn that his boy was a tobacco chewer and smoker. Immediately he brought to bear all the restraints possible; but these were of no use, and as the relations between him


and his son had never been those of familiar affection, persuasion had no influence over the child to induce him to forego his habit.

When I called to see him he was tall, with a large head, indicating the ideal temperament, and his organs of nutrition broken down to such degree as to render them incapable of making blood sufficient to sustain the body, as against the daily wastes which were going on. I have never known but one case of a youth so thoroughly given up to the use of this poison as this lad was. He always had two cuds of tobacco in bis mouth when not smoking. He was known repeatedly, under conditions of excitement, to chew two three-penny papers of tobacco in one day, besides smoking several cigars. The result of the habit was his death, but before he died, such disorganization of tissue took place as to breed vermin all over his body, and he expired in the most horrible tortures. In the latter stages of his disease, he would exhibit the most violent nervous paroxysms, if for the space of two hours he was kept from indulgence, and showed most decided aberration of mind.


But a little while after this, I received a letter from a gentleman living on the banks of the Mohawk, requesting me to make a professional visit at his house, with a view to see a son of his. I did so, found the lad ten years of age, and so worn and wasted in flesh as to be disgusting to look at. As often as twice in twenty-four hours, for more than two years he had had epileptic fits, which had ended nearly in the destruction of his intellect. As soon as I saw him I turned to his father and said to him that there was no hope in his case; and without making a single inquiry or knowing anything about


it, I remarked that from my knowledge of the effects of the poison of tobacco, I should say that his child was dying therefrom. With tears in his eyes he said it was so. Not being able to do anything except to sympathize with the father, I returned home, and in the course of a fortnight the boy died. In both of these instances the children had the example of chewing and smoking tobacco set to them by their parents.


Early in my professional practice, I was visited by a clergyman who wished to place himself under my care, with a view to be relieved of diseases with which he was afflicted, and upon examination of hie case I said to him that I thought he could not be cured, that his nervous system had become so deranged by infiltration of some poison into his blood that I feared his constitutional power to react under its disuse would fail him.

He then told me his history. A close student in early life, resulting in a fine education, he had learned to use tobacco. This was followed by the habit of using intoxicating liquors; but soon after the establishment of the latter habit he was induced to sign the pledge of total abstinence against all intoxicating drinks, and so abandoned the use of ardent spirits, but kept up his tobacco. Smoking in early life was his favorite method of using the poison; but as he grew older and came to have large ministerial responsibilities upon him, he substituted chewing for smoking.

When he came to consult me he was about fifty years of age. He first became alarmed in regard to the effect upon him, after having had an interview with a brother clergyman in respect to the propriety of organizing a simultaneous movement on the part of all the clergymen in the city where he resided,


by preaching sermons on the same Sabbath in their pulpits against the use of tobacco. When requested by his clerical brother to unite in such a movement he distinctly declined. When asked why, his reply was, that he did not believe in preaching against sin of which he himself was guilty. When still farther questioned why he did not abandon the sin, his answer was that he was unable to do it.

When his brother almost indignantly inquired if he, a Christian minister, felt himself at liberty to say that he was guilty of a sin of which he could not repent, he replied in the affirmative. To show his inability he then related the following circumstances:
"For a month previous to this interview his mind had been greatly impressed with his sin and his shame in this matter of the use of tobacco, and he had sought privately to abandon it. On the Sabbath preceding the visit of his clerical friend he had determined to enter the pulpit free from his usual indulgence. On arising to open the church services he found himself blind, and his organs of articulation paralyzed so that he could not utter a word. He came very near falling down in a fit. Some of the members of his congregation, seeing that he was sick, took him home, services being dispensed with, and a physician immediately attended him. Asking all the persons who were around him to leave him alone with the physician, who was scarcely less frightened than they, he said to him, "My friend, you need not be at all troubled. Just hand me my tobacco box, that lies in the pigeon hole in my book case, and I shall be all right in two minutes. This is simply a reaction of my nervous system consequent upon abstinence from my usual indulgences."

The physician gave him his tobacco; he took a chew,


and was in fifteen minutes aa well as he ever was—so well, that in the afternoon the services were continued. The feeling of mortification that came over him when he found that his whole intellectual and moral nature was enslaved by a physical habit, he told me he had no language to describe; and then and there he made me promise as a physician, and as a Christian gentleman, pledge myself to be faithful in season and out of season in my rebukes and reproofs of the use of tobacco, saying that though he had himself become the victim of it, and for many years during his use of it had had no idea that he was doing wrong thereby; within the last month he had felt that there was no evil in our entire land, not excepting that of the habitual use of intoxicating liquors, so much to be deplored and so thoroughly to be dreaded in its effects upon our youth as the habit of chewing and smoking tobacco.

