"Partem aliquam recte intelligere nemo potest, antequam totum, iterum atque iterum, periegerit." No one can rightly understand any part until he has read the whole again and again. |
Commissioner of Narcotics Harry J. Anslinger and U.S. Attorney William F. Tompkins, in their book The Traffic in Narcotics (New York: Funk & Wagnalls, 1953), cite that "all" drug addicts are smokers, p 196.
"it is the prevailing testimony of medical authorities that tobacco-using leads naturally to liquor-drinking, that it is the 'facilis descensus Averni.'"
P 87 says it thus: "the exceptions are very rare, when a user of tobacco in any of its forms is not ultimately led to use alcoholic liquors; and . . . the use of tobacco is the great [No. 1] cause of both moderate and excessive alcoholic drinking," quoting Dr. Cowan. |
"Tobacco . . . holds a special status as a ‘gateway' substance in the development of other drug dependencies not only because tobacco use reliably precedes use of illicit drugs, but also because use of tobacco is more likely to escalate to dependent pattens of use of most other dependence producing drugs. . . . These observations have led growing numbers of researchers and policy makers concerned with illicit drug use to consider the role of tobacco in programs aimed at preventing other forms of drug abuse."—Jack E. Henningfield, Richard Clayton, and William Pollin, "Involvement of Tobacco in Alcoholism and Illicit Drug Use," 85 British J of Addiction 279-292, especially p 283 (1990).
Moreover, "tobacco use is associated with the initiation of use of other addicting substances, and . . . increasing levels of tobacco use are associated with increasing levels of use of other psychoactive substances. Furthermore, factors affecting initiation, abstinence, and relapse to the use of tobacco, alcohol, and opioids are similar in nature. In addition, there are similarities in the addictive processes underlying the sue of these substances."—Jack E. Henningfield, Richard Clayton, and William Pollin, "Involvement of Tobacco in Alcoholism and Illicit Drug Use," 85 British J of Addiction 279-292, especially p 279 (1990). |
"Goode demonstrated that college students who smoke were more likely to have used every kind of abusable substance, both legal and illegal, than were their nonsmoking classmaters." [Goode, E, "Cigarette smoking and drug use on a college campus," 7 Int'l J Addict 133-140 (1972).] The National Institute on Drug Abuse reports that daily use of marijuana is 20 times higher among high school seniors who smoke tobacco, and the daily use of other illicit drugs is 13 times higher among smokers." [Fishburne PM, Abelson HI, Cisin I, "National Survey on Drug Abuse: Main Findings, 1979" (1980)], cited in DiFranza, JR, Guerrera MP, "Alcoholism and Smoking," 51 Journal of Studies on Alcohol (2) 130-135 (1990). |
DHEW National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA), Research on Smoking Behavior, Research Monograph 17, Publication ADM 78-581, p vi (Dec 1977); Robert DuPont, Teen Drug Use, 102 J Pediatrics 1003-1007 (June 1983); Raymond Fleming, Howard Levanthal, Kathleen Glynn, and Joahn Ershler, "The Role of Cigarettes in The Initiation And Progression Of Early Substance Use," 14 Addictive Behaviors (3) 261-272 (1989); and DHHS, Preventing Tobacco Use Among Young People: Surgeon General Report (1994). Page 10 supports law enforcement, saying, "Illegal sales of tobacco products are common."
Jim Avila, NBC News Correspondent, in "D.A.R.E. doesn't work, study finds" (18 March 1998), says "Students in program used same amount of drugs as others."
The federal government's "Drug Enforcement Administration" (DESTAPO) is a scam. Instead of doing pro-active drug prevention by focusing on the cause, the starter drug, tobacco, the DESTAPO focus is on after-the-factism, on waiting until after the drug sequence as occurred and reached some steps beyond the starter drug. Then and only then do DESTAPO agents intervene -- faking concern.
A significant DESTAPO focus is, not prevention, but instead the "Politics of Pain," USA Today (August 2008), p 1. Result: "Millions of Americans live in chronic pain, without access to proper medications, because their doctors are too afraid of being harassed [terrorized] or even arrested by Drug Enforcement Adminstration agents to prescribe sufficient doses." "The [DESTAPO] is attempting to control drug abuse by regulating the practice of medicine, but the [DESTAPO] consists of of bureaucrats, not physicians, and its views on treating chronic pain often amount to malpactice," says attorney Sam Kazman of the "Competitive Enterprise Institute," Washington, D.c. "Alexander DeLuca, a board-certified specialist in addiction medicine, describes the obstacles faced by a physician trying to deliver the 'standard of care' called for by his own medical training. According to DeLuca, virtually no patient in the country today receives proper treatment for chronic pain." For example, "Gulf War veteran james Fernandez and his wife tell their story of how he, once a robustly healthy U.S. Marine, virtually is confined to his home because of severe, ongoing pain [torture] that has been undertreated for years." In essence, DESTAPO agents are terrorists and torturers, and should be criminally prosecuted accordingly, for criminal endangerment and fraud and other crimes. "Many Americans do love their police state" ("Unfortunately, all too many of our friends, neighbors and relations have come to relish acting like bit players in a bad Cold War film. They're more than happy to bow down to the nearest uniform so long as somebody assures them it will 'keep us safe' -- from whom, it doesn't matter, though it's certainly not from overbearing authorities.") The preference is for dramatic adrenalin-raising door-busting action!, not for prevention. "How the war on drugs works" (by Alex Jones), shows a scam aspect even though not focused on the real factor, the deliberate refusal to focus the war on drugs at tobacco, the deliberate refusal to "nip it in the bud," the deliberate refusal to do the proverbial "stitch in time that saves nine." This is even so, if, for example, "Marijuana: No Worse Than Alcohol?" See also "The War on Drugs: Causing Deforestation and Pollution." Again we see the focus off the starter drug, tobacco, onto other issues, further evidencing intent that drug use continue. |
First, read the cited material yourself. Then contact the officials in your area, especially the ones who TALK the most on the subject! Find out what they know, do, on the subject.
