The Bible teaches God as the common creator of all, the brotherhood of Man, Eve as the mother of all living (Genesis 3:20), all are of one blood or genetics (Acts 17:26), indeed "all flesh is grass" or protoplasm (common molecular constituents, Isaiah 40:6) (of dirt / ground / earth / dust, Genesis 2:19 and 3:19),
identical to animals (Job 25:6, Psalm 22:6, Isaiah 41:14 and 51:7-8), and that everyone's rights must be respected (Genesis 1:28).
Re the "all flesh is grass" or dirt concept, note that "DNA analysis . . . demonstrates and quantifies the kinship of all life on earth; 98.4 percent of human DNA is identical to that of the chimpanzee . . . Perhaps 50 percent of our genes are shared with lowly yeast. We have genes in common with bacteria, even though our branch of the family, the eukaryote, split off billions of years ago from the prokaryote branch that includes bacteria," says Physics Prof. Robert L. Park, Voodoo Science: The Road from Foolishness to Fraud (Oxford Univ Press, 2000), Chapter 4, pp 81-82. Indeed, note the "evidence that our true origins are not just human, or even terrestial, but actually cosmic [beyond] thinking of ourselves and our origins in relation to our closest kin among the primates . . . learn to think of ourselves as kin to starlight, to the chemical elements blown into space by exploding stars billions of years ago. . . . come to see this massive Earth we inhabit as one more speck of cosmic dust in the ever-expanding universe," say Neil DeGrasse Tyson, Ph.D., and Donald Goldsmith, Ph.D., Origins (New York: W.W. Norton & Co, 2004). (Origins was also a PBS Nova program.) "What is man that thou art mindful of him?" ask Psalm 8:4 and Hebrews 2:6, about beings genetically, biologically, chemically, so like other creatures, the rest of creation, organic and inorganic. Creationists before and during the time of Abraham Lincoln and Charles Darwin, M.A. (Theology) rejected the above-cited Bible statements, thus rejected the facts of genetics, biology, chemistry. They taught the opposite, including "white-manism" (white supremacy). Creationists were slavers and pro-slavery. Creationists claim to be Christian! claim to get their views from the Bible! but in fact they are not, and they do not. They were fabricating, confabulating, in short, lying, by their rejecting the above Bible statements, all the while brazenly pretending to get their views from the Bible! :) a brazen Hitleresque "Big Lie"! :) Creationists believed and "argued that blacks and whites had originated as separate species, with whites created superior" ("white-manism"). Blacks were defined by law as not people, they "were not considered people," says Edward C. Rogers, Letters on Slavery (Boston: Bela Marsh, 1855), Chapter VIII, p 77. See also It was "well known that the [Southern states' creationism-based] laws regard slaves not as men, but things; as mere goods and chattels, to all intents, constructions, and purposes whatever; entirely in the hands and subject to the wills of the masters to whom they belong," says Rev. Silas McKeen, D.D., A Scriptural Argument in Favor of Withdrawing Fellowship From Churches and And Ecclesiastical Bodies Tolerating Slaveholding Among Them (New York: American & Foreign Anti-Slavery Society, 1848), p 7. Note also the following creationist quotes from Prof. J. Saunders Redding (1906–1988) (English Dept Head, Hampton Institute, Virginia), The Lonesome Road: The Story of the Negro's Part in America (New York: Doubleday, 1958), reprinted as a selection, "Tonight for Freedom," in American Heritage, Vol. ix, issue 4 (June 1958), pp 52-55 and 90, at 90: And we ain't for the nigger, but we are for the war. Charles Darwin, M.A. (Theology), LL.D., F.R.S., was appalled by creationist lying about the Bible, lying about fellow humans, even to the extreme of claiming that blacks are a separate species! Darwin had observed slavery in person, had seen some of slaver brutalities, and accordingly wrote Origin of Species (1859) to rebut the aforesaid slaver / creationist dogma. The year 1859 was the same year that Saint John Brown was following Bible principles and Bible-based teachings and precedents, acting to free slaves at Harper's Ferry. The year 1859 was also the year Abraham Lincoln was about to become a strong U.S. presidential contender. About Slavery: Examples
Creationist dogma has evil effects. The U.S. Supreme Court under creationist (Bible-Belt, Religious Right) domination had ruled in the 1857 Dred Scott case that blacks, as they are a separate species (andropoda, untermenschen), "a subordinate and inferior class of beings," they have "no rights which the white man was bound to respect; and . . . might justly and lawfully be reduced to slavery for his benefit . . . ." German creationists taught that blacks are "baboons," says Prof. Michael Parenti, The Sword and the Dollar: Imperialism, Revolution, and the Arms Race (New York: St. Martin's Press, 1989), p 84. This paralleled the American creationist view that blacks are "considered children, or subhuman creatures bred for their labor and intended by Divine Providence to live in servitude," p 84. The British creationist view held by Sir Winston Churchill is that Afghanistanians are "as dangerous and as sensible as mad dogs: fit only to be treated as such." See