A few weeks after this interview he died. A post mortem examination was held. No evidences of diseased structure were exhibited in any of the internal organs except the heart. When the operators reached the heart and took it out they found it nearly disorganized. The tenacious coherence of its fibres had entirely disappeared and one of the physicians present at the examination wrote me that it could be " picked to pieces with as much ease as a piece of fried liver."


A distinguished lawyer in this State came to my house a dozen years since to be treated for rheumatism. Upon inquiry I found him to be an inveterate chewer and smoker. Not doubting that the effect of this indulgence culminated in rheumatism I said so to him, and added that I did not think any treatment I could


give him would be effectual unless he could make up his mind to abstain from the use of tobacco; to which he replied that although he had used it for many years, never supposing that it hurt him at all, and while he was sensible that he derived a good deal of satisfaction from the habit, if I thought that it had anything to do with his rheumatism, he would cheerfully give it up. I raised the question whether he could readily give it up, and he said he thought there was no difficulty about it. So I asked him to give me his tobacco-box and cigarcase, which he did, and I laid them away.

The treatment administered to him was very mild, not changing his dietetic habits at all, and only giving him three baths a week. After he had been with us some ten days, or perhaps a fortnight, he entered the bath-room one morning, and as his eye fell upon the running water and his ear took in its sound, he passed instanter into a cataleptic state, his tongue running out of his mouth and pointed, his body becoming rigid, and giving a sort of half groan, he fell to the floor. I was not in the bath-room at the time, but being close by, one of my attendants immediately called me and I went in. The man lay as if he were dead. The door of the bath-room opened on to a piazza where the warm rays of the sun fell, and we took him out there, unbuttoned his clothes, and placing the body in the best possible posture for reaction to commence, we chafed and rubbed him, and pretty soon he came back to partial consciousness. When he did so we lifted him and carried him to his room, and soon as might be took off his clothes and laid him in bed. I took a seat by bis side and stayed there for an hour, at the end of which time he


had so far recovered consciousness as to be able to converse. He then said:
"Dr. Jackson, at the outset, I wish to say to you that I have great respect for you personally, and my short acquaintance with you has given me a favorable impression of your abilities. I do not for a moment propose to hold your administration of my case responsible for this attack. Water-cure, under your bands, I have no doubt is entitled to all the repute which intrinsically belongs to it; but while without question it is good in many cases, it will not answer for me. As soon, therefore, as I am able, 1 wish to settle my bill and return home."

Comparatively young as a practitioner at that time, I greatly regretted the circumstance, and was very much puzzled to account for such an abnormal exhibition of his nervous system. I told him that I thought it could not be the result of any water treatment he had taken; that he had had but some four or five baths since he had come, and they were very gentle; that while I could not account for it myself, I was not willing that he should attribute the paroxysm through which he had passed to the application of water in bis case. The only answer that I could get out of him was, that "Water-cure was undoubtedly good for many people, but it would not do for him." I combatted his determination to go home, but he met me with a firmness which ran into obstinacy.

Dispirited, I sought counsel of Mrs. Jackson. I had hardly stated the case to her before she said, "Why, I think that has all resulted from your taking his tobacco away."

It flashed like lightning on my consciousness that her


exposition was the true one; and, seizing his cigar-case, I ran back to his room, and with joy on my face said to him, "I have found out what is the matter with you."

"Well," said he, "what?"

"Why!" said I, "your fit has not resulted from the baths we have given you, but it is owing to your entire and sudden disuse of tobacco."

"Oh! " said he, "that has nothing to do with it. I told you that I could give up tobacco, and you see I have, without any difficulty."

"Well, my good friend," I rejoined, "are you willing to test the question for the purpose of pleasing me? Will you smoke a cigar?"

"No," said he, "on that point I am firm. You have said you are satisfied tobacco hurts me. Reflection has confirmed the correctness of your judgment and I shall never smoke any more."

I then said to him, " You think this paroxysm of yours this morning is in consequence of the baths you bare taken. I think it is in consequence of your entire abstinence from tobacco. Now my reputation is at stake. If you go away without giving me an opportunity to test that question I shall aways feel as if you were a thoughtless man, and heedless of any injuries you might do to the reputations of your fellows. I am sure you are mistaken, and I ask you to give me an oppornity to prove it. It may seem paradoxical to you that I should urge on you the smoking of a cigar, but I do it because I think that whereas now you lie here with your hand shivering as if you had the shaking palsy, and your tongue so thick that you can scarcely talk so as to be understood, the pupil of your eye twice its usual size, and your whole face showing a suffering aspect, and


your pulse fluttering at your wrist as if you had been nearly frightened to death, if you would but let me light your cigar and you smoke it, I believe that in twenty minutes you would be in a sweet sleep."

