Welcome to the book Habits That Handicap, by Charles B. Towns, Ph.D. (1915). To go to the "Table of Contents" immediately, click here.
Tobacco pushers and their accessories conceal the breadth of tobacco effects, the enormity of the tobacco holocaust, and the long record of documentation.
The concealment process is called the "tobacco taboo." Other pertinent words are "censorship" and "disinformation."
Here is the text by Dr. Charles B. Towns (b. 1862) of an early exposé (1915) with a section on tobacco dangers. It cites facts you don't normally ever see, due to the "tobacco taboo."
The phrase "tobacco taboo" is the term for the pro-tobacco censorship policy—to not report most Habits That Handicap.
As you will see, information about the tobacco danger was already being circulated in 1915, 49 years before the famous 1964 Surgeon General Report. Be prepared.
Also note that Dr. Towns cites avoidance of prevention.

Habits That Handicap
The Menace of Opium, Alcohol,
and Tobacco and the Remedy
by Charles B. Towns, Ph.D.
(New York: The Century Co,
August 1915)

(pp i - iv)


It is interesting to note that a year or more ago a few deaths from bichlorid of mercury poisoning caused within a period of six months a general movement toward protective legislation. This movement was successful, and after the lapse of only a short time the public was thoroughly protected against this dangerous poison

It will be observed that the financial returns from the total sale of bichlorid of mercury tablets could be but small. Had the financial interests involved been of a magnitude comparable with those interested in the manufacture and promotion of habit-forming drugs, I have often wondered if the result would not have been less effective and as prompt. Bichlorid of mercury never threatened any large proportion of the public, and those falling victims to it merely die. Opium and its derivatives threaten the entire public, especially those who are sick and in pain, and with a fate far more terrible than death—a thraldom of misery, inefficiency, and disgrace.

Ed. Note: For an overview of why the inaction on the "holocaust"-numbers killer, tobacco, despite its many adverse effects, see our sites on revenge motivation, and politician bribery and racism.


(pp vi-xiii)

Boylan Act, it is scarcely probable that strong opposition to similar legislation will be made in other States. Even if other States delay in the enactment of right legislation, the Boylan Act may be considered not only a protective measure for the profession and the people of New York State, but it may be safely accepted as an educational pronouncement for the benefit of the medical profession everywhere. It establishes for the first time the danger-line.


I The Peril of the Drug Habit
II The Need of Adequate Specific Treatment
For the Drug-Taker
III The Drug-Taker and the Physician
IV Psychology and Drugs
V Alcoholics
VI Help for the Hard Drinker
VII Classsification of Alcoholics
VIII The Injuriousness of Tobacco140
A. The Physiological Action of Tobacco
B. Cigarettes
C. Tobacco, Alcohol, and Opium
D. Opium and Cigarettes in China
E. Like Action of the Three Habits
F. Tobacco and Moral Sensitiveness
IX Tobacco and the Future of the Race162
A. The Full Effect of the Tobacco
      Habit Is Not Yet Apparent
B. The Use of Tobacco Destroys Moral Discipline
C. The Temptation to Use Tobacco
D. The Necessity of Education
      Concerning the Danger of Tobacco
E. Tobacco Addiction More Dangerous
      Than Drug Habit or Alcoholism
X The Sanatorium174
XI Preventive Measures for the Drug Evil
XII Classification of Habit-Forming Drugs
XIII Psychology of Addiction
XIV Relation of Drugs and Alcohol to Insanity
D. Drug-Taking More Often the Cause
      Than the Result of Criminality
E. Fallacy of Imprisoning Drug-Takers


(pp 3 - 139)


WHEN tobacco was first introduced into Europe the use of it was everywhere regarded as an injurious habit, and on this account for a while it made slow progress. It is no less injurious now than it ever was,—we have simply grown used to it,—and it was only when people became used to its injuriousness that the habit began to make great strides.

We find nowadays that smokers as well as non-smokers are suspicious of any form of tobacco-taking to which they have not become used. Smokers who for the first time meet chewers or snuffers or those who "dip" tobacco, as in the South, are affected unpleasantly. Smokers keep on finding chewers disgusting, and smokers of pipes and cigars frequently object to the odor of cigarettes.

