2. 23 February 1982 3. 4 March 1983 4. 8 April 1983 5. 14 March 1991 6. 8 April 1994 7. 26 Feb 1996 |
SUBJECT: EEO Complaint- Mr. Leroy Pletten
Administrative Judge Henry Perez
Dear Mr. Perez:
INTRODUCTION employees from smoking within 25 feet of appellant. [His supervisor, Jeremiah Kator, agreed, but higher management forbad him to act.] When he [Pletten] failed to obtain the accommodations [enforcement actions] he believed to be necessary for his handicap [compliance with the above-cited rules], appellant sought EEO counseling and filed formal complaints. Simultaneously, he filed a labor grievance which was arbitrated in January, 1980 [in fact, adjudicated by the Army's own Civilian Appellate Review agency (USACARA)] with a recommendation of ways the agency had to accommodate appellant [enforce its own "pure air rights" rules]. When the agency failed to abide by the arbitration [USACARA Report], appellant filed even more EEO complaints. the complainant has brought to the attention of an EEO counselor the matter thought to be discriminatory within 30 calendar days from the date of the alleged discrimination occurred. It is a well recognized equitable principle that this time limit must be extended if appellant alleges and can show a continuing pattern of discrimination. As the court in Laffey v. Northwest Airlines, 567 F.2d 429, 13 FEP Cases 1068 (D.C. Cir. 1976) notes " . . . where, as here, discrimination is not limited to isolated incidents but pervades a series or pattern of events which continue to within (the time period) of filing charges, the filing is timely."Id. , 13 FEP Cases at 1100. See also, Cedeck v. Hamiltonian Federal S&L Assn., 551 F.2d 1136, 14 FEP Cases 1571 (8th Cir. 1977); Clark v. Olinkraft, Inc., 556 F.2d 1219, 15 FEP Cases 377 (5th Cir. 1977);. and, Rich v. Martin Marietta Corp., 552 F.2d 333, 11 Fep (sic) Cases 211 (10th Cir. 1977). It is clear that appellant was alleging a continuing pattern of discrimination against him because of his handicap. It is also clear the agency made some effort to limit his number of complaints, his right to file complaints and to seek EEO counseling. The agency, additionally, went so far as to utilize erroneous information or miscalculations upon which to base its rejection. See Appendix, Docket Nos. 01810323, 01810321, 01810555 and 01810324.
Date of Final Agency Decision: 12/19/79 Date of Appeal: 12/26/79 Brief Description of Complaint: "Publication of article agency's newsletter" Reason for Agency's Rejection: "Not within purview"
2. EEOC DOCKET Number: 01810321
Date of Final Agency Decision: 11/06/80 Date of Appeal: 11/18/80 Brief Description of Complaint: "Misconduct by medical officer against appellant" Reason for Agency's Rejection: "Untimely presented to EEO counselor 3. EEOC DOCKET Number: 01810322
Date of Final Agency Decision: 11/05/80 Date of Appeal: 11/18/80 Brief Description of Complaint: "Denial of telephone services" Reason for Agency's Rejection: "Untimely presented to EEO counselor 4/" 4. EEOC DOCKET Number: 01810323
Date of Final Agency Decision: 11/05/80 Date of Appeal: 11/18/80 Brief Description of Complaint: "Denial of medical aid in dispensary" Reason for Agency's Rejection: "Untimely presented to EEO counselor 4/" 5. EEOC DOCKET Number: 01810324
Date of Final Agency Decision: 11/05/80 Date of Appeal: 11/18/80 Brief Description of Complaint: "Wrong information conveyed to Merit Systems Protection Board" Reason for Agency's Rejection: "Untimely presented to EEO counselor 4/ 3/" 6. EEOC DOCKET Number: 01810555
Date of Final Agency Decision: 12/22/80 Date of Appeal: 1/9/81 Brief Description of Complaint: "Performance appraisals" Reason for Agency's Rejection: "Untimely presented to EEO counselor 6/" 7. EEOC DOCKET Number: 01810887
Date of Final Agency Decision: 1/16/81 Date of Appeal: 2/04/81 Brief Description of Complaint: "Appellant forced off base" Reason for Agency's Rejection: "Untimely presented to EEO counselor 5/ 8. EEOC DOCKET Number: 01811012