He laughed me to scorn; but I was serious, and, looking at him, said:

"You must do this thing. You ruin me, if you refuse. You are a man of high position. You have voluntarily placed yourself in my hands. You have no right to make an ex parte issue with me as to my methods of treatment. Give me an opportunity to prove my statement to be true and yours to be untrue. It certainly cannot hurt your conscience very much to smoke a cigar. So please take it, and let us see what the effect will be."

"Very well," said he, "to please you I will; but you will find I am right, and that while water cure is good for some persons, it is not good for me."

Without farther words I lighted his cigar. He put it in his mouth, smoked awhile, and I watched him. In fifteen minutes his pulse had dropped down twenty beats, and a much steadier tone of the circulation became evident. The pupils of his eyes began to contract, the face lost its aspect of suffering. In twenty minutes he spoke: "Well, I did not think that a cigar would taste so good."

In twenty-five minutes his eyes were closed, and he actually fell asleep inside of thirty minutes, with his cigar burning in his lips. I took it from his mouth, and he slept four hours as quietly as a child. On waking up the first words he said to me were, "Doctor, I ask your pardon. You were right and I was wrong. This, then, is the proof of the deleterious influences of tobac-


co on my nervous system. Now my moral sense is roused up against its use, and as soon as I can safely dispense with it I shall never use more."

Instead of leaving the cure, he stayed with me until I not only broke up his habit of using tobacco, but of drinking strong tea and coffee, of eating highly seasoned food at irregular hours, and cured him of his rheumatism and sent him home to resume his profession, with twenty years added to his life. Now though his hair is silvered with gray he is as film a friend as I have in the world. He afterward told me that as far as his recollections would allow, it seemed to him that he had been bitten by a mad dog. He said the sight of the water was what upset him; that as soon as he saw it and heard its murmur, there went a thrill all through him, and he felt just as he had a hundred times supposed persons bitten by mad dogs must feel at the sight of water.

In two other cases which I have had, where violent reactions of the nervous system showed themselves, the same or like simulations of hydrophobia were present. I think no delirium tremens caused by the presence of any other poison in the blood, ever forces the organism to exhibitions of suffering and distress similar to those produced by the canine virus, as does tobacco. In a good many cases within my knowledge where its abandonment has been sudden, while the usual taxations of energy have been kept up in the performance of business, these peculiar abnormal exhibitions have shown themselves in larger or lesser degree. I do not know how many men and boys have said to me, when under my suggestion they have ceased to use tobacco, that for a number of days yhey felt as if their tongues were stiff


and as if they must involuntarily thrust them out of their mouths.


I was visiting, some years since, at the house of a gentlemen who was an excessive tobacco chewer,—a man of very large brain, and whose nutritive organs were only of moderate vitality. I readily discovered in him signs of failing health. Upon his acknowledging this and asking my advice I said to him, "The first thing you should do should be to cease the use of tobacco. It is killing you. I notice that one of its effects is inordinate excitement of the salivary glands. It seems to me that you must secrete and eject not less than half a gallon of saliva every day."

He admitted that he did, and thought probably that he secreted a much larger quantity, but did not think that it hurt him at all. On the whole he rather thought it did him good. Formerly be said, he was troubled with water-brash, or rising of water from his stomach, and upon counseling with his physician, the latter advised him to use tobacco, saying that it would act as a cure for that difficulty. So he adopted its use and soon found relief, as the doctor suggested he would. I told him that the remedy was worse than the disease, that he had but jumped "out of the frying-pan into the fire," and that I presumed already the evil effects upon his nervous system from the use of tobacco must be such that were he to cease suddenly from the habit he would find himself incapable of performing the most ordinary duties. Like the majority of tobacco chewers and smokers be declared his ability to break off whenever he should have a mind without any particular difficulty, to which I rejoinded by saying that inasmuch as it was,


in his estimation, so easy a thing to be done, I would consider it a personal favor if he would immediately commence, so that while I was his guest we might have mutual evidence of the correctness or incorrectness of my view of its effects upon him, saying that my professional observation had led me to the conclusion that the deleterious effects of all poisonous substances taken in small quantities, and continued for a length of time, were to be seen in reflex, and not in direct action of the nervous system; that I suspected this was true in his case; and that while under the narcotic influence of tobacco he thought or supposed himself to be able to break off without any difficulty, the breaking off would introduce him to a new experience altogether, and one which would astonish him, and for which he would find himself little prepared.

He laughed at me, but I returned to the point and urged upon him the making of the experiment. Taking out his tobacco box he handed it to his wife and told her to keep it till he called for it. This was at ten o'clock in the morning. At twelve o'clock when called to dinner I noticed that be ate with less relish, and there was an evident uneasiness while at the table. A fervent Christian, member of the Methodist church, zealous in all good causes, pious at the heart and not a mere formalist, I found that when he came to ask grace at the table his method of expression was somewhat confused. I said nothing.