"Bill's Other Vices "Though Bill Wilson's other [alleged] contributions to the understanding of alcoholism and recovery are legendary, he was not a saint. He was an unrepentant womanizer after A.A. became famous; many women were attracted to him because of his celebrity within the organization. He would troll A.A. meetings for young women and offer them private "counseling." His wife, Lois, mostly ignored his infidelities. "He was also blind to the ill effects that smoking had on his health - until it was too late. Near the end of his life, he was suffering from advanced emphysema. But he was so addicted to tobacco that he'd turn off the oxygen he needed to breathe so that he could have a cigarette. He died in Miami in 1971." |
Exec Order 1992-3 | Pro-Law Letter # 1 | Cigarette Smuggling Memo | Pro-Law Letter # 2 | E-Mail Overview |
"The Society against the abuse of tobacco has asked the Minister of Instruction to have instruction given in lycées [schools],
showing the bad effects of tobacco. The Minister [refused on the scam pretext
that] the first evil to combat is alcoholism . . . ."—"The Abuse of Tobacco," 2 British Medical Journal 1611 (27 Nov 1897).
Note the politician focus on a post-gateway matter, not the medically valid method of focusing on the gateway drug! How corrupt! |
Webmaster's Letter to Editor, "Loss of DARE shouldn't concern school district," Macomb Daily, 20 Feb 2002) |
Examples on How to Test
'Tobacco Program' Authenticity
A number of programs (e.g., DARE) claim to 'educate' on tobacco.
Here are some criteria, some points to look for, to test
whether a program is genuinely educational or not.
Genuine Program | Fake Program
1. Cites Full Range of Tobacco Ingredients
| Merely Perfunctory Data, 'It's Bad'--That's About It
| 2. Cites Full Range of Tobacco Effects
| Limited, Cites Little But Heart or Lung Effects
| 3. The Right to Pure Air, Smoke-free Air, Already Exists, Merely Needs Enforcement.
| No Such Right Exists; So (discouragingly) Politicians Must Be Begged to Pass a Law to Create Such a Right
| 4. Provides Background Against Smoking As Known Many Centuries
| Purports That Discovery of the Tobacco Hazard Is 'Brand New, Still Controversial, Unproven'
| 5. Provides Reading List of Centuries of Writings
| No Meaningful Reading List, For the Above Reason
| 6. Provides Moral Background Against Tobacco
| Pretends The Matter Is Purely a 'Health' Issue
| 7. Cites Past Solutions Such as Iowa's 1897 Law
| Pretends The Movement for Anti-Tobacco Laws Is New
| 8. Identifies Tobacco In Addiction, Mental Disorder, and Brain Damage Terms
| Limited To Pretending That Tobacco Use is (Merely) A 'Habit'
| 9. Tracks Tobacco Farmer History Back to Slavery Era
| Generally Has NO Historical Data on Tobacco Farmers, Who and What They Are
| 10. Emphasizes Adult Duty To Set Right Example for Youths
| Ignores Adult Example, Fixates on Youth (Intending Ineffectiveness)
| 11. Teaches Pertinent Legal Terminology
| Silent on the Issue of Legal Terminology
| 12. Identifies Tobacco Pushing in Murder Terms
| Pretends That Tobacco Pushing Is 'Just Another Business'
| 13. Cites Smokers' Rights to A Safe-Product
| Pretends There Is a 'Right to Smoke'
| 14. Genuinely Educational, Cites Full Range of Truths and Facts
| A Fake Program, Surreptitiously Giving the Tobacco Lobby Side Under the Pretended Guise of Anti-Tobacco Education
| |
Honorable Rick Snyder
Governor, State of Michigan
P. O. Box 30013
Lansing MI 48909-7513
Dear Governor Snyder:
Honorable William Schuette
Attorney General, State of Michigan
P. O. Box 30213
Lansing MI 48909-7513
Dear Attorney General Schuette:
Col. Kristie Etue, Director
Department of State Police
714 South Harrison Road
East Lansing MI 48823
Dear Col. Etue:
President Barack H. Obama | U.S. Senator _______ | U.S. Representative __ | Governor ___ | State Senator __ | State Representative __ |
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue | Senate Office Building | House Office Building | State Capitol | State Capitol | State Capitol |
Washington DC 20500 | Washington DC 20510 | Washington DC 20515 | City State Zip | City State Zip | City State Zip |
If you wish, you can use different wording.
If you have suggestions for improved wording, please let us know.
Other Pertinent Sites (By Others, Not This Author)
See also
Ferguson v City of Charleston, 186 F3d 469 (CA 4, SC, 13 July 1999) Filed in the Public Interest by the Center for Reproductive Law and Policy, New York, Challenging the Drug-Testing Scam The CRLP Case Analysis |
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