Nothing more strikingly illustrates how addicted people may become to a habit than the smoking and chewing of the traditional Southern gentleman of the old school, whom any other


personal uncleanliness would have horrified. Young men most fastidious about their apparel seem quite unaware that it is saturated with the smell of tobacco. The odor of a cigarette is probably as offensive to some of those who do not smoke as any other smell under heaven. Yet such is the power of habit that we tolerate all these things.

If we could begin all over again, we should find the same general objection to smoking that existed in Europe when the habit first began. Our chief need, then, is a new mind on the subject. How can we get if?

The circumstance of my giving up smoking eighteen years ago [[Ed. Note: about 1897] may have some slight significance in this connection. I was smoking hard, and began to have a vague feeling that it was hurting me. I had been playing whist at a late hour in my room at a hotel, and when I finally went to bed I could not sleep for a long while. I awoke with a bad taste and a parched mouth in a room heavy with stale smoke and unsightly with cigar-butts lying everywhere. Suddenly a disgust for the whole habit seized me, and I broke off at once and completely. After a week or so, when the first feeling of seediness and uneasiness and depression had worn away,


I found my appetite and concentration and initiative increasing. You will observe that it was not until I began to regard smoking as harmful that I saw it was also filthy. I had a new mind on the subject.

I am trying to give my readers a new mind on the subject, and if they have not come to suspect the evil of smoking, they will naturally ask me to prove that it is harmful.

Let us begin at the bottom.

Does it do any one any physical good? Arguments [Ed. Note: by pushers] in favor of tobacco for any physical reason are baseless. It does not aid digestion, preserve the teeth, or disinfect, and it is not a remedy for anything. The good it does—and no habit can become general, of course, unless it does apparent good—can only be mental. Let me admit at once that smoking confers mental satisfaction. It seems to give one companionship when one has none, something to do when one is bored, keeps one from feeling hungry when one is hungry, and blunts the edge of hardship and worry. This sums up the agreeable results of tobacco. There are one or two more specialized agreeable results which I exclude at this moment because they are only temporary. The results I mention—let me admit at once—


are real, and both immediate and apparent. On the other hand, the injurious results, after one has become inured to tobacco poison, are both unapparent and delayed.


As to the physiological and toxic effects of tobacco there is much difference of opinion. Everybody knows that the first chew or the first smoke is apt to create nausea; and that no matter how long a man has been smoking, a little lump of the tar which has collected in his pipe will sicken him.

Ed. Note: Examples:
Dr. Jackson (1826)
Dr. Thorn (1845)
Dr. Titus Coan (1850)
Dio Lewis (1882)
Neal Dow (1882)
Blatin (1882)

Nicotine is in itself highly toxic, but is very volatile and is absorbed only from the portion of the cigar or cigarette held in the mouth. The products of combustion of tobacco are chemical substances which are also toxic, and nausea naturally stops the smoker before symptoms of acute poisoning result. One must look, then, for symptoms of slow poisoning.

The popular belief that tobacco stunts growth is supported by the fact that non-smokers observed for four years at Yale and Amherst increased more in weight, height, chest-girth, and lung capacity than smokers did in the same period.

Every athlete knows that it hurts the wind;


(pp 144 - 151)

erate smoker whether tobacco is hurting him. Consequently, if one would make this man stop smoking, especially when he sees that leaving off has caused some people more apparent discomfort than all their smoking did, one's only chance is to make him change his mental attitude. I hope to assist in doing this by calling attention to the fact that tobacco not only prepares the way for physical diseases of all kinds, as any physician will tell you, but also, as long investigation has shown me, for alcoholism and for drug-taking.


The relation of tobacco, especially in the form of cigarettes, and alcohol and opium is a very close one.

For years I have been dealing with alcoholism and morphinism, have gone into their every phase and aspect, have kept careful and minute details of between six and seven thousand cases, and I have never seen a case except occasionally with women, which did not have a history of excessive tobacco.