At night he retired early, giving as a reason that he did not feel very well, to which I made no reply except that I trusted he would find himself better in the morning. But when morning came and be rose and I met him, I saw that the demon was in possession of him. He told me he thought he was going to be sick. He could not tell


what ailed him. He never felt so before in his life. Yesterday he felt perfectly well; and in his allusions to his immediate condition be never gave me the least impression that he was conscious that he was suffering from the want of his constant and habitual narcotism. I did not allude to it. When we sat down to breakfast I noticed that he ate but little, but drank three or four cups of strong coffee, and for a while was better.

When noon came, however, he could eat no dinner. While sitting at the table, holding his head in his hands and looking very woe-begone, one of his apprentices came in and said a man wanted to buy a double harness. He told the boy to ask the gentleman to wait a few minutes and he would be out to the shop. As soon as dinner was finished we took our hats and went to the shop and found a customer who said to him he wanted to buy a double harness. My friend took from a peg a saddle, presented it to the man and said, " There is a first-rate article." Said the man, 'I do not wish a saddle—I want a double harness."

"This is a double harness," said he.

The man looked at him and laughed. "Now," said he, "no joking. I am in a little hurry. I have waited while you ate your dinner. I want a new harness.—Show me what you have on hand."

Said he, "I am not joking. I have no other double harness than this. If this does not suit you, you will have to go somewhere else."

The purchaser knowing my friend to be a man always prompt and attentive to his customers, and not given by any means to jesting in matters of business, was quite indignant at the supposed attempt to burlesque him in a trade, and said, "I ask you respectfully once more to


show me a double harness. I have bought harnesses of you for years. I want a new one—one of the best you have got—and have the money in my pocket."

To which he got no reply other than this:

"I have no other harness. If this does not suit you, you must go elsewhere."

The man turned on his heel to leave the shop, feeling that he was insulted; but I laid my hand on his shoulder and said to him, " Do not go, my friend, until I have had a word with you. Our mutual friend here has been trying an experiment. Perhaps you are aware of his habit of using tobacco."

"Yes," he said, " I have often told him that it would kill him if he did not stop it."

"Well," I said, "I induced him to stop it yesterday for the simple purposo of giving him a lesson in the direction to which you say you had previously called his attention. He now has been without it twenty-four hours, and he does not know a saddle from a harness. His nervous system has suffered so that he has lost the power of association, and is as essentially in a delirium as ever any liquor drunkard was."

The man's sympathies were excited in a moment. "Now," said I, "let me try him;" and stepping up to my friend I said, "Do you know this man?"


"Do you know what you have been doing?"

"I have been trying to sell him this harness."

"That is not a harness—that is a saddle."

"That is what he says," my friend replied; "but I do not think it becomes him or you to undertake to tell me what is a saddle, or what is a harness. I understand


my business. If the man wants this harness, I shall be happy to sell it to him."

Said I, " You come with me into the house." I took him by the arm and led him out, took him into the house, asked his wife to give me his tobacco box, and when she did I said to him, "Fill your mouth full as you can get it of tobacco, and then come back to the shop."

He allowed me to do with him as I pleased. I brought him back into the shop, sat him down upon a chair, conversed on indifferent things, watched his face for five minutes, and then said to him, "Here is a friend who wants to buy a harness of you."

He raised his countenance, looked around, as if he had awakened from a sleep, said "Good afternoon," to the gentleman who wanted to purchase the harness, said he should be very happy to sell him a harness, but before he did so, would like to introduce him to his friend Dr. Jackson, and going through the formality of introducing me to this gentleman, stepped into his back room, opened the window, let in the light, called the gentleman in, sold him the harness, got his money, resumed the business of giving directions in the shop without ever alluding in any way to the fact that he had for a time been entirely oblivious of what had transpired in the presence of his journeymen, his apprentices and myself, with the man who had sought to buy a harness of him. When told of it, only with the greatest difficulty could he be made to believe it


A gentleman living in one of the central counties in the State of New York called upon me a few years ago, saying that he had been taken suddenly with dizziness


of the head amounting to decided vertigo, that accompanying this dizziness was a trembling of his hands so that he could not write. A distinguished lawyer, having a very large business, he wanted to know if I could diagnosticate his case. I told him I would try, and the first question I put to him was whether he used tobacco. He said he did all the time. "Well," said I, "what do you mean by 'all the time?'"

Said he, "I mean all the time except when I am eating."

"Do you mean when you are sleeping?"


"Do you mean when you are asleep?"


"Do you go to sleep with tobacco in your mouth?"


"What do you do with the saliva?"

"I swallow it. I cannot sleep if I have no tobacco in my mouth."

"Why can't you sleep?"

"I see devils, hobgoblins, all monstrous things."

