This site answers various alleged "Christian" writers.
This site points out contradictions, illogic, bad record, or fact errors of professed "Christians," e.g., on the subjects of
(b) "creationism" (as it has evolved over centuries)and
(c) moral decline.
For related background, see our background site data. |
Friday, July 01, 2005 9:13 am
Dear Editor:
Some recent writers on the creationism issue are under the wrong impression that creationism is not being taught. They are in error. Creationism IS taught, thoroughly taught.
However, the teaching is done without explicitly using the term "creationism" as using that term identifying the subject matter would embarrass, humiliate, and therefore offend creationists. Students would learn the details of creationism in its unadulterated original form. Teaching it named as such would reveal to students that it was an ultra-nonsensical mish-mash of absurd, scandalous, and murderous notions. So the schools deliberately split creationism up into bits and pieces and teach it in various separated subjects, e.g., history, geology, geography, political science, and so on, so as not to draw student attention to its absurd whole.
But since creationists demand that their six thousand year+ dogma be taught under that name in one coherent un-split-up whole, let's grant them what they claim they want: Let's here teach unadulterated original "infallible" creationism exactly as it existed before scientists began to debunk it in all its original drivel.
Here by creationist demand is in one consolidated whole, creationism in all its many aspects:
a. Creation [by intelligent design] made the earth flat.
b. Creation [by intelligent design] made the earth the immoveable center of the universe.
c. Creation [by intelligent design] made the stars, sun, planets, and moon, revolve around the immoveable earth on spheres.
d. Creation [by intelligent design] made the spheres as perfect circles, with no irregularities of orbit, no wobbling.
e. Creation [by intelligent design] made the planets, the moon, and the heavenly bodies perfectly spherical, smooth on their surfaces, with no irregularities, no jaggedness.
f. Creation [by intelligent design] made the universe localized, small, with ALL the heavenly bodies orbiting the unmoveable earth.
g. It is a sin to check or verify any of these holy infallible, inerrant, absolute truth claims by looking into outer space through a telescope, because using a telescope is a sin, as it invades God’s Sacred Privacy.
h. God is a trinity, and so God made a trinity of continents, three and three only: Europe, Asia, Africa. (Don't laugh, there are—and I've seen—medieval maps "proving" this!! [in e.g., Hendrik Van Loon, The Story of Mankind (New York: Garden City Pub Co, Inc, 1921), p 227])
i. On this flat immoveable earth with its three trinitarian continents, the holy city Jerusalem is the center of the earth, located at the junction of the three continents.
j. God is a trinity, and so furthermore God made a trinity of races, three and three only: white, black, yellow -- one race per trinitarian continent. (This explains what happened to the poor Indians: they were NOT one of those three trinitarian races, they were deemed . . . [soulless] orangutans [not "real humans"]!!, so it was "open season," like with doves!, to kill the 100 to 150 million of them in North America; nobody needs that many orangutuans!!).
 k. God is a cosmic faker, joker, and made the earth 22-23 October 4004 B.C., and riddled it with fraudulent clues to deceive scientists into thinking it is older [and round. For a defense of the creationist claim alleging that God committed fraud, see, e.g., Rev. Philip H. Gosse, F.R.S., Omphalos: An Attempt to Untie the Geological Knot (London: 1857)].
l. God did this fraud because He is an exclusivist whose above holy, infallible, inerrant absolute truths are known only to us in the holy "in-crowd." This God is going to save only us in his exclusive little "in-crowd." For all the rest of you -- you heathens and heretics -- it is God's plan to behave worse than any ultra-monster child molester, meaning He plans to torture you heathens and heretics forever and ever and ever by burning you in terroristic ever-flaming torturous hell-fire for all eternity, agony without end! by the monster terrorist God of . . . love! Yeah, right!!
m. Proofs for all the above holy, infallible, absolute, unchanging, and inerrant truths include but are not limited to Joshua 10:12-13; 1 Samuel 2:8; 2 Samuel 22:8; 1 Chronicles 16:30; Job 9:6-7; Job 26:11; Job 22:14; Job 37:18; Job 38:4-6; Isaiah 24:1; Isaiah 40:22; Psalm 19:4-6; Psalm 75:3; Psalm 93:1; Psalm 96:10; Psalm 104:5; Ecclesiastes 1:5; Isaiah 13:13; Daniel 4:11 (story about a tree was touching the earth's ceiling, the sky, and visible everywhere on the flat earth); Joel 2:10; Matthew 24:29; Mark 13:25; Revelation 6:12-13; Revelation 21:9-21 (story of the New Jerusalem in the dimensions of a perfect cube of 1,500 x 1,500 x 1,500 miles, sitting level on the surface of a [flat] planet that only heretics believe drops off below the [allegedly round] horizon in a matter of miles!!!)
n. Creation ["Intelligent Design"] depending upon whichever infallible creationist ["Intelligent Design" type] might be involved [pontificating], either did or did not make women subordinate to men, and some people, especially blacks, to be slaves.
o. Creation ["Intelligent Design"] made government to be monarchy and monarchy only, with the "divine right of kings." It is the role of said holy anointed monarchs to kill and torture and burn at the stake, any and all critics of any of the above holy and infallible inerrant absolute truth information. The only true and correct form of government is monarchy, due to the "divine right" of kings; and any other form of government (say, republics or democracies) is sin. Thou shalt "honor the king," as Pope Peter I said in 1 Peter 2:17; and in return, these holy kings often did murder any and all who disputed Holy Mother Church notions.
(Incidently, the holy infallible "divine right of kings" dogma means that George Washington and the other Founding Fathers, who dishonored King George III by ousting his sacred anointed rulership from America, abolishing the Holy Monarchy, and setting up the horrible sins known as a "republic" and its heretical "freedom of religion", were heretics, unrepentant heretics mind you, and so are burning in the aforesaid hell-fire for all eternity!! Hmm, maybe Americans likely consider this aspect of the holy creationist ["Intelligent Design"] view absurd? without hearing more about it!, wouldn't you say?!!!!!!!)
Ed. Note: The Apostle Paul is [falsely] alleged to have said in Romans 13:1-7 to obey "the powers that be"! meaning monarchies (emperors, kings); they are all the "Lord's anointed," you know! Persons who "resist shall receive damnation." Romans 13:2.
The U.S. Founding Fathers had the audacity to commit the horrific allegedly anti-Christian, anti-Biblical sin of disobeying this holy infallible anointed claim. The Founding Fathers sinfully went to the sinful extreme of coercing, making war upon, their 'Lord's Anointed' king! The Religious Right knew, extortion was yet another sin, no "extortioner shall enter the kingdom of heaven." 1 Corinthians 6:10. This principle was from Pope Innocent III, who had denounced the 1215 Magna Charta as the barons had coerced King John. Doesn't matter how bad the king is! Obey! or you are an extortioner, and damned to hell-fire, if you try pressuring the guy to not be such a pervert monster!
The holy infallibles deemed that the Founders' "Declaration of Independence" was triply sinful.
It dared "to speak evil of" their holy anointed monarch, thus they violated Exodus 22:28, Acts 23:5, Ecclesiastes 10:20, 2 Peter 2:10, and Jude 8.
It dared to contradict the infallible creationists/intelligent designers, by lying that "all men are created equal," when all the holy people just "knew" that some people are created slaves and others are created "blue blood," the "Lord's Anointed," "the powers that be."
Worse, these "Founding Father" heretics dared to appeal to God to justify their many sins!
The Founders were even terrorists. The pro-monarchy "Tories" saw through the Founders' pretended religiosity! even committing terrorism against Tories. And many fled to Canada where they could continue to support the holy anointed monarch!
The sinful Founding Fathers to promote their sin, invented a rebellion tactic, the so-called "right to bear arms." In fact, the rebel Fathers were better armed in the Revolutionary War (with rifles effective at 100 yards) than were the "Lord's anointed" holy forces of law and order (the British, with muskets with mere 40 yards effective range), says Geoffrey Perret, A Country Made by War (New York: Random House, 1989), pp 70-71. The Founding Fathers designed the “right to bear arms” in that context, to enable rebellion against the Lord's anointed! against "dignities." And gunned down some 10,000 of the forces of holy law and order, i.e., about 24% of the 42,000 British troops supporting Holy Monarchy.
Break one commandment, that is breaking them all: James 2:10, e.g., stealing, killing, lying, adultery, coveting. The "Founding Fathers" committed them all!
When some "Christian" babbles at you that the Founding Fathers set up a Christian nation, a reasonable reply is a "horse laugh." The babbler is a fool, uneducated, too stupid to realize his/her own church doctrine history on monarchy as the sole valid form of government! And that the Founding Fathers were rebels against that type doctrine! "I treat the subject lightly because to a [trained analyst] it [the Founding Fathers' as Christians claim] is so totally ridiculous as hardly to warrant being taken seriously. To treat such testimonies [claims] with anything else than the ridicule they deserve does not serve, and indeed has not served, historical truth. . . . The whole story . . . is totally farcical."—Hugh Thomas, M.D., The Murder of Adolf Hitler (New York: St. Martin's Press, 1995), p 112.