It is true that my observations are restricted to cases which need medical help,—the neurotic temperaments,—but I am prepared to say that for the phlegmatic man, for the man temperamentally moderate,


for the outdoor laborer, whose physical exercise tends to counteract the effect of the tobacco and the alcohol he uses—in short, for all men, tobacco is an unfavorable factor which predisposes to worse habits.

A boy always starts smoking before he starts drinking. If he is disposed to drink, that disposition will be increased by smoking, because the action of tobacco makes it normal for him to feel the need of stimulation. He is likely to go to alcohol to soothe the muscular unrest, to blunt the irritation he receives from tobacco. From alcohol he goes to [Ed. Note: another post-gateway drug,] morphine for the same reason. The nervous condition due to excessive drinking is allayed by morphine, just as the nervous condition due to excessive smoking is allayed by alcohol.

Morphine is the legitimate consequence of alcohol, and alcohol is the legitimate consequence of tobacco. Cigarettes, drink, opium is the logical and regular series.

The man predisposed to alcohol by the inheritance of a nervous temperament will, if he uses tobacco at all, almost invariably use it to excess; and this excess creates a restlessness for which alcohol is the natural antidote. The experience of any type of man is that if he takes a drink when he feels he has smoked too much, he


(pp 154 - 161)

as a resort in an emergency is precisely the same. At the time when the average man feels that he needs his faculties most, he will, if addicted to any of the three, deliberately seek stimulation from it. He does not intend to go on long enough to get the narcotic effect, since that would be clearly defeating his own aims; he means to stop with the stimulant and sedative effect, but that he is unable to do.

The inhaler of tobacco gets his effect in precisely the same way that the opium-smoker gets his—the rapid absorption by the tissues of the bronchial tubes. It may be news to the average man to hear that the man who smokes opium moderately suffers no more physical deterioration than the man who inhales tobacco moderately. The excessive smoker of cigarettes experiences the same mental and physical disturbance when deprived of them that the opium-smoker experiences when deprived of opium. The medical treatment necessary to bring about a physiological change in order to destroy the craving is the same.

The effect of giving up the habit is the same—cessation of similar physical and nervous and mental disturbances, gain in bodily weight and energy, and a desire for physical exercise. A like comparison, item for item, may be made


with alcohol, but it is the similarity with opium which I wish particularly to emphasize here.


Morphine, as is very well known, will distort the moral sense of the best person on earth; it is part of the action of the drug. Since the way morphine gets its narcotic effect is very similar to the way tobacco gets its effect, one would naturally suppose that tobacco would produce in a milder degree something of the same moral distortion.

Ed. Note: His theoretical "supposition" was verified by medical research, see data on tobacco-induced brain damage, especially on abulia, especially modern data on tobacco radioactivity leading to bleeding in the brain, thus impairing reasoning and ethical controls.

This may seem a startling conclusion, but change your mental attitude and observe. Have not smokers undergone a noticeable moral deterioration in at least one particular? They have a callous indifference to the rights of others.

Ed. Note: Dr. Benjamin Rush, Essays (1798), p 267, had said similarly.

This happens with all habitual indulgence, of course, but is it not carried more generally to an extreme with tobacco than with anything else?

Ed. Note: See the subsequent case of Adolf Hitler.

Few men quarrel with a hostess who does not offer them drinks, but all habitual smokers expect that, regardless of her own desires, she will let them smoke after dinner.

"We gave up the fight against tobacco in our drawing-rooms long ago," said a famous London hostess. "We found it was a case of no smoke, no men."

Ed. Note: In 1868, James Parton had written similarly.


(pp 160 - 161)


NEVER yet has tobacco done any good to a man. Its direct effect has been harmful to millions, and indirectly it has harmed many other millions by setting up a systematic demand for stimulants. Of all the widely used products of nature, tobacco finds the least excuse in real necessity. Virtually the only medical use to which the active principle of tobacco (nicotine) can be put is the production of nausea, and there are many other drugs that can be used with much better effect for that purpose.