"Do you smoke?"


"Well, this, then, in the cause of your dizziness.—Your nervous system is breaking down under the effect of the poison introduced into your blood by your use of tobacco. Now there is about an equal probability of your having apoplexy and paralysis, unless you are protected against the former by abstinence from ardent spirits."

" I do not drink hard," he replied, "but I am in the daily use of liquor."

"Well, sir, you have reached the length of your teth-


er in the direction in which you have been going, and unless you turn about you will die."

"But I cannot stop," he said. "I have queried whether this might not be owing, in part at least, to my use of tobacco, and I have tried once or twice to stop; but the remedy is worse than the disease. I lose my balance and rave like a madman."

"Rave you must then. It is better that you should rave than that you should be an imbecile. Your ravings are Nature's reactions. If you give yourself into my hands before you have an apoplectic or paralytic stroke, either of which is imminent,—I pledge myself to bring you through."

He cried like a child. He made bis arrangements, placed himself in my hands and in four weeks' time he had passed the crisis. He recovered, is now in good substantial health; and one of the firmest supporters of the hygienic system I have the pleasure to know.

I could relate hundreds on hundreds of cases like unto these specified; for in our Establishment we have treated persons of every age, temperament, position and condition in life, so that the philosophy we hold as to the effects of tobacco and the abnormal or diseased conditions of the nervous system induced by its long-continued and free use, brings to its defence all the evidence which the largest observation and the widest experiment can possibly afford.

Deplorable, however, as are the effects on the mere physical conditions of confirmed tobacco chewers, in the breaking down of their health and the inducement of a great variety of diseases,—many of which are organic in their nature, and of course incurable,—they melt all in


to nothingness by the side of the destruction to the higher faculties caused by its use. It is hard enough to have a debilitated body, but to have a mind and soul made drunk by drugging is terrible. Pathological investigations go to show that different poisons show different effects upon the nervous system, that different portions of the brain are effected by different poisons, and that corresponding difference in mental and moral conditions, under the administrations of different poisons are exhibited.

Alcohol, for instance, in producing abnormal conditions of the responsible faculties, specifically affects those which we describe as intellectual; while Narcotics—as tobacco, for instance—affect those which are usually described as Moral Faculties. Watch closely the changes of character through which persons respectively pass as their Vital Forces come to act on these respective poisons, and it will be seen that while Alcohol disturbs those departments of the brain through which the Intellectual Faculties find manifestation, Tobacco affects those portions of the brain through which the Moral Sensibilities normally express themselves.

Drunkards, unless when in a state of decided insensibility or wild delirium, retain their moral sense when compared with their loss of judgment, most remarkably. In truth, if but partially intoxicated, their moral forces seem to be quickened and excited, while their reasoning powers are in a great state of perturbation. The tobacco user, however, finds himself in such relations to the use of his higher faculties as not to have his reason particularly disturbed. You see men on the street, in their studies, in public and private intercourse, who are users of tobacco, who show no less intellectual shrewdness or


profundity, where the intellect takes cognition of subjects that are mainly within the province of the reason, than they would if they did not use it; but the moment that they pass that line, and step into the department of the affections or the higher emotions, or proceed to the examination of questions which for a right decision depend upon large spiritual discrimination, they exhibit a degree of abnormality indicative of decided obtuseness or positive aberration.

I do not think there is a poison which is in use in this country, or of the habitual use of which we have record in Oriental countries, whose legitimate effect upon the nervous system is to induce moral obliquity more decidedly than does tobacco. Men who have used it for years, until it has infiltrated itself into every tissue of their physical frames, (and it does lodge itself in the tissues; for I have had persons under treatment in my Establishment who, upon being put into a wet sheet pack aud lying for an hour and a half, after this process had been in operation for a few days, would emit so decided a tobacco odor, upon being stripped to take a bath, as to make all the persons in a very large room as sensible thereof as though a cigar had been smoked in the room,) are as insensible to nice spiritual discernment, or clear discrimination in respect to all spiritual entities as a man in the depths of intoxication from ardent spirits is to keen and critical intellectual acumen.

Of all classes of persons in society, the tobacco cbewer and smoker is the least amenable to the Moral Proprieties. Subjects which come up for investigation having moral relations to individual or public welfare, however elaborately and clearly elucidated, are not readily apprehended by the tobacco-drunkard. He walks


surrounded by those great affectional and emotional relations into which God always introduces the sincere spirit, as one walks in a vain show. Delicate distinctions which necessarily exist oftentimes between right and wrong, dividing them as by a hair, cannot be seen and understood by the tobacco-drunkard. From the first day of the year to the last he is under immoral conditions, The Passional Forces, or those that find their point of efficient action at the base of his brain, are uppermost in him. The Moral Forces, or those which work themselves up into vigor through the action of that portion of the brain which is mapped out by the coronal region are benumbed, or nearly dead.