The allegedly bad sinful example of the godless Founding Fathers in rebelling against their Holy Lord's Anointed Monarch spread. The "godless" Bolsheviks followed the Founders' bad example, they too [horrors!!] resisted and overthrew "the powers that be," and shot their Holy Tsar, his wife, his son, his four daughters, even his pet dog!! the "whole responsory"! For background, see, e.g., Alan Moorehead, The Russian Revolution (New York: Harper & Bros, 1958), Chapter 2, "The Divine Right of Kings," especially pp 10-11: “the idea of the divine right of kings was something more than a survival from medieval times; it was a living faith that was passionately believed in and not only by the imperial family itself. To the great bulk of the Russian people outside the court it was just as much dogma—unalterable and absolute dogma—as the Communist Manifesto and the theses of Lenin were to the Bolsheviks later on. . . . the Czar was responsible only to God. . . . There were no elections and no parliament existed. All power filtered downward from the Czar above.”
Europe then followed these double bad examples (of America and the Bolsheviks), by resisting "the powers that be" and abolishing their holy monarchies over the next decades, Austria, Hungary, Germany, later Italy! and in of course other countries as well. Oh, so much resistance to "the powers that be," holy monarchy, the "Lord's Anointed"!
"Bible Belt" types just "know" that the Bible is for monarchy! the divine right of kings! See Upton Sinclair, Profits for Religion (1917), reference.
The U.S.'s godless "Founding Fathers" were on notice as to what would happen to sinful traitors. They had the holy precedent of how England had handled Scottish rebels barely thirty (30) years earlier. In 1745, the English under King George II (1727-1760) followed this principle immediately after the last battle: "the commander [Gen. Cumberland] of the government forces . . . ordered his soldiers to spare no one, not even the wounded lying in the fields and woods. . . . Hundreds of the fallen [wounded] were shot or stabbed where they lay. Some were even buried alive. Many of the captured were shot on the spot. . . .
"After the butchering of the [defeated] army . . . the [violence] continued. [The government commander] decided that a repeat of this rebellion must never occur. He was going to 'pacify' [them] once and for all. . . . the government army scattered thoughout the [rebellion area] bringing destruction in their wake. Cattle and sheep were slaughtered, crops ravaged. Cottages, farms, and houses were burned in every district . . .
"The lands of the fallen [rebel leaders] were forfeited and turned over to [government managers]. Laws were quickly passed that stripped the [defeated leaders] of all authority. [Their] councils were declared illegal, as was the wearing of [their clothing style], the playing of [their music style], even the mere speaking of [their language].
"The 'harrying of the glens,' as the pacification came to be known, was thorough, cruel, and brutal. Butcher Cumberland was singularly successful in ensuring that the [potential rebels] would never rise again. . . .
"The [former] culture became just a memory . . . . So, although they [the surviving people] did not approve of the way the [rebels] were quelled by the English government and army, they were pleased with the result—the end of the specter of violence. An energy and determination fell over the [surviving people] that laid the groundwork for an extraordinary intellectual flourishing a generation later.” Reference Jack Repcheck, M.A., The Man Who Found Time: James Hutton and the Discovery of the Earth's Antiquity (Perseus Pub, 2003), pp 81-83. |
p. [The teaching otherwise by Copernicus [1473-1543], Galileo, etc. is heresy.] Science and evolution and political science and history are untrue because they contradict or refute or ridicule — can you imagine?!! — some or all of the above holy, infallible, unchanging, absolute, inerrant truths!!!!
There you have it, creationism in all its unadulterated original "infallible" glory exactly as it existed before scientists and other heretics and revolutionaries began to debunk it in all its original glory and drivel!! Now you see WHY they did debunk it!!
Ed. Note: See also:
Comedy Central shows on-point
Sarah Zielinski, "Galileos' Instruments of Discovery," Smithsonian
Galileo's analysis of critics [Full Text], especially as how the same concept applies to attackers and haters of Charles Darwin, M.A. (Theology), LL.D., F.R.S.).
Deva Sobel, Galileo's Daughter (New York: Walker & Co, 1999)
David Zax, "Galielo's Vision," 40 Smithsonian (#5) pp 58-63 (August 2009).
Results of the Victory over Galileo (excerpt from
Andrew Dickson White, LL.D., L.H.D., Ph.D., A History of the Warfare of Science with Theology in Christendom (New York: D. Appleton & Co., 1896), Vol. 1, Chapter III, § IV.
Creationists still refuse to admit errors! See their 2010 Creationist Conference Flyer!
Conclusion: Creationism IS definitely being taught, but disconnectedly in separate classes so as to avoid humilating creationists. Put it all together, students (and editors!!) immediately see how ultra-asinine it is!!
Schools should take the gloves off and should indeed teach creationism all in one class, all together in one piece, one-connected consolidated whole, as above, under the creationism name exactly as "creationists" originally invented the notion, as proselytizing creationists claim they currently want!!!
Be assured, students will quickly realize what ultra-drivel creationism was, just as they recognize its separate and individual component parts as the drivel they are! and just as so many of our "heretic" ancestors did. Once students see it all put together consolidated as above, students will thank God for all the "heretic" scientists and others who debunked and ridiculed original creationism!! Teaching creationism in one piece will be its "kiss of death."
For references on creationism, Macomb Daily readers can consult sources including but not limited to the following:
Stephen Baxter, Ph.D., Ages in Chaos: James Hutton and the Discovery of Deep Time (Doherty Associates, 2003)
Jack Repcheck, M.A., The Man Who Found Time: James Hutton and the Discovery of the Earth's Antiquity (Perseus Pub, 2003)
H. Allen Orr, "Annals of Science: Devolution: Why Intelligent Design Isn't," The New Yorker (30 May 2005), pp 40-52
The article "Creationism," in vol. 4 of the New Catholic Encyclopedia (Washington DC: Catholic Univ of America, 2003) pp 346-347
The article "Creationism," in vol. 4 of the Catholic Encyclopedia (Robert Appleton Co, 1908), reprinted online, 2003, at and of course many other references.
[The correct term for "creationist" is "flat-earther."]
Leroy J. Pletten
8401 18 Mile Road #29
Sterling Heights, MI 48313-3042
(586) 739-8343
P.S. Note to Editor: If this letter is too long to use as a "letter to editor," please use the alternative version you offer. Thank you.
Ed. Note: "If I had to assign chief blame for the ongoing struggle between science and religion and the resulting erosion of biblical credibility, it would have to be the leaders of organized religion," says Gerald L. Schroeder, The Science of God (New York: Free Press, 1997), p 9.
Medieval Christians pretending to be experts invented wild-eyed "notions of optical emissions from the eye," whereas the real truth of science is "the activity of light rays coming from the object," with "vision [as] the product of an agent wholly external to the seeing eye" as "the rectilinear rays emanated from every point on an illuminated surface," says Daniel J. Boorstein, The Discoverers (New York: Vintage Books, 1983, February 1985), Chapter 43, pp 332-333.
While everyone knows that the tides relate to the earth's motion in conjunction with the moon, the holy, anointed, infallibles denied this basic fact of earth science. Horrifying creationiusts, Galileo's book, Dialogue explained the tides by the motion of the Earth. Theologians naturally frowned on such a notion," says Deva Sobel, Galileo's Daughter (New York: Walker & Co, 1999), p 191. After all, the holy anointed infallible theologians knew the earth is immoveable, indeed cannot be moved! Psalm 93:1, 96:10, and 104:5, which the holy infallibles insisted means that the planet earth cannot be moved. How dare Galileo say otherwise? Since creationists had political power and authority, Galileo's friend "Niccolini . . . took a grim view of the road ahead [for Galieleo, as he] expected trouble because of Galileo's numerous, vociferous [creationist] enemies, particularly among the Jesuits," p 191.
Why do Religious Righters believe nonsense spouted by fools and misfits, rather than the real truth stated by experts? See the answer by Eastern Nazarene College evangelical professors Randall J. Stephens (History) and Karl W. Giberson (Physics), writing in The Anointed: Evangelical Truth in a Secular Age (Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 2011), especially
Chapter 6, page 244, the undereducated seek "cultural cues" thus believe "someone just like us" rather than experts "with whom we have nothing in common." The undereducated in short, go by prejudice, eiesgesis, tergiversation, B.S. This is a continuation of the approach and atttitude of the Old South's white trash, analyzed thusly: “The readiness with which Southern [Religious Righters] prefer the most false and audacious claims . . . exhibits a state of society in which truth and honor are but little respected,” says Lewis Tappan, Address to the Non-slaveholders of the South: on The Social and Political Evils of Slavery (New York: S.W. Benedict, 1843), p 36.
Subject: Letter to Editor - Bernabei Letter Tracing US Moral Decline to 1973
Date: Apr 26, 2005 12:55 PM
Dear Editor:
A letter writer (Frank Bernabei) in the 24 April Source traces US moral decline to 1973 and the Roe v Wade decision.