If one will study the pharmacopoeia, he will find that, next to prussic acid, nicotine is rated as the most powerful known poison, and is not credited with a single curative property. From a medical point of view it is valueless.

The social standing of the man who took it from the tepees of the North American Indians to England is mainly responsible for its taking


root there, for the acquisition of the tobacco habit is a painful process.

Ed. Note: First-Use Nausea Examples:
Dr. Jackson (1826)
Dr. Thorn (1845)
Dr. Titus Coan (1850)
Dio Lewis (1882)
Neal Dow (1882)
Blatin (1882)

Nature's revolt against it is much more instinctive than her revolt against alcohol. Furthermore, like any other form of poison, its effects are most immediate and evident upon the young and weak; for they are easier to poison than the mature and strong.

Ed. Note: Poisoning of the young leads to subsequent worsened degeneration, as noted by
Dr. John Lizars (1859),
James Parton (1868),
Rev. John Wight (1889),
Dr. Charles Slocum (1909),
Prof. Bruce Fink (1915), and a
related medical history overview.
And see data linking smoking to national collapses dating from the Spanish conquistadores' conquest of Mexico (1519).
André Thevet tracked underlying sexual impact, reported in 1555.


Ed. Note: Now in 2005, 90 years later, more tobacco effects are known.

To one who has made a careful study of the effects of tobacco the prospect for the future is not encouraging. The habit was already wide-spread before the extensive manufacture, or even knowledge, of cigarettes was introduced into the United States, and this later form of smoking, which is easily the most obnoxious and harmful of all, has not yet had time to disclose its full power for injury. For it is in the inhaling of tobacco that the smoker receives his greatest injury, and the habit of inhalation is peculiar to the cigarette-smoker. While there are smokers of cigars and pipes who inhale their smoke, it will almost always be found upon investigation that they acquired the habit of inhalation through smoking cigarettes. The average man with a cigarette history gets no pleas-


ure out of smoke which he does not inhale.

Even if a cigarette is made of the best tobacco, undrugged, and wrapped in the purest of rice-paper, the mere fact that the smoke is almost invariably inhaled suffices to make cigarette-smoking the most harmful form of the tobacco habit. Inhalation is harmful because it not only exposes the absorbent tissues of the mouth and upper throat to the smoke, but thrusts the smoke throughout the throat, lungs, and nose, all of which are lined with a specially sensitive membrane of great absorptive capacity. Thus from the smoke of the cigarette the system takes up many times as much poison as it takes up from the uninhaled smoke of the pipe or cigar. Indeed, it may be added that the purer and higher the grade of the tobacco, the more harmful it is to the smoker, for the more will it tempt him into inhalation.

Another danger of certain brands of cigarettes, principally the costly imported and specially flavored brands, is that to the extraordinary dangers of nicotine-poisoning found in all cigarettes are added in these higher grades the perils of their flavoring materials [Ed. Note: e.g., coumarin], from which even so dangerous a drug as opium is not always absent.


I believe that the evil effects of tobacco will be much more apparent in the next generation than they are in this; for forty years ago, when I was a boy, the lad who decided to begin to smoke knew nothing of cigarettes, and had only the pipe and the cheap cigar to choose between forms so overpowering that they frequently discouraged him at the start. [Ed. Note: See Jackson, Thorne, etc., linked at p 163, supra].

Thus many were undoubtedly saved from the tobacco habit; but now, with mild cigarettes upon the market, at very low prices, and in most States found on sale in every candy store, the situation has perils undreamed of at that earlier period.

It is noteworthy that cigarettes are "doped" expressly to allay nausea, which is the normal effect of tobacco-smoking upon the uninured human system, and at the same time to quiet that motor unrest which is the first symptom to follow the introduction of nicotine into the human system. The narcotic effect of the adulterant drugs is therefore to ease the smoker's first pang and to make him more quickly the victim of the tobacco habit.

The smoker of cigarettes gets his narcotic by precisely the same mechanical process through which the opium-smoker gets his. The opium-smoker would find it far too long and expensive


(pp 166 - 171)

for the rising generation, which is also handicapped with alcohol and drugs.