Gradually the Manly and Divine die out of him, steadily the Beastly developes itself in him, till at length those sentiments and affections, impulses and inspirations, which are well described as the Intuitive Forces of his nature, go into the shadow and have no directing power in the shaping of his life or the exhibitions of his conduct. At length, though naturally endowed with more than ordinarily intimate relations to the True, the Noble and the Good, he becomes intimately associated with the False, the Ignoble and the Mean, and unless vicarious effort is made for him he is a lost man.

I do not believe there is a minister occupying any pulpit in the United States, who, having the courage to go into an investigation of this subject at this point, will not find those church members and members of his congregation who habitually use tobacco in any of its forms,—no matter what are their natural endowments, or conditions of intellectual culture,—to show decidedly inferior moral perceptions to such other members of his church and congregation as do not use it.


If this view be true,—and I have not the least question of it,—then all right minded persons who have the welfare of individuals and society at heart, may readily discern what is the chief obstruction to the progress of all such Reforms, as, for their success, are dependent upon a well-educated and well-instructed moral sense. So well satisfied am I of the truth of this view, that I cherish not the least hope that Christianity can make any very decided and marked progress in controlling human affairs, whether these relate to private or to public life, while the physical habits of living of our people remain as they are.

Clothed with Divine power as Christianity is, and amply sufficient to reach all the ills on earth to which human life is heir, provided she can have her regenerative forces expended in right directions, as matters go, she is comparatively impotent. Only such classes of our people as by natural organization and endowment are favorably related to the perception of truth, and its absorption into their higher natures, feel the benefits of the Gospel and work up into their lives its great practical benignities. The masses of mankind lie outside of the sweep of Christian influence, and while they retain their present habits of life must be, in the very nature of the case, subjected to the control of their appetites and passions, rather than of their higher faculties, and as a consequence in great numbers become the victims of a mere animal indulgence.

In the production of results so greatly to be deplored, there is no single habit which is so efficient as that of using tobacco. I call, therefore, upon all good people,—men and women who appreciate the worth of human nature, and are engaged in efforts to elevate, and so far as it is given unto them to save it,—to place themselves,


—not individually, but collectively—against the use of this poison.

The risen generation is already ruined by it; the rising generation is being ruined by it; and God, who is eternally just, and whose Laws are his testimonies in behalf of right doing, and everywhere against the doing of wrong, will assuredly visit the sins of the fathers, in this respect, upon the children, to the third and fourth generation.

Considered from this point or view alone, the evil effects of the use of tobacco are incalculable. No man who uses it can ever hope to be the father of a child whose relations to life can be considered as favorable as they might be, had not his father been addicted to its use; whereas had his father not used it, the child might have been born with vigorous physical constitution, and in time, under proper opportunities, have grown to be a vigorously intellectual and moral man, rightly proportioned, harmoniously developed, and well balanced. He now finds his life from the start to be abnormal, his body constitutionally feeble, his appetites and passions energetic and difficult to control, his intellect erratic, his moral sense dull and not readily impressible, and so his parents are compelled to address themselves to the formation ot his character under circumstances which relate him unfavorable to society, and to the shaping and the working out of his more important and higher relations.

When shall we learn how to live? May the Divine Spirit, whose office it is to quicken the human soul, and change it till it be transformed and swallowed up, Oh Christ, in thee, teach us all the way of Wisdom; for her ways are ways of pleasantness and her paths are peace.



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Are You of Consumptive Family?

If so, do you wish to know how to avoid having Consumption yourself, or, if you have already got it in its first or second stages, how to cure it? Then send to Austin, Jackson & Co., and purchase Dr. Jackson's book entitled:

Consumption! How to Treat It, and How to Prevent It.

In this book you will find the information you need. Dr Jackson is the only Physician who, having treated this disease successfully without the use of Drugs and Medicines, has placed his ideas at the service of unprofessional readers. The Book is written in a clear style, is free from technical terms, and full of valuable instruction. Thousands of volumes of it are in circulation, and tens of thousands of Human lives have been saved by reading it and following its instructions.

The work has two very valuable points:

1st. It elaborates and makes plain the methods and ways of overcoming hereditary tendencies and constitutional predispositions to the development of the disease, so that those who have them may escape, and, if children, may overcome them and grow up robust and live to good Old Age.

The instruction on this point contained in the Book is great and ought to be in possession and use by every father and mother who has Scrofulous children. Consumption in the United States and in Canada is almost always induced under bad conditions of living operating on persons of Scrofulous Constitution. Where this is the case it is a pity that those who get it and die from it, could not know how to stop its development. "An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of Cure," and that the advice of Dr. Jackson is ample to produce this result the testimony of thousands of persons proves beyond cavil.