Actually, moral decline can be traced much further back, to for example
1. slavery, meaning mass kidnapping, torture, rape, and genocide of about 35-45 million slaves. US slavery was supported by 99% of US clergy; very few US clergymen, only about 1%, were anti-slavery.
2. World War I, the war caused by the "Christian" governments of
Germany, Austria, and Russia and involving France, England, and so on. The churches were vigorously for this war, which killed about 17 million.
3. World War II, the war caused by good Catholics Hitler and Himmler and good Lutheran Goering, and blessed by the Vatican due to their holy crusade against Bolshevism, which the Vatican, like Pat Buchaman recently, viewed as Enemy No. 1. World War II killed 50 million.
4. the Inquisition and killings of "heretics," "witches,"
Protestants, etc., about an estimated 75 million killings. Not to mention that priests and friars were the No. 1 dispensers of abortion drugs in the Dark Ages, so that the women they so voluminously impregnated could kill the evidence -- 6000 skulls found at one nunnery alone!
Ed. Note: RCC doctrines on abortion have changed over the centuries. According to Augustine ("On Exodus," sections 21 and 80) and Jerome (Epistle 121, section 4), the soul did not enter the body until roughly 90 days after conception. The reason is that a soul can not enter an "unformed" body. Jerome said, "The seed gradually takes shape in the uterus, and it [abortion] does not count as killing until the individual elements have acquired their external appearance and their limbs." (This matches Bible doctrine, Leviticus 17:11, 14, "the life is in the blood," i.e., not until then, not until the aforesaid development.)
The theory of "delayed animation" of the soul is from Aristotle, "On the Parts of Animals," particularly Book 7, Chapter 3, section 583b. This has the line of reasoning picked up by Jerome and Augustine.
"Six thousand skulls of infants are reported to have been taken from a single fish-pond near a nunnery. . . ." says Republican Senator Charles Sumner, LL.D., "The Barbarism of Slavery" (Washington, DC: 4 June 1860), p 172, in support of the Campaign for President by Abraham Lincoln.
Pope Innocent III once ruled that a monk who had arranged for his lover to get an abortion did not commit murder because the unborn child was not "animated." The idea that the soul enters the body AT conception is essentially a recent invention.
The RCC Canon distinguished between an "animated" (ensouled) and "unanimated" unborn child until 1869 (about the time they invented the notion of papal "infallibility"). Making it up as they go along, the RCC Canon was altered again in the 20th century to allege sinfulness of abortion at any stage of pregnancy. (For background, see, e.g., Uta Ranke-Heinemann, Eunuchs for the Kingdom of Heaven: Women, Sexuality and the Catholic Church (New York: Doubleday, 1990). And note that "the Catholicism of today is not the Catholicism of a thousand years ago, or even one hundred years ago," says Prof. Michael Dean Murphy of the University of Alabama, writing in "Catholicism" in Religion and Culture: An Anthropological Focus, Raymond Scupin, ed. [New Jersey: Prentice Hall, 2000], p 341, citing Tali Asad, Genealogies of Religion [Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins Press, 1993], p 46.)
In contrast, the Bible teaches in Leviticus 17:11 and 14 the doctrine of non-life until the existence of blood, "the life is in the blood," i.e., not before. Cf. Genesis 2:17, Genesis 6:17, Genesis 7:22 (the breath of life). This means the earlier RCC teaching was more Biblically accurate; modern RCC and RTLer dogma has deteriorated into error.
See also modern science information on "biogenesis." |
5. the clergy war against science, including insistence that the earth is flat and the center of the universe, and that teaching otherwise by [Nicholai] Copernicious [Th.D.], Galileo, etc. is heresy.
6. the tobacco holocaust, killing 37 million in the US by the government's own count.
Moral decline, that goes way back . . . way back to the "religious
right," to their Inquisition, the Wars I and II, and tobacco produced in the Bible-Belt.
When "religious right" types such as the letter-writer are busy
pointing the finger at others, keep in mind, three fingers are pointing back at them and their ultra-guilt and complicity in far more killings and deaths than abortion ever has or ever will involve.
Leroy J. Pletten
8401 18 Mile Road #29
Sterling Heights MI 48313-3042
586-739-8343 |
Subject: References for Moral Decline Letter
26 May 2005, 10:26 am
Dear Editor:
In response to my May 8 letter on "the roots of moral decline," a Speak
Out caller asked for the "sources" for the "statistics" and "information." I am pleased to oblige. They were voluminous and included the following:
1. For the information on slavery, the genocide level killing of 35-45
million slaves, and slavery being supported by 99% of U.S. clergymen, my references included books by Peter M. Bergman, The Chronological History of the Negro in America (New
York: Harper & Row, 1969), p 2; Dorothy and Carl J. Schneider, An Eyewitness
History of Slavery in America From Colonial Times to the Civil War (New
York: Checkmark
Books, 2000, 2001), p 38; Rev. Stephen S. Foster, The Brotherhood of
Thieves, or,
A True Picture of the American Church and Clergy (New-London: William Bolles
1843 and 1884), pp 32, 43, and 58; Rev. John G. Fee, The Sinfulness of
Shown by Appeals to Reason and Scripture (New York: John A. Gray, 1851), p
3; Barbara
Goldsmith, Other Powers (NY: Alfred A. Knopf, 1998), p 154; Rev. Parker
The Church As It Is: The Forlorn Hope of Slavery (Boston: A. Forbes, November
and 1885); and Deacon James G. Birney, The American Churches: The Bulwarks
of American
Slavery (London: Thomas Ward, 1840, 1842, 1855 and 1885).
2. For the information on World War I as caused by the "Christian" governments of Lutheran Germany, Catholic Austria, and Othodox Russia and involving Catholic France, Anglican England and so on, with the churches vigorously for the war, my references included books by Carlton J. H. Hayes, A Brief History of the
Great War (New York: Macmillan Co, 1920), p 3; Edward Crankshaw, The Fall of the House
Habsburg (New York: Viking Press, 1963), pp 10, 50-51, and 405; and Mark
War Prayer (March 1905).
3. For the information on World War II, and Catholics Hitler and Himmler
and Lutheran
Goering, and the blessing by the Vatican for their holy crusade against
my references included books by Alan Bullock, Hitler: A Study in Tyranny
& Row, 1962, p. 26; Konrad Heiden, Der Fuehrer: Hitler's Rise to Power
Mifflin Co, 1944), p 632; John Toland, Adolf Hitler (Garden City, NY:
& Co, 1976), pp 774 and 803; Hugh Thomas, The Murder of Adolf Hitler (New
St. Martin's Press, 1995), p 272; J. H. Brennan, The Occult Reich (New York:
1974), pp 114, 129, and 121; and William L. Shirer, The Collapse of the
Third Republic
(New York: Simon and Schuster, 1969), p 441.
4. For the information on the Inquisition and its 75,000,000 deaths, on
clergy impregnating women and dispensers of abortion drugs, with 6,000
infant skulls
found at one nunnery alone, my references included the books by Fr. Lucien
I Was A Priest (Toronto: CPL, 1949); David Bay, The True Face of the Roman
Catholic Inquisition (2005); and Sen. Charles Sumner, LL.D., "The Barbarism of Slavery" (Washington, DC: 4 June 1860), p 172, in turn citing Robert Burton, Anatomy of Melancholy (Oxford: Lichfield, Short & Cripps, 1624; reprinted, Birmingham, Ala.:
Classics of Medicine Library, 1986), Part III. Sec. 2, Mem. 5, Subs. 6, in turn
quoting Kemnicius, Examen Concil. Trident., Pars III., De Cślibatu Sacerdotum. (Incidently, the 1860 book was widely circulated by the Lincoln campaign to denounce the slavery atrocities
by the Bible-Belt, atrocities worse than what the Catholics had done!--a
arugment back then!!).