I have no desire to moralize upon the subject of tobacco. I am not a moralist, but a practical student of cause and effect, urging the elimination of bad causes so that bad effects may be eliminated in turn. A very wide experience in studying the result of the use of narcotics has convinced me that the total harm done by tobacco is greater than that done by alcohol or drugs.

Nothing else at the present time is contributing so surely to the degeneration of mankind as tobacco, because, while its damage is less immediately acute than that done by alcohol or habit-forming drugs, it is, aside from its own evil effects, a tremendous contributory factor to the use of both.

There is nothing to be said in its favor save that it gives pleasure, and this argument has no more force in the case of tobacco than in the case of opium. Any man who uses tobacco poisons himself, and the very openness and permissibility of the vice serve to make the process of self-poisoning dangerous to the public as well.


To sum up, the tobacco habit is useless and harmful to the man who yields to it; it is malodorous and filthy, and therefore an infringement upon the rights and comforts of others.

Its relation to alcohol is direct and intimate. When an alcoholic comes to me for treatment, I do not regard my chances of success with him as good unless I can make him see that to abandon smoking is a necessary step in his treatment. My deductions concerning the intimate relationship between the use of tobacco and liquors are the result of years of observation and study. And if it is true that no man whose system is alcoholic is fit to be the father of a child, it is no less true that the habitual smoker is also unworthy to be a guardian of his kind. The alcoholic fiend almost invariably becomes the parent of children provided with defective nervous systems, of children as definitely deformed nervously as they would be physically if born with club-feet or hare-lips.


THERE is no class of patients in the world to whom the physician, and especially the physician who conducts a sanatorium [Ed. Note: or 'counselor' conducting 'treatment' or 'rehabilitation'], can offer so good an excuse for long-continued treatment as to those addicted to the use of drugs [disproportionately smokers]. It is certain that the person who makes a weekly [periodic, or per session] charge to such patients is rarely honest with them or tries to shorten their stay.

Several years ago I freely and without reservation gave all the details of my [Ed. Note: drug abuse] treatment to the medical [Ed. Note: or 'counseling'] world, and though many institutions have endeavored to install it as a part of their own curative policy, most have failed. The failure may be attributed principally, if not wholly, to the fact that few have also adopted the necessary principle of a fixed charge, without regard to the length of time the patient is under treatment.

The weekly [periodic or per session] charge, with its attendant [Ed. Note: money-motivation] temptation to keep the patient as long as possible, has invariably defeated all possibilities of success.