2nd. The Book tells the reader not only how to understand the Consumptive Constitution and how to avoid and overcome its active development; but it instructs the reader how to treat curatively those persons who are curable, without the use of drugs and medicines and poisonous nostrums. This is of itself most valuable information. Reader, have you ever thought what a drug-poisoned people, we of the United States are? Everybody, almost, taking, when sick, stuff to cure them which were they well would surely make them sick. So blind are the people, and so deadened their instincts that from the child of a span long to the man of mature age, dosing with poisons is the remedy for every human ailment. So Common is this practice and so destructive to life is it, that the wisest observers do not hesitate to say that War, Pestilence and Famine, have not killed as many persons since the Creation of Man as Drug-Medication has. Of all the diseases to which the Human Organism is subject, none have proved so incurable under Drug-Medication as Pulmonary Consumption; while of them all, none has proved more curable under Psycho-Hygienic treatment than it.

As there are in the United States thousands and tens of thousands of Consumptive persons who are curable, and tens aod hundreds of thousands who, though not having Consumption as yet are sure to have it under the ordinary course of things, we take pleasure in telling them that they can be intelligently instructed how to got well, or how to keep from having the Disease. The Book is nearly 400 pages octavo, has been extensively noticed by the Press and always with favor, and is so ably written that one of the most scientific men in our country has said that, "were the Author never to write more, this book of itself in less than fifty years will place his name high in the temple of Fame, as one of the farthest-seeing men of his day, and as a benefactor to Mankind." Address AUSTIN, JACKSON & CO, DANSVILLE, LIVINGSTON CO., N.Y., who will send the work post-paid for $2.50.


Author of "Consumption; How to Present it and How to Cure It;" "The Sexual Organism and its Healthful Management," and numerous Popular Health Tracts. Also Physician in-Chief of "Our Home on the Hillside" at Dansville, Livingston Co., N.Y., the largest Hygienic Water Cure in the World.

The book contains a fine likeness of the Author, and a beautiful and correct engraving of the Institution over which he presides.


CHAPTER I—My Method of Treating Disease
CHAP II—What is Disease?
CHAP III—The True Materia Medica.
CHAP V—Food.
CHAP VI—Water.
CHAP VII—Time for Taking Baths.
CHAP V11I—Sunlight.
CHAP IX—Dress.
CHAP X—Exercise.
CHAP XI—Sleep and its Recuperation.
CHAP XII—The Sick Chamber and its Surroundings.
CHAP. XIII—Children and their Diseases.
CHAP. XIV—Teething, Teething Diarrhœa, Summer Complaint.
CHAP. XV—Tetter; Eruptions; Scald Head; Common Itch.
CHAP. XVI—Measles.
CHAP. XVIII— Diptheria.
CHAP. XIX—Scarlet Fever; Whooping Cough.
CHAP. XX—Summer Complaint; Dysentery.
CHAP. XXI—Diseases of Grown Persons, Baldness; Deafness; Blindness; Inflammation of the Eyes.
CHAP. XXII—Nasal Catarrh; Nose-Bleed.
CHAP. XXIII— Apoplexy, Inflammation of the Brain, Hydrocephalus, or Dropsy of the Brain.
CHAP. XXIV—Paralysis.
CHAP. XXV—Epilepsy.
CHAP. XXVI—Insanity.
CHAP. XXVII—Drunkenness.
CHAP. XXVIII—Hysteria.
CHAP. XXIX—St. Vitus' Dance.
CHAP. XXX—Pulmonary Consumption; Mumps; Salivation.
CHAP. XXXI—Quinsy; Bronchitis; Inflammation of the Lungs.
CHAP. XXXII — Pleurisy; Spitting of Blood or Hemmorhage of the Lungs.
CHAP. XXXIII—The Heart and its Diseases.
CHAP. XXXIV—Dyspepsia.
CHAP. XXXVI—Cancerous Conditions of the Stomach.
CHAP. XXXVII—Diseases of the Spleen.
CHAP. XXXVIII—Diseases of the Liver.
CHAP. XXXIX—Calculi; Jaundice.
CHAP. XL—Diseases of the Intestines; Duodentia; Bowel Colic.
CHAP. XLI—Inflammation of the Bowels; Peritonitis.
CHAP. XLII—Dropsy of the Peretoneum.
CHAP. XLIII—Lead Colic.
CHAP. XLIV—Inflammation of the Mesenteric Glands.
CHAP. XLV—Diseases of the Kidneys; Congestion; Inflammation; Diabetes; Gravel
CHAP. XLVI—Bright's Disease of the Kidneys; Urinary Diseases.
CHAP. XLVII—Neuralgia of the Bladder; Paralysis of the Bladder; Inflammation of the Coats of the Bladder.
CHAP. L—Sexual Organs.
CHAP. LI—Rheumatism.
CHAP. LII—Remittent Fever, or Fever and Ague.
CHAP. LIII—Intermittent Fever; Congestive Chills.
CHAP. LIV—Typhus and Typhoid Fevers.
CHAP. LV—Erysipelas, or St. Anthony's Fire; Purpura Hemorrhagica; Acne.
CHAP. LVI—Ulcers, Boils and Carbuncles.
CHAP. LVII—Burns and Scalds; Goitre.
CHAP. LVIII—Varicose Veins.
CHAP. LIX—Baths, and How to Take them.