5. For the information on the clergy war against science, including insistence that the earth is flat and the center of the universe, and that teaching otherwise by Copernicus, Galileo, etc. is heresy, my references included
Medieval Maps showing
the earth as flat;
the timing of [Nicholai] Copernicus' book (not until on his deathbed and even then presented as essentially fiction!);
Stephen Baxter, Ages in Chaos: James Hutton and the Discovery of Deep Time (Doherty Associates, 2003);
Jack Repcheck, M.A., The Man Who Found Time: James Hutton and the Discovery of the Earth's Antiquity (Perseus Pub, 2003);
Joshua 10:12-13 [the sun standing still]; 1 Samuel 2:8 [the world set upon earth's foundations];
2 Samuel 22:8; 1
Chronicles 16:30 [the world cannot be moved];
Job 9:6-7; Job 26:11; Job 22:14; Job 37:18 [the skies are hard as bronze]; Job 38:4-6 [on earth's foundation and cornerstone]; Isaiah 24:1; Isaiah 40:22; Psalm 19:4-6 [on the sun's circuit]; Psalm 75:3; Psalm 93:1 [the world cannot be moved]; Psalm 96:10 [the world cannot be moved]; Psalm 104:5 [the earth can never be moved]; Ecclesiastes 1:5 [the sun's motions]; Isaiah 13:13; Daniel 4:11 (story about a tree touching the earth's ceiling, the sky, and visible everywhere on the flat earth); Joel 2:10 (the heavens tremble, the sun and the moon dark, the stars ceasing to shine); Matthew 24:29 (the sun darkened, the moon ceasing to give light, and the stars falling from heaven); Mark 13:25 (the stars fall); Revelation 6:12-13 (the sun black, the moon as blood, the stars falling unto the earth like being shaken by strong wind in outer space); Revelation 21:9-21 (story of the New Jerusalem as a 1,500 x 1,500 x 1,500 cube, sitting level on the surface of a planet that we know in reality drops off below the horizon in a matter of about three miles!!!);
and the fact that the Medieval Church refused to apologize for centuries, until the late Pope John Paul II, who for PR reasons, did so, as by now, the old flat earth notion is pretty much known by all to have been bunkum.
6. For the information on the tobacco holocaust killing 37 million in the U.S. by the government's own count, my reference was the U.S. Department of Health, Education and Welfare, National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA), book, Research on Smoking Behavior, Research Monograph 17, Publication ADM 78-581 (December 1977), page v.
Many of these books, even if out-of-print, can be obtained at your library,
not directly, by inter-library loan. Alternatively, readers can do a search
word search, such as at, and find some significant portions
of this
material posted in whole or in part on the Internet as an educational
Leroy J. Pletten
8401 18 Mile Road #29
Sterling Heights, MI 48313-3042
(586 ) 739-8343
15 October 2004, 2:15 pm
Dear Editor:
In two articles, "Christians and Voting," and David Roach, in "Political Engagement Seen as Key Facet of Biblical Faith," pages 1-2 and 7 of the October 2004 [Olive Branch] edition, say words to the effect voting is a "sacred duty," a "minium duty," alleging that "believers must vote," etc., yet "more than 4 million evangelicals failed to vote in 2000 presidential election." The article further alleges "that in 21st century America, the Republican Party often is more consistent with Christian cultural values than the Democratic Party."
Sad to say, but to the four million evangelical non-voters, there may well be many reasons to doubt the truth of these notions. Here is a list of the many, but not all, likely reasons the four million may well have.
1. For centuries, indeed, over a millennium, it is infallible Christian doctrine—and you’ll be killed, burned at the stake, etc., if you disagree—that God condemns voting emphatically, that God is for the "divine right of kings" and emperors and tsars; that "Constitutions," horrors, are abominations before God, even warranting banning saying the loathsome word "Constitution."
A. God, so the story went, absolutely commands autocracy, rule by a single monarch, without the people having "rights"—horrors!! And Churches reacted in horror to monarchies’ overthrow and replacement by "voting" systems.
B. All Bible references to government are to monarchy, including when God personally established the monarchy in Israel under Saul, then David. And the four million will surely know that the Bible has much to say about a restored Davidic throne, and Christ Himself enthroned, but not one word about God establishing "voting" in the Biblical Kingdom of God.
C. Using the Bible time scale, a thousand years as day, 2 Peter 3:8, it is only in the last couple hours that the extreme ultra opposite viewpoint has been invented, the alleged "sacred duty" to do what God so long was alleged to have imperatively forbidden on pain of death, and has no intention of ever establishing in His Eternal Kingdom. The four million may rightly wonder, who are we to believe: (i) the thousand years emphatic Church doctrine, or (ii) the new-fangled "voting" story that not one Church denomination has adopted in writing as specific express commanded Bible doctrine!–citing chapter and verse.
D. The four million evangelical non-voters may rightly conclude that perhaps the vote advocates, who cite not one Bible verse commanding "voting," but only verses (e.g., verses such as Matthew 5:13-16 on Christ’s hearers being "salt and light") read by sincere people and clergymen for a thousand years as having wholly different meaning are NOT actually providing official written Church doctrine, but their own personal HERESY.
E. The four million may well suspect, someone is LYING to us; and conclude, it is far wiser and "circumspect" (Exodus 23:13; Matthew 4:4) to adhere to Bible words, i.e., to the viewpoint of the vast overwhelming majority of all Biblical Israel and of all subsequent Christendom in most all eras, and deem voting as abominable sin.
2. On the other hand, the four million evangelical non-voters may well remember the gross and extreme errors of so-called Christendom, institutionalizing as law—and punishing non-adherents—with many of the most outlandish and asinine notions in all history.
A. That the Catholic Church is God’s sole representative; and government—monarchies, remember—are to enforce this via law passing, book-burning, tortures and executions,
B. That the Bible teaches that the earth is flat (contrary to Isaiah 40:22!).
(i) The stars, sun, planets, and moon, revolve around the earth on spheres.
(ii) The spheres are perfect circles, no irregularities of orbit.
(iii) The universe is stationary, fixed, not in motion.
(iv) God made the universe at 9:00 am on October 1, 4004 B.C.
(v) The planets and moon are perfect on their surfaces, no irregularities.
(vi) The earth is the center of the universe.
(vii) It is a sin to look into outer space through a telescope, invading God’s privacy.
(viii) The earth has only three continents: Europe, Asia, Africa.
(ix) Only three races (white, black, yellow). (Indians, they’re orangutans, OK to kill).
(x) Crusades are the way to put Christianity back in control of Palestine even if it takes killing all the Moslems and Jews there to do it.
(x) Medical, biological, and scientific research via dissection of the dead is a sin, desecrating the human body. (Desecration by burnings alive apparently OK!)
(xi) Being "pro-life" is mandatory, except for nuns’s abortions–six thousand infant skulls at a single nunnery fish-pond.
(xii) Popes are infallible.
(xiii), Well, maybe it's Luther or Calvin, or some such; anyway it is OK to kill those who disagree, heretics!
C. Perhaps the four million evangelical non-voters remember 2 Samuel 12:14 (the David-Bathsheba incident), showing that outlandish behavior leads to ridicule of God as outsiders assume God is behind the actions of those who profess Him. In any case, maybe the dictates of the professed righteous aren’t so "infallible" after all.
3. The four million evangelical non-voters may well share the doubts of the Founding Fathers, who institutionalized freedom of religion, BECAUSE churches had such a horrible record as to leave no reasonable doubt that their leadership cannot be trusted. "Absolute power corrupts." When the clergy ruled, there were evils without end.
A. As shown at, Founding Father James Madison,, warned: "Religious bondage shackles and debilitates the mind and unfits it for every noble enterprise, every expanded project" (1774).
B. A vestige of this Founder view is evident in Jesse Ventura's more recent view, "Organized religion is a sham and a crutch for weak-minded people. . . ." [Cf. 1 Corinthians+1:26].
Ed. Note: See also James L. Cannon, “Not founded on Christianity”: “The 1797 American treaty ending the war with Tripoli, passed by the Senate and signed by President John Adams, specifically states, “the government of the United States is not in any sense . . . founded on the Christian religion.” No dissent was noted by any of our forefathers. Jefferson stated, “ Christianity is the most perverse system that ever shone on man.” Benjamin Franklin opined, “Lighthouses are more useful than churches.”
James Madison stated, “During almost fifteen centuries has the legal establishment of Christianity been on trial. What has been its fruits? More or less, in all places, pride and indolence in the clergy; ignorance and servility in the laity; in both, superstition, bigotry, and persecution.”
“History, I believe, furnishes no example of a priest-ridden people maintaining a free civil government. This marks the lowest grade of ignorance of which their civil as well as religious leaders will always avail themselves for their own purposes.”—Thomas Jefferson to Alexander von Humboldt, 6 December 1813.
See also Robert Boston, “5 People Who Bravely Fought Christian Takeover of America” (14 August 2012)
"At crucial points when the church-state wall was most threatened in America, there were people who rose up to defend it."
(1) Charles Pinckney's 1787 anti-religious test proposal written into the U.S. Constitution won a "very great majority" of the Constitutional Convention, ALL the then ratifying states, and ALL the ratifying states ever after, the Supreme Court agreeing with all the foregoing, and the majority of Americans ever after, never changing the Constitution otherwise.
(2) Joel Barlow was the diplomat who wrote the above-cited 1797 treaty under George Washington, ratified under John Adams, by 2/3 vote of the Senate.
(3) Rep. Gulian C. Verplanck, Professor at General Theological Seminary, spoke in 1832 in the House of Representatives against Congress and the President proclaiming religious events.
(4) President Ulysses S. Grant in 1875 spoke for keeping public schools secular thereby avoiding religious services in class and tax money for religious schools.
(5) Ellery Schempp in 1956-1958 fought politician imposed prayers and King James Bible reading in school devotional services.)