Ed. Note: Consider
  • the rampant victim blaming vs focus on systemic aspects and roles;
  • money-motivation in tobacco effects context generally;
  • counselor awareness that before tobacco came along, insanity was rare, thus little
    role for [money-motivated, prolonged] treatment;
  • and medical data on futility of treating brain-damage-caused depression.
    One treatment-focused scam is to
  • (a) cite only a three-part aspect (“triad”) in depression (feelings of
    worthlessness, helplessness, hopelessness),
  • (b) omit mention of the crucial fourth aspect, organic brain damage! and
  • (c) omit systemic prevention methodology, such as Iowa's cigarette ban! Counselors are not leaders for prevention, not leaders against tobacco! They know that to support prevention, to ban tobacco is to cut their $$. Like drug pushers, drug counselors (and drug courts) prey upon their targets, prey upon the misery of their fellow man, intentionally avoiding and rejecting systemic prevention.
  • Listen to such money grubbers. They automatically, instantly, as taught to do, and as well-rehearsed over many years, immediately seek to distract you into fixating in the sad state of of a specific individual, and how dreadful that person's condition is, needing months, years, or even a lifetime of "care"!!! By such well-rehearsed malicious distraction technique, they intend to distract you off the "Big Picture," off preventing the making of future such damaged individuals, off them making $$$ on and on forever and ever, amen. :)
    For more on money-motivation, see
  • Judge Benjamin B. Lindsey, The Dangerous Life (New York: Horace Livwright, Inc., 1931), pp 199-200, 312, 314, and 328
  • Lincoln Steffens, Autobiography (New York: Harcourt, Brace and Co., 1931), pp 517-520.
    “It is difficult to get a man to understand something when his salary depends upon his not understanding it.”—Upton Sinclair, I, Candidate for Governor: And How I Got Licked (1935). Note also his Profits of Religion (1917), § on Charity, § on Holy Oil, and § on prevention.
    George Orwell said, "The process [of deception] has to be conscious [intentional], or it would not be carried out with sufficient precision, but it also has to be unconscious, or it would bring with it a feeling of falsity and hence of guilt. . . . To tell deliberate lies while genuinely believing in them, to forget any fact that has become inconvenient, and then, when it becomes necessary again, to draw it back from oblivion for just so long as it is needed, to deny the existence of objective reality and all the while to take account of the reality which one denies - all this is indispensably necessary.”—in the book Nineteen Eighty-Four (1949).
    Be alert for such type counselors, not to mention so-called "counselors" who are alleged to be "recovered" (so-called) addicts or mentally ill individuals! e.g., smokers, alcoholics, drug abusers! When having residual effects of such disorder(s), they foreseeably sabotage prevention, refuse to recognize, or at best, understate medical truths, including especially the role of tobacco in mental disorder and brain damage.
    This combination of the mentally ill as patients and as so-called counselors is called an "alliance." The counseling system is thus unethical in enabling this sabotage, by, e.g., admitting such individuals (with a record of addiction/brain damage/mental illness, thus having the permanent residual brain-damage effects of same)   into college and graduate school programs as future "counselors," to foreseeably become anti-prevention saboteurs.
    For information on other abuses by counselors, see e.g., Karen Winner, Divorced From Justice: The Abuse of Women and Children by Divorce Lawyers and Judges (Regan Books/Harper Collins, 1996) with foreword by Christopher Darden.
  • -174-

    There is also a class of institutions in which the "cure" for the drug habit consists in the administration of the drug itself in a disguised form. In such surroundings a patient will contentedly stay indefinitely, for the chains of his habit bind him to the spot. The very fact that he wishes to stay may be accepted as a proof that he has not been benefited by it.   For the man who has been freed from a drug habit desires a normal life in the world; indeed, only his reentrance into its turmoil and bustle can set him surely on his feet.

    The average sanatorium, accustomed to the time-honored and thoroughly established system of making its patients comfortable,—in other words, pampering and coddling them,—finds it difficult, if not impossible, to conform in every detail to the necessities of a system like mine.

    Even if the institution is equipped with every possible facility, it is highly probable that the physicians [Ed. Note: or counselors] in charge may be mentally unfitted to the work. Inured by every detail of their training to methods that make a successful treatment of drugs impossible, they find themselves incapable of changing when confronted by specific cases that demand a radically differ-


    (pp 176 - 247)

    If there is no length to which a drug victim will not go rather than find himself deprived of his drug, there is no length to which he will not go in order to obtain relief from a habit the existence of which fills him with horror. This has often been illustrated in the course of my practice, but perhaps never more strikingly than when I learned of the experiences of a certain judge in Jacksonville, Florida. This far-sighted, merciful, and progressive jurist had come in contact with one or more pitiable cases of the drug habit to which he wished to give relief. He communicated with me, and I was very glad to cooperate in aiding with definite medical relief several drug-victims taken before him. This procedure was commented upon in the public press, and presently the judge found himself importuned for help by those who had committed no crime, but expressed themselves as quite willing to be sent to prison as the only way in which they could get the treatment that was being administered under his auspices.


    A careful study of the histories of drug-takers who upon one charge or another find themselves


    caught in the meshes of the law will reveal that in most cases, or at least in many cases, the drug habit has led to crime rather than the reverse. If an efficient treatment for the drug habit were established in a prison almost anywhere in the United States where such a treatment did not elsewhere exist, it would result, I am sure, in the actual commission of crimes by a certain number of people willing to endure the misery and disgrace of incarceration for the mere sake of securing treatment for their affliction. Any drug-user will tell you that no punishment recorded in the course of human history, no torture visualized by the most inventive imagination, can compare with the unspeakable agony of deprivation.