We wish to engage agents, all over the conntry, to sell this work. Here is a new field for Book Agents, and one into which they may enter with good prospect of abundant success. We give liberal terms. Price $2.25, by mail, postpaid.

"OUR HOME." Dansville, Livingston Co., N.Y.



This work by Dr. Jackson is a most thorough analysis of the Woman Question, and presents the subject in a very clear and interesting manner.

  1. A Peculiar Type.
  2. Physical Organization.
  3. Unhealthy Foods
  4. Unhealthy Drinks.
  5. Unhealthy Dress.
  6. Constrained Locomotion.
  7. The Useful and Beautiful in Dress.
  8. Life in-Doors.
  9. Marriage for Women.
10. Non-Maternity.
11. Women who do not make good Wives
but do make good Mothers.
12. Women who, as society goes, can
neither make good Wives nor Mothers.
13. Competency of this class of Women.
14. Their Business Capacities.
15. The Ballot.
Price, $1.00 by Mail.

Agents Wanted in every Town In the United States.
Liberal Discounts will be given.

AUSTIN, JACKSON & CO., Publishers.
Dansville, Livingaton Co., N.Y.


And the Early Decay of Our Young Men

Ought to be read from beginning to end by every boy old enough to understand it, and by every young man in the United States.

It is by far the plainest, the most truthful and the ablest exposition of the leading or more forcible causes which are working so fearfully to debilitate the boys and kill the young men of the Republic, that to our knowledge, has as yet been presented to public consideration.

It is very much to be desired that the truths it contains should come to the knowledge of all parents who have sons in whom their love centers and on whom their hopes rest. No father and mother could do a more considerate deed than to place a copy of this very able work in the hands of a son old enough to read and understand it. The chapter entitled The Secret Vices Of Childhood, is worth ten times the cost of the entire volume to any purchaser, and the instruction to young men how to avoid or how to overcome the ill results of early or youthful indiscretions is of incalculable value. Buy it by all means, and circulate it in your schools, seminaries, colleges, and clubs or societies of young men

Price, in paper covers, 25 cents; per doz., Two Dollars.


  1.To the Youth of the Republic 5
  2.Superimposed Debilities13
  3.The Debilitating effects of Beverages20
  4.Secret Vices of Childhood25
  5.What can be done29
  7.Debilities caused by Drug Medication43
  8.Debility caused by Alcoholic Drinks49
  9.Seminal Emissions56
10.Treatment and Cure of Seminal Debility62
11.Debilities by Conjugal Indulgence67

Dansville, N.Y.

Health Reformer's Cook Book,

Singly, Twenty-Five Cents; per Dozen, Two Dollars.

By James C. Jackson, M.D., and Miss Harriet N. Austin, M. D.
SINGLY.Per Dozen
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2. How to Cure Drunkards550
3. How to take Baths550
4. Tobacco; and its Effect upon the Health
and Character of those who use it
5. Diphtheria; its Causes, Treatment and Cure550
6. The American Costume; or
Woman's Right to Good Health
7. Flesh as Food; or How to Live without Meat550
8. Dyspepsia; or How to have a Sound Stomach550
9. Student Life; or How to work the Brain
without over-working the Body
10. The Curse Lifted; or Maternity made Easy550
11. Piles and their Treatment550
12. The Gluttony Plague550
13. Wife Killing550
14. Shall our Girls Live or Die550
15. How to Nurse the Sick550
16. How to get Well and How to keep Well550
17. The Four Drunkards550
18. Dancing; its Evils and its Benefits550
19. The Weak Backs of American Women550
20. Clergymen: What they owe to themselves,
their Wives, and to Society
21. Papers on Alcohol550
22. The Whole and the Hulled Wheat550
23. Salt-Eating Habit550

Sets containing one of each, $1.10

These will be sent prepaid by mail to any address in the
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Ed. Note: A Later Quotation From Dr. Jackson (1882)

Other Books on Tobacco Effects
The Mysteries of Tobacco,
by Rev. Benjamin I. Lane (1845)
The Use and Abuse of Tobacco,
by Dr. James Lizars (1859)
Tobacco and Its Effects: Report
to the Wisconsin Board of Health

by G. F. Witter, M.D. (1881)
Click Here for Titles of Additional Books