See also
Randall J. Stephens and
Karl Giberson, The Anointed: Evangelical Truth in a Secular Age
(Cambridge, Mass.: Belknap Press of Harvard Univ. Press, 2011). On the subject of "intellectual authority within evangelicalism, the authors reveal how America's populist ideals, anti-intellectualism, and religious free market, along with the concept of anointing--being chosen by God to speak for him like the biblical prophets--established a conservative evangelical leadership isolated from the world of secular arts and sciences."
4. The four million evangelical non-voters may recall why the Republican Party came about.
A. It was founded to reject, repudiate, condemn, wage war against, the "Bible Belt," the "Religious Right" of the time (vile pro-slavers).
B. The four million may well remember that the then "Religious Right" Bible-Belters supported slavery. What was slavery?: (i) adultery, (ii) axe-murder, (iii) Bible-refusing, (iv) branding, (v) burning-alive, (vi) concubines for clergy, (vii) extortion, (viii) eye-gouging, (ix) genocide, (x) kidnaping white women, (xi) making infidels, (xii) racism, (xiii) racking and salting, (xiv) rape, (xv) reign of terror, (xvi) robbery, (xvii) Seminole War, (xviii) skinning, (xviv) three-fourths of Christians "of the devil," (xx) torture, (xxi) torture-murder, (xxii) violence, (xxiii) war of aggression against Mexico (xxiv) whip-to-death, making the Bible-Belt, in the words of Methodist Founder John Wesley, "the vilest that ever saw the sun," "the sum of all villanies," "the worst of thieves, in comparison of whom high-way robbers [car-jackers] and house-breakers are comparatively innocent."
Quoted by Rev. William Goodell, Slavery and Anti-Slavery (New York: William Harned Pub, 1852), pp 27-28,
C. The four million evangelical non-voters may recall that Lincoln credited, NOT the "Bible-Belt," the "Religious Right," with ending slavery, but instead: "The logic and moral power of Garrison and the Anti-slavery people . . . And the army [not U.S. clergy and churches] have done it all," freed the slaves, cited from Truman Nelson, Documents of Upheaval: Selections from William Lloyd Garrison's THE LIBERATOR, 1831-1865 (NY: Hill and Wang, 1966), page xvii.
D. The four million evangelical non-voters may recall that after the Civil War against the Bible-Belt, clergymen were so embarrassed by, wanted to hide from public view, their bad record, that they attempted to falsify U.S. history, tried to blot out the truth of who really got rid of slavery –– radical oft anti-organized-religion abolitionists, and the drunks and hooker-customers and other bad characters of the Union Army, not themselves who had fought for slavery. The four million may recall that it was one of the few surviving abolitionists, Rev. Parker Pillsbury, [who] exposed the cleric scam by living enough decades after the War, to do so, in his Acts of the Anti-Slavery Apostles (Concord, N.H., 1883),
5. The four million evangelical non-voters may recall the massacres, the not very "pro-life" attitude of Middle Ages Christendom.
A. In the article, "'Crusades': The holy wars proclaimed by the Christians in Western Europe at the end of the 11th cent. with the avowed purpose of wresting the Holy Sepulcher from the hands of the infidel Moslems; the c. marked a turning point in the history of the Jews of Christian Europe. From the prime objective of defeating the infidels in the Holy Land, Christians turned in an outburst of hate against the Jewish 'infidels' in their midst. As early as 1094, Godfrey of Bouillon declared that he would avenge the blood of Jesus on the Jews, leaving none alive. The First Crusade of 1096 brought with it the virtual extermination of the ancient Jewish communities of Speyer, Worms, Mainz [Germany], and others. . . . When the Crusaders finally reached Palestine and stormed Jerusalem (1099) they drove all Jews there into a synagogue and burned them alive. The pattern of anti-Jewish massacres . . . was repeated throughout Europe during subsequent c. (especially the Second and Third [Crusades])."—Dr. R. J. Zwi Werblowsky and Dr. Geoffrey Wigoder (Hebrew Univ, Jerusalem), The Encyclopedia of the Jewish Religion (NY: Holt, Rinehart & Winston, Inc., 1965), p 103.
B. The four million evangelical non-voters may also recall that during the Middle Ages' Plague, Jews were blamed. Killings of Jews began by "charges originating in Savoy" blaming Jews. The killings had the support of [Holy Roman] Emperor Charles IV [1347-1378]. The result was that "60 large and 150 small communities were exterminated. . . . This was the greatest disaster which occurred to German Jewry in the Middle Ages."—Cecil Roth, B. Litt., M.A., D. Phil., and Geoffrey Wigoder, D. Phil., The New Standard Jewish Encyclopedia (Jerusalem: Masada Press, 1959-1975), p 319.
C. The four million evangelical non-voters may also recall that Hitler resumed the Middle Ages Christian killing process. His "capital punishment" policy was "that the killings should be done as humanely as possible [pursuant to] his conviction that he was observing God's [alleged] injunction to cleanse the world of vermin. [So] he carried within him its ["religious right"] teaching that the Jew was the killer of God. The extermination, therefore, could be done . . . as the avenging hand of God so long as it was done impersonally, without cruelty. Himmler was pleased to murder with mercy. He ordered technical experts to devise gas chambers which would eliminate masses of Jews efficiently and 'humanely.'"— Toland, p 803. Hitler followed medieval precedents, as a Catholic "in good standing," "I am now as before a Catholic, and will always remain so.'"—Toland, p 803.
D. The four million may recall that Pope Pius XII (1939-1958) called Hitler's anti-Bolshevism "high-minded gallantry in defense of the foundations of Christian culture,"—John Toland, Adolf Hitler (Garden City, NY: Doubleday & Co, 1976), p 774.
E. When Hitler attacked Russia in June 1941, "A number of German bishops, predictably, openly supported the attack. One called it 'a European crusade,' a mission similar to that of the Teutonic knights. He exhorted all Catholics to fight for 'a victory that will allow Europe to breathe freely again and will promise all nations a new future'" (p 774). The four million evangelical non-voters may doubt these "Religious Right" types, doubt that Hitler’s starting World War II, killing fifty million, was OK!
F. The four million evangelical non-voters may just be thinking of how so many may realize, how nice that those awful liberal Democrats such as Franklin Roosevelt ignored the Pope and Bishops, or we’d all be saying "Heil Hitler."
6. The four million evangelical non-voters may recall, if not all the wars during the Christian era, perhaps just those involving the Old World and the New World, in inter-continental wars (in essence, "world" wars), with Christians killing Christians–each of course, for his "divine-right" ruler, king, emperor, tsar.
A. Date | | War Title(s) | | Old - New World Foes | | Purpose, Comments
1. 1492-1890's | | Indian Wars | | Western Europe Explorers/Colonists vs N. and S. American Indians | | To eliminate most Indians (orangutans)
America at Columbus' time had had 150,000,000 natives, "cent cinquante millions d'hommes," says Dr. Hippolyte A. Depierris, Physiologie Sociale (Paris: Dentu, 1876), p 25.
| | | | | |
| 2. 1689-1697 | | King William's War/War of the League of Augsburg | | England, Holland vs. France, Spain, New England, New York, Canada | | To reduce French monarchy power
| | | | | |
| 3. 1702-1711 | | Queen Anne's War/War of Spanish Succession | | England, Holland, Austria vs France, Spain Florida, New England | | To have different Spanish King
| | | | | |
| 4. 1739-1748 | | King George's War/War of Austrian Succession | | England, Holland, Austria, vs France, Spain, Prussia, West Indies, New England, Canada | | To control Austria’s monarch
| | | | | |
| 5. 1756-1763 | | French and Indian War/Seven Years War | | England vs France, Spain Ohio country, Canada | | For England to control Ohio
| | | | | |
| 6. 1776-1783 | | American Revolution | | England, France vs. U.S. Colonies | | To obtain independence
| | | | | |
| 7. 1812-1814 | | War of 1812 | | England U.S., Canada | | impressment, slavery
| | | | | |
| 8. 1840's-1850's | | China War (aka Opium War) | | England vs China, Japan, U.S. aiding/abetting England | | To force drugs (opium) into China, bully Japan to alter its foreign policy
| | | | | |
| 9. 1898 | | Spanish-American War | | Spain and colonies, e.g., Phillippines, Cuba, etc. | | U.S. goal to expand its own Empire under McKinley-Roosevelt (see Mark Twain's War Prayer)
| | | | | |
| 10. 1899-1902 | | Philippine-American War | | Philippines vs. U.S. | | U.S. assaulting Philippine people to keep them as part of U.S. Empire
| | | | | |
| 11. 1914-1918 | | Great War | | Germany, Austria, Turkey, etc., vs. Serbia Spreading to U.S. | | To save Europe’s monarchies, later called, War to End War!