Churchill's book, The Story of the Malakand Field Force: An Episode of Frontier War, p 26 (1898). Note also, the British creationist view of Asians shown by Rudyard Kipling, that they are "half-devil, half-child." See his poem, The White Man's Burden (1899). And creationists have a motive: homicidal wars of conquest. "How much easier to play the homicidal conqueror if your victims are but subhuman 'wogs,' 'kaffirs,' 'niggers,' 'chinks,' 'greasers,' 'ragheads,' 'slopes,' and 'gooks.' Such defamatory terms are the vocabulary of imperialism as well as racism," observes Prof. Parenti, The Sword and the Dollar, supra (New York: St. Martin's Press, 1989), p 85. "At the time of the [so-called] Louisiana Purchase [1803], President ]Thomas] Jefferson was quick to justify America's possession of that immense expanse of land by describing it as 'uninhabited,' the Indians being nonpersons," says Prof. Parenti, The Sword and the Dollar, supra (New York: St. Martin's Press, 1989), p 86. See details by Prof. David E. Stannard, American Holocaust: The Conquest of the New World (Oxford Univ. Press, 1992), e.g., pp 150, 242, etc.:
Creationist dogma is that God did NOT create as the Bible says, and then "rested on the seventh day" (Genesis 2:2). Creationists deny that God did one creation process, setting the life process in motion with variation-capability enabled. They claim instead that God "continually created new species by fiat over billions of years." Reference "Creation and Evolution" in the February/March 2009 issue of a Church publication Christian Odyssey, page 6. (Some letters followed). The bottom line is, creationists claim to get their views from the Bible, but in fact they do not. They reject what the Bible actually says, in favor of their personal biases, prejudices, hatreds, murderous intent, and like emotions. Such were all excommunicated in 1841 as non-Christian.
The book Darwin's Sacred Cause (Allen Lane, 2009) by Adrian J. Desmond, Ph.D., and James R. Moore outlines Darwin's anti-slavery motivation and abolitionism behind Darwin's book Origin of Species (1859). Creationist dogma contradicts Bible teaching. The Bible teaches the brotherhood of Man, that Eve is the mother of all living (Genesis 3:20), that all are of one blood, genetics, biology, chemistry (Acts 17:26), and that everyone's rights must be respected (Genesis 1:28). Darwin had a Master's degree in Theology and set out to prove the accuracy of the Bible and thereby undermine slavery and the vast ultra-atrocities being directed against blacks. Darwin fought slavery by intellectual Biblical and scientific means. Abraham Lincoln fought slavery by political, constitutional, and military means. Each had been born the same day, 12 February 1809. Each succeeded beyond expectations in aiding black people. Lincoln successfully freed them from slavery. Darwin successfully freed them from the creationist heresy that they are a separate species, not human, but mere "stock," even mere "breeding stock." And for sales to brothels: "A few traders had special rooms for displaying 'choice stock'—pretty quadroons and octoroons who fetched up to $2,500 or more from New Orleans brothel owners."—William C. Davis, ed., The Civil War: Brother Against Brother: The War Begins (Alexandria, VA: Time-Life Books, 1983), p 51. Creationists were determined to ruin the reputation of both Darwin and Lincoln. They called Lincoln a dictator in rage against his defending the Constitution. They called Darwin anti-Bible, in rage against his defending basic Bible doctrines. But Lincoln and Darwin won for black people. Creationists / slavers now conceal their own despicable history, and no longer dare to publicly spout their hate-filled racist dogma against blacks, no longer dare to publicly preach their view that blacks are a separate species. But they do regularly issue diatribes spewing hatred of Charles Darwin, M.A. (Theol.), LL.D., F.R.S.. They denounce Darwin's "errors." But read their materials, you will never find articles denouncing slavery errors, denouncing creationist errors (flat-earthism, Earth immoveable, etc.) Creationists are an example of the 2 Corinthians 11:13-15 type (representatives of Satan masquerading as pious). Creationists use Satan's devices 2 Corinthians 2:11, of half-truths, distortions, misrepresentations, out-of-context assertions, disregard of own past bad record, etc. Background on Darwin's anti-slavery motivation is cited by the BBC at You will not find any creationist citing that! The book Darwin's Sacred Cause would be an excellent addition to any Church Library both for its exposing the sorry record of creationists and for its revealing the holy pro-Bible motivation of Charles Darwin, M.A. (Theology). But check your church library: do you find this book included? ! :) Creationists, slavers, called themselves "Christians"! :) But they supported adultery, atrocities, axe-murder, Bible-refusing, branding, burning-alive, concubines for clergy, commandment-breaking, degradation, doctrine-changing to aid slavery, extortion, eye-gouging, genocide, kidnaping white women, racism, racking and salting, rape, robbery, skinning, torture, torture-murder, whippings-to-death, etc. See list at Rev. William Goodell's Slavery and Anti-Slavery History (New York: Wm. Harned Pub, 1852), page 27.