    Ed. Note: "[I]t is evident that . . . punishment is not imposed until after the deed is done. It is . . . directed against effects, but it does not touch the causes, the roots, of the evil." "[W]e have but to look around us . . . to see that the criminal code . . . remedies nothing." The hope is "That which has happened in medicine [prevention] will happen in criminology."—Enrico Ferri, Lecture (Univ. of Naples, 24 April 1901), in The Positive School of Criminology: Three Lectures Given at the University of Naples, Italy, on April 22, 23 and 24, 1901 (Chicago: C.H. Kerr & Co., 1906 and 1912) . Ferri (1856-1929) was a legal scholar involved in developing criminology as an academic discipline.
    "[L]ike eruptions on the human body," crimes "are symptoms of more fundamental conditions of personal or social deficiency or imbalance." For "the crime problem to be solved, the attack must be made at the source of the trouble and the remedy must be found in the removal of the causes."—Henry W. Anderson, Chairman, Committee on the Causes of Crime, National Commission on Law Observance and Enforcement (1931).
    Eliminate the cause; the effect disappears. "Sublatâ causa, tollitur effectus: Otez la cause, l'effet disparaît."—Dr. Hippolyte Adéon Dépierris, Physiologie Sociale Paris, Dentu, 1876), p 328.
    If you would prefer to NOT be a crime victim, and would rather that the incident (e.g., your being murdered) be prevented (as distinct from your name being gleefully added by media ghouls, presstitutes, and pseudo-prosecutors more concerned about job security than you, to the list of those re whom the perpetrator was 'punished' or 'rehabilitated'), you should know that the 90% factor, tobacco use, in crime has long, long been known, indeed, for centuries. And equally as liking, prevention has been refused to be done by the same occupations. See governmental corruption references.


    That imprisonment should [does] rarely, if ever, result in freeing a person from the drug habit can mean only one thing: that drugs are obtainable in every prison [and that prevention is refused to be done]. Guards and other employees in such institutions are of a low class, for men and women of a high type are unlikely to seek such employment. I fear that this fact will prove [has proved to be since 1915 through present, 2013] one of the most serious stumbling-blocks in the path of those who are endeavoring to


    (pp 250-end)

    [In interim, pending completion of this site,
    you can obtain this book via your local library.

    And, as Towns is repeatedly cited
    in authors from that era,
    authors whose writings can
    sometimes be found at this site,
    you may do a search his his name / book title,
    and find selections, that authors of the era,
    found particularly useful. ]

    Other by Dr. Towns
    Help for the Hard Drinker; What Can Be Done to Save the Man Worth While (New York, 1912)
    "The Injury of Tobacco and its Relation to other Drug Habits," 83 Cent. Mag. 766-772 (1912)
    The Peril of the Drug Habit, and the Need of Restrictive Legislation (New York: Century Co., 1912)
    Federal Responsibility in the Solution of the Habit-forming Drug Problem (New York, 1916)
    The Personal Problem Confronting the Physician in the Treatment of Drug and Alcoholic Addiction (New York: Charles B. Towns Hospital, 1917)
    The Present and Future of Narcotive Pathology, in Three Parts (New York: Charles B. Towns Hospital, 1917)
    The Alcoholic Problem Considered in its Institutional, Medical, and Sociological Aspects, in Three Parts (New York, The C. B. Towns Hospital, 1917)
    Habits That Handicap: The Remedy for Narcotic, Alcohol, Tobacco and Other Drug Addictions (New York; London: Funk & Wagnalls, 1919)

    Other Books on Tobacco Effects
    The Use and Abuse of Tobacco,
    by Dr. John Lizars (1859)
    Tobacco and Its Effects: Report
    to the Wisconsin Board of Health

    by G. F. Witter, M.D. (1881)
    The Case Against the Little White Slaver,
    by Henry Ford (1914)
    (P 13 cites Dr. Towns)
    Click Here for Titles of Additional Books