| | | | | |
| 12. 1939-1945 | | World War II | | Germany vs Poland, France, England, Russia, U.S., etc. | | To end aggression
| | | | | |
| 13. 1948 - 2004 | | Conflict over Israel | | Arab States vs Israel, spreading to U.S.S.R., Britain, France, etc. & the U.S. & U.N. | | To establish, and continue Israel
| | | | | |
| 14. 1950-1955 | | Korean Conflict | | U.N. vs Korea, China, U.S. | | To defend South Korea
| | | | | |
| 15. 1955-1974 | | Vietnam War | | South Vietnam v North Vietnam and U.S. | | U.S. goal to prevent Vietnamese unification per treaty
| | | | | |
| 16. Mid 1983 | | Falklands War | | Britain Argentina | | Falklands Islands
| | | | | |
| 17. 1990-1991 | | Gulf War | | Iraq v Kuwait, U.N. & U.S. | | To save Kuwait
| | | | | |
| 18. Oct 2002 | | War on Terror | | Afghanistan vs. U.S. | | To fight "terrorism"
| | | | | |
| 19. 2003-2004 | | Operation Iraqi Freedom | | Britain, Iraq, U.S., etc. | | Issues of "freedom," "weapons of mass destruction," oil, Israel | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
B. In this context of war after war, often massively Christians killing Christians, with nary a word from the Churches opposing each monarch’s "cannon-fodder" of Christians killing others—usually for political objectives of their respective monarch—four million non-voters may have developed some grave doubts about the accuracy of the "Religious Right" when they say things like, "War and capital punishment"are not inherently evil, but abortion and euthanasia are. Killing hundreds of millions in Christian vs Christian war is OK; killing tens of millions of Indians is OK, just so long as the label is organized "war" or organized "capital punishment," all is well when done en masse. But woe to the individual who does an abortion or euthanasia.
C. Not to mention the "Bible Belt" killings as opposed by the Republican Party, after the "Bible Belt" viewpoint had already led to massive numbers of slave-killings. Most (2/3 - 3/4) slaves were killed, 35-45 million or so. "Robert R. Kuczynski, the world-known authority on migration statistics, estimated that a minimum of 15 million slaves landed alive. Because of the brutal treatment on transport and the conditions of crossing, the total number of people of which the African continent was depleted amounted . . . to several times more. "Carter G. Woodson [1875-1950], in 'Negro in Our History,' estimated the total at 50 million, while W. E. DuBois, in 'The Negro,' gives the figure of 60 million," says Peter M. Bergman, The Chronological History of the Negro in America [New York: Harper & Row, 1969], p 2.
D. The four million evangelical non-voters may just have in mind the "mote" vs "beam" message of Christ in Matthew 7:3-5. When the "Religious Right" says, war and capital punishment are NOT inherently evil, and have apparently never met a war or a series of capital punishments (even of Indian orangutans, or Jews by Hitler) that they couldn’t stomach, even gushingly support, perhaps the "Religious Right" story that the REALLY REEALLY big issue is abortion and euthanasia, perhaps the four million evangelical non-voters say, maybe not!
E. Maybe the so-called not-"inherently-evil" ends up killing FAR MORE overall and is the "beam" and not the smaller number of so-called "inherently evil" abortions and euthanasia; maybe the latter are the true "mote" in actual reality and body count.
7. Perhaps the four million evangelical non-voters have noticed that the alleged "pro-life" "Religious Right" leadership regularly, routinely, almost invariably, supports politicians over a period of centuries, who were regularly wrong, who caused numerous wars for "divine-right" monarchy sake, who were pro-slavery, and who now are pro-capital punishment, pro-war, pro-tobacco, pro-liquor, pro-gun, soft on pollution, pro-big business, anti-union, anti-worker, anti-higher minimum wage, anti-health care, anti-Social Security, etc.? [Examples.]
A. Perhaps the four million evangelical non-voters notice that the "Religious Right" seems to still be taking the "monarchy" divine right view, regularly supporting politicians who oppose benefits for the poor and middle class, while routinely coming out for legislation of the old monarchy style, supporting the aristocracy vs the masses.
B. Perhaps the four million evangelical non-voters notice that the "Religious Right"leadership [insert ___________ error/misdiagnosis ___________].
C. The four million evangelical non-voters may observe that the "Religious Right" has a "don’t ask, don’t tell"! approach on revealing their bad record of misdiagnosis of just who is such a great politician! When they have been wrong, and wrong, and wrong, time and time again, but they never seem to admit it, maybe to the four million evangelical non-voters, the "Religious Right" advocates just don’t have credibility any more! How many centuries of their gross and ultra errors must we put with, before we catch on?!
D. A person who never admits an error, cannot learn. Perhaps the four million have doubts about such leadership?
Conclusion: I realize this is an unfortunate and sad commentary. I have personally resolved the dilemma for myself. But it is easy to understand why so many may not be able to trust a "leadership" that is so often, and for such a protracted period, wrong, and so wrong as to contradicted by subsequent events, and of course, contradicted by each other over the centuries.
Perhaps the four million evangelical non-[voters] are obeying the pertinent principles. Whatsoever is not of faith, is sin. Romans 14:23. Without accompanying faith, a specific action (e.g., voting a certain way) cannot please God. Hebrews 11:6.
Rather than chastising such persons, we should be supportive. Perhaps they have valid points. Perhaps at Judgement Day, those who chastised them, will be the ones deemed in error.
Rather than demanding "Get out the vote," you "must vote," voting is a "sacred duty," it may be far better to say, unless your voting is of faith, do NOT do it. If in doubt, stay home. That response is far more likely to find Divine Favor, than a coerced, ‘I just gotta do it’ attitude.
| Sincerely,
| Your reader,
| Leroy J. Pletten
| | | | | | |
10 December 2004, 12:30 pm
Dear Editor:
This is in reply to the article, "Was Darwin Wrong?" ([National Geographic, Vol 206 #5] pp 2-35, Nov 2004) [by David Quammen]. It is helpful to understand the context in which the modern evolution viewpoint arose as a reaction. I refer to the standard "Creationism" dogmas. Creationism is a variable doctrine of ever-changing heresies that are NOT in the Bible but constantly change over the years. Instead, that heresy's inventors merely pretend origin in the Bible.
Classic Creationism (we'll call it Creationism Version 1.0) was riddled with dubious and absurd claims. It arose from the medieval world-view that the Roman Catholic Church is God’s sole representative on earth; and that government officials, monarchies (democracies with its voting notions were deemed sins), are to enforce this via law passing, book-burning, tortures, people-burnings, and executions, of all who disagree.
The creationism heresy against which the evolution theory is a reaction, included "proving" that
a. The earth is flat.
b. The earth is the center of the universe.
c. The stars, sun, planets, and moon, revolve around the earth on spheres.
d. The spheres are perfect circles, with no irregularities of orbit, because everything God makes is perfect.
e. The planets and moon are perfect on their surfaces, with no irregularities, because everything God makes is perfect.
f. The universe is localized, small, stationary, with all the heavenly bodies circling the earth.
g. It is a sin to check any of these claims by looking into outer space through a telescope, because that invades God’s privacy.
h. The earth has only three continents: Europe, Asia, Africa. (Don't laugh, there are--and I've seen--medieval maps "proving" this!!)
i. On this flat earth with three-continents, Jerusalem is the center of the world (at the junction of the three continents).
Ed. Note:
The infallible "three continents" dogma meant that the British Isles were the western edge of the planet. There is no North America, is no South America, according to the long infallible dogma of Creationism / Intelligent Design.
Note that "any map of the Roman Empire in the first century shows that the Britannic Isles—not Rome or Spain—represent the extremity of the west. [Saint] Gildas, a sixth century British monk, observed that 'the island of Britain lies virtually at the end of the world, towards the west and north-west' (The Ruin of Britain, Bk. 3, chap. 1, [Michael] Winterbottom, ed., p. 16)." Quoted from religion writer Douglas S. Winnail, "Early Christianity and Europe’s Western Isles," Tomorrow's World, Vol 10 (#2), March-April 2008, pp 22-25, 29, at 23.
At p 25, Winnail cites "Archbishop Ussher's incorrect calculation that the Earth was created in 4004 BC," but cites no correct date. But Winnail--in 2008, mind you--does not say that Gildas' view of Britain as the western edge of the planet is "incorrect"!! Does Winnail's church still believe in the long infallible trinitarian three-continent dogma?! |
j. The earth has only three races (white, black, yellow, one race per continent). (Indians, they’re NOT one of those three races, they are in reality orangutans!!, so were OK to kill).
k. God is a cosmic faker, joker, who made the universe around 4004 B.C. and riddled it with fraudulent clues to deceive people into thinking it is older.
l. God did this fraud because He is an exclusivist whose above truths are known only to the "my" in-crowd. This God is going to save only "my" in-crowd group. For all the rest of you -- you heathens -- it is God's plan to behave worse than any ultra-monster child molester, meaning He plans to torture you heathens forever and ever and ever by burning in hell for all eternity, agony without end! by the monster God of . . . love!
m. Any other religion, Luther, Calvin, science, Galielo, and whomever or whatever else (now evolution) disagrees, are wrong because they contradict or refute some or all of the foregoing dogmas.
This Creationist world view came crashing down when the Reformation and the resultant culture of permissiveness came along!