The South was filled "with thoroughly demonized spirits," say Wendell and Francis Garrison (sons), William Lloyd Garrison, 1805-1879, Vol IV, p 25. Such demon-possesssed or influenced Churchianity "grace" preachers declare all God's commandments "done away," literally "done away," and replaced by politician laws. See Martin Luther's "Against the Murderous and Thieving Mob of Peasants" (1525), summary of this widespread Protestant doctrine:
In short, to Bible Belters, creationists, "grace" types, slavers, slavery apologists and accessories, there is no morality, no moral law, no law except politician law! And such anti-moral-law types wholly controlled the South's politicians in the slavery era. The creationist Religious Right Bible Belt pro-slavery mind-set, attitude and determination, to keep slavery, continued through all eras of the U.S. on past the Civil War and beyond. The result was the South's disproportionate control of the nation, in the courts, the civil service, and the military. Abolitionist Senator and Secretary of State William H. Seward "analyzed the civil service of the national government and could descry [identify] not a single person . . . who was 'false to the slave holding interest' [i.e., respected the Bible's anti-slavery doctrines]," say Charles A. and Mary R. Beard, The Rise of American Civilization, II (NY: The Macmillan Co, 1927), p 8. "It has come to this, that no law can be passed, no appointment made, no contract given out, but the interest of Slavery must first be consulted," said Rep. Amos P. Granger, "State Sovereignty — The Constitution — Slavery" (17 February 1859), p 8. "Our Civil Service was becoming a system of political prostitution. Roguery and plunder . . . had steadily crept into the management of public affairs." See Prof. Kenneth M. Stampp, The Era of Reconstruction (NY: Random House, 1965), p 191. "By their fruits ye shall know them" (Matthew 7:16). The "fruits" of creationism/ists were ultra-evil, as the above data shows. By their satanic monstrous ultra-evil "fruits you shall know them" as what they are, satanists of the the 2 Corinthians 11:13-15 type.
Darwin knew the Religious Right would attack, denounce, revile, condemn him forever, seek to destroy his reputation forever. But Darwin was willing to sacrifice his reputation for his fellow man. He thereby followed express Bible principles, e.g., "Greater love has no one than this, than to lay down one's life for his brethren," John 15:13. "And we also ought to lay down our lives for the brethren,” 1 John 3:16. Darwin believed, and did so. The guise that slavers used for supporting their atrocities was "creationism." They rejected the Bible which reveals Eve as the "mother of all living" (Genesis 3:20), and that all races are of one blood (Acts 17:26). Creationist dogma denies that one species can become another. Creationist dogma thus denies that Eve (one species, white) could be "mother of all living," i.e., have descendants evolved into another species (black). Creationist dogma rejects Eve as "mother of all living," as supportive of evolution from one species to another, which creationism denies. Creationism teaches that each "race" is NOT a race, but instead is a separate species. Creationism teaches that God did not set races in process via Eve, but, instead, that each was separately created as a separate species. Creationists deny that God created as the Bible says, set the process in motion with variation-capability enabled, and then "rested on the seventh day" (Genesis 2:2). They insist that God cannot have "rested," but must have continued working on and on, must have "continually created new species by fiat over billions of years."
By the time that Charles Darwin, M.A. (Theol.), LL.D., F.R.S., came onto the scene, creationism had already been overwhelmingly refuted. See, e.g., The foregoing references show that by the time that Darwin came onto the scene, creationism had already been overwhelmingly refuted, including by real Christians. Educated people, many real Christians, had disproven creationism's infallible doctrines of flat earth, earth immoveable, has only three continents, is only 6,000 years old, etc. (See details). Pretty much all that creationists had left by Darwin's time was their infallible dogma that blacks were a separate species, from lower animals. In essence, Darwin took creationists at their word about the lower origin!!! but applied this infallible dogma of theirs to whites!! Both have a common ancestor, common "origin of species," lower animals. That application to whites is what enraged creationists about Darwin, his applying their infallible lower-origin-for-blacks dogma, to whites!! Creationists/slavers had never objected to their own infallible lower-origin-for-blacks dogma! :) Want to get creationists mad?! Use their own words back at them!! That was the effect of the approach of Charles Darwin, M.A. (Theology), LL.D., F.R.S. For additional background on how thoroughly creationism had already been refuted by Darwin's time, see our details site. But creationists obstinately stuck to their anti-black separate species dogma. Darwin refuted them and their claims, scientifically, intellectually. Lincoln enforced that refutation militarily. Creationists were enraged! their own words used back at them! tossed in their faces! What rage they display in reaction!! They engaged in abusiveness, misconduct and/or crimes including but not limited to the following: For more on creationism's falsities, see our background website. And for more on Darwin vs. slavery, see "Darwin's twin track: 'Evolution and emancipation'" (BBC, 29 January 2009). And re Darwin's legacy, see, e.g., Matthew Ridley, "Darwin's Legacy" (National Geographic, February 2009), on "the triumphant vindication of almost everything Darwin deduced about evolution."