Yes, it was the Reformation and the culture of permissiveness that freed people from the "one-true church" dogma, and that even let astronomers -- horrors! -- invade God's privacy and look through telescopes! and disprove Classic Creationism.
The creationist heretics of course, keep trying. They keep re-inventing "Creationism," keep changing the story, retracting one nonsense notion after another, keep coming up with "new and improved" brands, while pretending unchangingness! and "literal interpretation" of the Bible!!! They focus on denouncing evolution, rather than "proving" their position.
It is important to note that whatever flaws they might allege they find in evolution, they can never accuse its adherents of book-burnings, tortures, people-burnings, and executions, of all who disagree!!
Creationist heretics knowingly deceive their victims, readers, hearers, by fraudulently omitting to mention their numerous forced and grudging retractions, retractions necessary due to their egregious, grotesque and ultra-extreme error rate. Creationists fraudulently give the opposite impression, that they have never made any errors -- the "infallibility doctrine," you know!
If anyone has ever seen a Creationist writer honestly admitting their long-running and absurd bad track record, let me know!
Creationist heretics well know that their views are not in the Bible, and have never held up under investigation, so threats, prosecutions, torture, fraud and deception have been their stock-in-trade.
When Creationist heretics spout off claiming they are doing a "strict interpretation," ask them, which version of Creationism do they mean?? One thing you can know for sure, "infallibly,"!! -- it's not going to be Creationism Version 1.0 (detailed above), but some wildly different variation, more likely Version 100.0!!
Leroy J. Pletten
12 December 2004, 10:36 pm
Dear Editor:
This is in reply to the pro-Creationism letter, "Evolution not so certain," by Frank Bernabei, Sunday, 12 Dec 2004, p A4. Bernabei raises the evolution vs Creationism issue, and wonders why the scoffing by educated people at Creationist notions. Most any historian could enlighten him, and others who may wonder likewise.
Historically, creationism arises from the medieval world-view that the Catholic Church is God’s sole representative on earth; and that government officials, monarchies (democracies with its voting notions were deemed sins), are to enforce this via law passing, book-burning, tortures, people-burnings, and executions, of all who disagree (e.g., Protestants). When Protestants came along, that basic part of the world-view was eliminated.
Creationism includes "proving" from the Bible that
a. The earth is flat.
b. The earth is the center of the universe.
c. The stars, sun, planets, and moon, revolve around the earth on spheres.
d. The spheres are perfect circles, with no irregularities of orbit, because everything God makes is perfect.
e. The planets and moon are perfect on their surfaces, with no irregularities, because everything God makes is perfect.
f. The universe is localized, small, stationary, with all the heavenly bodies circling the unmoveable earth.
g. It is a sin to check any of these claims by looking into outer space through a telescope, because that invades God’s privacy.
h. The earth has only three continents: Europe, Asia, Africa. (Don't laugh, there are--and I've seen--medieval maps "proving" this!!)
i. On this flat earth with three-continents, Jerusalem is the center of the world (at the junction of the three continents).
j. The earth has only three races (white, black, yellow, one race per continent). (Indians, they’re NOT one of those three races, they are in reality orangutans!!, so were OK to kill).
k. God is a cosmic faker, joker, who made the universe around 4004 B.C. and riddled it with fraudulent clues to deceive people into thinking it is older.
l. God did this fraud because He is an exclusivist whose above truths are known only to the "in-crowd." This God is going to save only the "in-crowd." For all the rest of you -- you heathens -- it is God's plan to behave worse than any ultra-monster child molester, meaning He plans to torture you heathens forever and ever and ever by burning in hell for all eternity, agony without end! by the monster God of . . . love! Yeah, right!!
m. Science and evolution are untrue because they contradict or refute -- can you imagine?!! -- some or all of these views!!!!
This Creationist world view -- can you believe it? -- came crashing down when the Reformation and the new freedom brought by Luther, Galileo, etc., let astronomers -- horrors! -- invade God's privacy and look through telescopes! and immediately disprove most if not all of the then Creationism story! Creationists have been forced over the centuries to retract, retract, retract, retract, their claims!!!
The Galileo that Mr. Bernabei alleged to be a Creationist, was most emphatically not! On the contrary, the Catholic Church prosecuted him, threatened him with torture, for his views against the then brand of Creationism!! and forced him to recant!!
The medieval church was enraged that Galileo had helped DISPROVE the flat-earth, and unmoveable-earth-as-center-of-universe creationist notions that the "one true church" had so long taught, insisted on, and killed for, pursuant to, e.g.,
Joshua 10:12-13;
1 Samuel 2:8;
2 Samuel 22:8;
1 Chronicles 16:30;
Job 9:6-7;
Job 26:11;
Job 22:14;
Job 37:18;
Job 38:4-6;
Isaiah 24:1;
Isaiah 40:22;
Psalm 19:4-6;
Psalm 75:3;
Psalm 93:1;
Psalm 96:10;
Psalm 104:5;
Ecclesiastes 1:5;
Isaiah 13:13;
Daniel 4:11 (story about a tree was touching the earth's ceiling, the sky, and visible everywhere on the flat earth);
Joel 2:10;
Matthew 24:29;
Mark 13:25;
Revelation 6:12-13;
Revelation 21:9-21
(story of the New Jerusalem in the dimensions of a perfect cube of 1,500 x 1,500 x 1,500 miles, sitting level on the surface of a planet that we know drops off below the horizon in a matter of miles!!!)
Repeat: Creationists have been forced over the centuries to retract, retract, retract, retract, their claims!!!
Ed. Note: For references debunking religious right mythology, see, e.g.,
Andrew Dickson White, LL.D., L.H.D., Ph.D. [(1832-1918) first President of Cornell University], A History of the Warfare of Science with Theology in Christendom (New York: D. Appleton & Co., 1896) (Prof. White was "a deeply religious man" appalled by "organized religion . . . age-old denial of intellectual liberty, and [its] repeated attempts to prevent the advance of knowledge." This book of his "marked [the] defeat in American intellectual circles" of "the Old Orthodoxy," say Profs. Harry R. Warfel, Ralph H. Gabriel, and Stanley T. Williams, The American Mind, Vol. II (New York: American Book Co, 1937 and 1947), p 1078.
John William Draper, M.D., LL.D. [(1811-1882) Late Professor, Univ of New York], History Of The Conflict Between Religion And Science (1874; reprinted and revised, New York: D. Appleton and Co, 1897; London: Kegan Paul, Trench, Thrübner & Co. Ltd., 1910; etc.)
Clay Fulks, The War Between Science And Faith (1930)
Robert Jastrow, God and the Astronomers (New York: W. W. Norton & Co, Inc, 1978) (explains how the small universe notion was refuted)
Daniel J. Boorstin, Litt.D., The Discoverers (New York: Random House, 1983), chapters 40-41 (Galileo), 57 (Buffon), etc.
Stephen Baxter, Ph.D., Ages in Chaos: James Hutton and the Discovery of Deep Time (Doherty Associates, 2003)
Jack Repcheck, M.A., The Man Who Found Time: James Hutton and the Discovery of the Earth's Antiquity (Perseus Pub, 2003)
Sam Harris, M.A., The End of Faith: Religion, Terror, and the Future of Reason (New York: W. W. Norton & Co, 2004)
Forrest G. Wood, “Catholics and Conscience,” The New Yorker (30 May 2005), p 12
H. Allen Orr, “Annals of Science: Devolution: Why Intelligent Design Isn't,”The New Yorker (30 May 2005), pp 40-52
Donald H. Keene, Jr., Jonathan D. Kaunitz, M.D., and William A. Pryor, “Designing Intelligent Design” (The New Yorker, p 8, 25 July 2005).
Suzanne Goldenberg , “US Judge Bans Intelligent Design from Science Lessons: Victory for parents on teaching of evolution: Theory ruled to be religion by the back door” (The Guardian / UK, 21 December 2005)
Judge John E. Jones, III, “Kitzmiller, et al v Dover Area School District, et al.,” 400 F Supp 2d 708 (D MD Penn., 20 December 2005)
Jason Rosenhouse, “Why is it Unconstitutional to Teach Intelligent Design?” (CSICOP, December 2005) (analysis of the above decision).
Anthony Gottlieb, “Atheists with Attitude: Why do they hate Him?,” The New Yorker, 21 May 2007, pp 77-81.
"It is no accident that religious doctrine and honest inquiry [including respect for science] are so rarely juxtaposed [common] in our world," says Sam Harris, M.A., The End of Faith: Religion, Terror, and the Future of Reason (New York: W. W. Norton & Co, 2004), p 105.
Note concerning "the Church [that its] influence upon medical and scientific advance was almost wholly evil," says
Frederick F. Cartwright (medical historian) and Michael D. Biddiss (history professor, Cambridge), Disease and History (New York: Dorset Press, 1972), p 50. "The 1,000-year repression of many forms of creative thought between the fall of Roman and the Renaissance provides a miserable picture of sterile plagiarism. . . . teaching . . . was an uncritical reiteration of [wrong] ancient theories, and research took the form of disputations upon the exact meaning of a text [such as] Latin texts of first century authors and their Islamic commentators. . . . The [bad] habit of [limited] thought engendered by theocratic intolerance stifled medical advance until the end of the fifteenth century. . . . The wonderful pheonomenon of the Renaissance . . . was a change in the whole outlook of thinking men, who demanded escape from the tyranny of dogmatism, from the limitations of thought imposed by the [Roman Catholic] Church. . . . it was the Renaissance that finally broke the Church's stranglehold upon medicine," pp 50-51."
At “the time of the Dayton evolution trial . . . the brisker conservative clergymen saw that their influence and oratory and incomes were threatened by any authentic learning. A few of them were so intelligent as to know that not only was biology dangerous to their positions, but also history—which gave no very sanctified reputation to the Christian church; astronomy—which found no convenient Heaven in the skies and snickered politely at the notion of making the sun stand still in order to win a Jewish border skirmish; psychology—which doubted the superiority of a Baptist preacher fresh from the farm to trained laboratory researchers; and all the other sciences of the modern university. They saw [demanded] that a proper [propagandized] school should teach nothing but bookkeeping, agriculture, geometry. . . . This perception the clergy [called 'fundamentalists'] and their most admired laymen expressed in quick action. They organized half a dozen competent and well-financed organizations to threaten rustic state legislators with political failure and bribe them with unctuous clerical praise, so that these back-street and backwoods Solons would forbid the teaching in all state-supported schools and colleges of anything which was not approved by the evangelists,” says Sinclair Lewis, Elmer Gantry (1927), Chapter XXIX, Section 9, paragraphs 1-2, p 374-375. (For a 2012 example of a backwoods rustic legislator, see this article,
"Congressman [Paul Broun] calls evolution lie from 'pit of hell'.")
And: "the church is in bondage to Big Business and doctrines as laid down by millionaires" (Chapter XXVII, last paragraph, p 364), with the goal "that workmen would turn from agitation to higher things, and work more loyally at the same wages" (Chapter XIII, Section III, p 195).
Pretended Chistianity, atheism in practice, is carefully designed as a fraud: “. . . you don't have to be pious with us. Ma and I are a couple of old dragoons. We like religion; like the good old hymns—takes us back to the hick town we came from; and we believe religion is a fine thing to keep people in order—they think of higher things instead of all these strikes and big wages and the kind of hell-raising that's throwing the industrial system all out of kilter. And I like a fine upstanding preacher that can give a good show. . . . But we ain't pious. And any time you want to let down—and I reckon there must be times when a big cuss like you must get pretty sick of listening to the snivelling sisterhood!—you just come to us, and if you want to smoke or even throw in a little jolt of liquor, as I've been known to do, why we'll understand.” Chapter XXIII, Section II, paragraph 12, p 302.
And: "Lot easier [being a preacher] than [a lawyer] digging out law-cases [researching precedents] and having to put it over [explain factually to] a jury and another lawyer maybe smarter'n you are. The crowd have to swallow what you [a preacher] tell 'em in a pulpit, and no back-talk or cross-examination allowed! . . . he [the clergyman] snickered." Chapter III, Section III, p 51.
And: “no one in this room, including your pastor, believes in the Christian religion. Not one of us would turn the other cheek. Not one of us would sell all that he has and give to the poor. Not one of us would give his coat to some man who took his overcoat. Every one of us lays up all the treasure he can. We don't practice the Christian religion. We don't intend to practice it. Therefore, we don't believe in it. Therefore I resign, and I advise you to quit lying and disband [the congregation].” Chapter XXIX, Section VII, paragraph 4, p 385.
Such non-Christians may enter or "stay in it [the ministry] . . . to destroy it [the church]!" Chapter VIII, Section II, p 122.
In reaction, Rev. Parker Pillsbury excommunicated most U.S. clergymen.
For more on the "Dayton evolution trial," supra, see, e.g.,
Prof, Constance Areson Clark, "Evolution for John Doe: Pictures, the Public, and the Scopes Trial Debate," 87 Journal of Am History (#4) 1275-1303 (March 2001).
Some clergymen have the audacity to lie about people who believe in evolution. Such clergymen, in essence purporting to have the psychic ability to read minds and motives, accuse evolutionists of being anti-God. Such clergymen refuse to acknowledge the fact that
the percentage of atheists is substantially lower than the percentage of evolutionists, i.e., that many or even most evolutionists believe in God and practice a religion, and that many religious people believe in evolution. See, e.g., Larson, Edward J., and Larry Witham, "Scientists are Still Keeping the Faith," Nature, vol. 386 (April 3, 1997), pp. 435-436.
Such lying clergymen cite no names of people with that view, they just make a "broad-brush" accusation. Such lying clergymen may cite Romans 1:18-32, on another subject, i.e., yank it out of context, on anti-God individuals of prior to the First Century Apostle Paul's narrative, and pretend it applies to their 21st century pet peeve!!
Such lying clergymen with their accusations are intellectually dishonest. They themselves misrepresent while they accuse evolutionists of misrepresenting!
Such lying clergymen fabricate a
"straw man" argument, focusing on alleged motive vs actual historical record and issues, and attack the "straw man"! — in essence an
attack — rather than addressing the merits including the Bible references at-issue from Joshua - Revelation, and honestly admitting the sorry lying record of their historic clergy cohorts and predecessors referenced herein. Such lying clergymen hope that their gullible sheeple listeners or readers will not have studied logic, will not recognize the "straw-man argument," will not detect their scam!
Such lying clergymen refuse to admit and apply the Bible principle in 2 Samuel 12:14 concerning bad behavior by professed Bible-adherents, behavior so despicable and dishonest as to discredit God and His Word. Such lying clergymen don't want to admit the long sorry record of their anti-evolution (i.e., anti-science) side.
Such lying clergymen are themselves rebels against God, judging motives, in direct disobedience, and defiance of, to Christ's explicit command to not do such judging! Matthew 7:1.
Try questioning such lying clergymen! You'll likely receive the reaction Sinclair Lewis cited! due to their extreme hostility to being questioned! exposing their dishonesty, ignorance, arrogance, lack of humility, fear of exposure by educated people unwilling to swallow their drivel, and/or contempt for their listeners/readers, etc.
If you try questioning such lying clergymen, one reaction you likely won't receive is the 2 Samuel 16:10 reaction, humility, perhaps the Lord sent you! If you question such, you may well conclude that they do indeed prefer having an uneducated audience unable to detect their scams, thus unable to question ("back-talk," "cross-examine") them!
Never forget, most clergymen were
excommunicated over a century and half ago, for blatant unwillingness — due to their personal immorality — to repent of even ultra-sins.
Typical modern Creationists (it is important your readers be alerted) knowingly deceive their victims, readers, hearers, by fraudulently omitting to mention their centuries of numerous forced and grudging retractions, retractions necessary due to their grotesque and ultra-extreme error rate.
Creationists fraudulently give the opposite impression, that they have never made any errors — the "infallibility doctrine," you know! and that all errors are only by evolutionists!! THAT is "not so certain"!!
They never admit the repeated proving that their MANY long-standing notions have been shown essentially ABSOLUTELY false. Most creationist views of the past are now utterly rejected by their successors!! This of course is horrifying their predecessors in heaven looking down on them in anger or dismay, presumably, at their heretical regression away from the medieval truths!! about the basic and fundamental truths of creationism, the flat and immoveable earth, the center of the universe!!
If anyone has ever seen a Creationist writer honestly admitting their long-running and absurd bad record, tell the world!! That's a better kept secret than any the CIA ever had!!
Creationists used to kill you for saying the earth moves and is round, you know!! Do they have the guts to defend their predecessors?!!! You know the answer! They lie, habitually, and act as though they have no predecessors in their nonsense!
Creationists well know that their many nonsensical views over the centuries have never held up under investigation, so threats, prosecutions, torture, fraud, misleading claims, and deception have been their stock-in-trade.
When Creationists spout off, ask them, which version of Creationists are you for??!!!!!! 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, or 1002.0?!!! One thing you can know for sure; it's not Creationism Version 1.0!!
Leroy J. Pletten
P.S. [Charles] Darwin [M.A. (Theology), LL.D., F.R.S.] personally was an abolitionist, anti-slavery, the Party of Lincoln's cause. But most US clergy were vigorously for slavery, i.e., for kidnapping, torture, rape, adultery, fornication. Evolution had such great success as it was not only more accurate, but also (due to Darwin's personal much higher morals than most clergymen, on the major moral issue of the time, slavery), evolution had greater moral credibility. For background on why Darwin wrote as he did on evolution, his "sacred cause," the abolition of slavery, see, e.g., Adrian Desmond and James Moore, Darwin's Sacred Cause (Allen Lane, 2009)
"Darwin's twin track: 'Evolution and emancipation'" (29 January 2009)
our background website.