For more on debunking / refuting creationist / pro-slavery clergy and their dogmas and behavior, and ramifications thereof, see, e.g., Note that modern creationists, having been caught massively lying and depraved in perversions and debaucheries unlimited, Such clergy are an example of the type of people who enter or “stay in it [the ministry] . . . to destroy it [the church]!” says Sinclair Lewis, Elmer Gantry (1927), Chapter VIII, Section II, p 122. See also background on the Cold-Hearted U.S. Clergy: Demonized, Lust-Filled, Heathen, Unconverted, Atheists, The Worst Clergy in History, Proslavery Accessories of Devils. As John Greenleaf Whittier says, "their very names shall be Vile before all the people." "By their fruits ye shall know them (creationists)" (Matthew 7:16), as the above list depicts so well. Hence Lincoln correctly gave no credit to so-called "Christians" for ending slavery. They had fought FOR it, as he well knew. In contrast: "The logic and moral power of Garrison and the Anti-slavery people . . . And the army [not the U.S. 'religious right' clergy and churches] have done it all," freed the slaves. See Truman Nelson (History Writer), Documents of Upheaval: Selections from William Lloyd Garrison's THE LIBERATOR, 1831-1865 (NY: Hill and Wang, 1966), xvii. Instead of Christians being anti-slavery leaders, note what had happened instead: “Southern clergymen [the creationist "religious right"] were mainly responsible for prolonging the [South's] futile struggles [in the Civil War that] contributed to the million casualties and 600,000 dead,” says Paul Johnson, A History of Christianity (New York: Atheneum, 1987), Part 7, p 438. Such creationists, Bible Belters, Confederates, Religious Righters, pass their hatred on down, generation after generation. See, e.g., You've not known what hatred is, until you've been hated by Religious Righters, creationists, Bible Belters, Confederates. Their hatred lasts and lasts, will "never be overcome." They pass it on, generation after generation, hating Charles Darwin for refuting them, hating Abraham Lincoln and the Yankees for defeating them.
And "white preachers can lie every week from their pulpits without so much as having to worry that their lies might be noticed by the shiny white faces in their pews," says Tim Wise, in "Of National Lies and Racial Amnesia" (18 March 2008). Yes, "white preachers lie. In fact, they lie with a skill, fluidity, and precision unparalleled in the history of either preaching or lying, both of which histories stretch back a ways and have often overlapped. They lie every Sunday. . . ."
Or try another test on your local "creationist." Suggest that their holy, infallible, anointed 6,000 year age doctrine could be wrong, has indeed long ago been refuted by science, as documented by, e.g., Suggest they not just read their self-absorbed one-sided propaganda pieces their deceiver leaders spew. Suggest they read "the other side." Watch the hysterical reaction! They are holy, infallible, anointed, so "know it all" without having to do that! You, read Proverbs 18:13, words to the effect that "the fool answers a matter before he hears it"! Then you'll better comprehend 2 Timothy 1:7 on "the gift of a sound mind" which your experiment reveals such are lacking.
Bottom line: Creationists do NOT get their views from the Bible, and when pressed, they cannot even explain basic, simple Bible verses and references on which they absolutely, vehemently, fanatically, violently used to claim anointed infallibility!! and would murder you (Galileo, Copernicus, whomever) for disagreeing! Now they can't even answer a simple question! Ask, watch, verify! (And see Galileo's analysis of such people [Full Text], especially as how the same concept applies to attackers and haters of Charles Darwin, M.A. (Theology), LL.D., F.R.S.). Creationists still refuse to admit errors! as their 2010 Creationist Conference Flyer shows! So it is easier to understand how Charles Darwin, M.A. (Theology), LL.D., F.R.S., called creationists' bluff; and since creationists cannot refute him, they can only resort to vitriol, hatred, lying, ridicule, and put downs! After the Civil War, such people ("unreconstructed Confederates" / creationists) determined to For background on rational non-creationist people's worldview as it changed over a period of time, see, e.g., James Burke, M.A., The Day That Changed the Universe (1985), and the PBS series, e.g, Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5 (1986). For background on English society in which Darwin lived, see, e.g., A. S. Byatt, "'Morpho Eugenia' in Angels and Insects" (1992) See also our homepage. |