Date of Final Agency Decision: 4/2/81 Date of Appeal: 4/8/81 Brief Description of Complaint: "Agency's failure to implement no smoking regulations" Reason for Agency's Rejection: "Untimely presented to EEO counselor 5/" 9. EEOC DOCKET Number: 01812239
Date of Final Agency Decision: 5/12/81 and 5/15/81 Date of Appeal: 5/19/81 Brief Description of Complaint: "Refusal by agency to accept complaint" Reason for Agency's Rejection: "Untimely presented to EEO counselor" 10. EEOC DOCKET Number: 018112239 1/ 2/
Date of Final Agency Decision: 5/12/81 and 5/15/81 Date of Appeal: 5/19/81 Brief Description of Complaint: "Refusal to provide EEO process to appellant" Reason for Agency's Rejection: "Untimely presented to EEO counselor 5/" 11. EEOC DOCKET Number: 018112239 1/ 2/
Date of Final Agency Decision: 5/12/81 and 5/15/81 Date of Appeal: 5/19/81 Brief Description of Complaint: "Refusal to provide EEO Counseling" Reason for Agency's Rejection: "Untimely presented to EEO counselor 5/ "1/Complaints consolidated under this case number. 2/ No agency file ever received in this case 3/ No copy of final agency decision ever received in this case. 4/ Erroneous calculation by agency of thirty day period prior to counseling. 5/ Event giving rise to complaint occurred when agency refused to accept additional complaints from appellant. 6/ Final agency decision cites erroneous date of alleged discriminatory act on appellant's formal complaint." |
“No information,” wrote the examiner, “regarding any educational programs initiated at the (agency's installation) to discourage smokers as recommended in AR 1-8 was evident.” Id. at 134.Referring to the burden [duty] placed upon [local] officials under AR 1-8 to take affirmative action to implement the smoking policy for each building, the examiner found that if such action had been taken at the installation, “. . . it is not evident from the material furnished with this grievance.” Id. at 135-6. Likewise, the agency, according to the examiner, did not provide any information which proved that the air in petitioner's work area was reasonably free of contamination so as to constitute a healthy environment.
Id. at 156. On January 7, 1980, the [consulting] doctor [Bruce Dubin] stated that petitioner was capable of returning to work [as always] and [like all people] must avoid cigarette smoke at all costs. Id. at 96. The agency's medical officer [Francis J. Holt] agreed with this diagnosis and recommended to his superiors that if a smoke-free environment could not be provided, he would suggest a job change. Id. at 84.
Again on March 24, 1980, petitioner's doctor [Jack Salomon] certified that petitioner was able to return to work in a safe work environment. Id. at 84. By memorandum dated the same day, the medical officer [Francis J. Holt] wrote the “. . . employee must have smoke-free environment including eating area and rest room facilities, because of the aggravation of his chronic [meaning, episodic] asthma by exposure to tobacco smoke. A smoke-free work environment as defined above cannot be provided at this installation at this time. Therefore he is not fit for duty pending further directive from (the agency) regarding smoking at this installation.” Id. at 88.
case, the Board accepted an amicus curiae brief from the Action on Smoking and Health which argued [as EEOC agreed] that the action of the agency was tantamount to a suspension as well as the denial of petitioner's right to work in a smoke-free environment. [Wertheim, Poston, et al.] enumerated the ways by which the agency had [allegedly] attempted to accommodate petitioner's condition. The Board cited as [alleged, lied, invented, made up, fabricated] accommodations, the prohibition of smoking in the entire personnel division, the institution of educational programs and the prohibition of people smoking within petitioner's vicinity. The Board noted that the agency had [supposedly] conducted periodic air surveys of toxic substances in petitioner's work area. Based upon these alleged [fabricated] actions [the Wertheim and Poston lied, fabricated, invented, made up], the Board concluded [fabricated] that the agency made reasonable accommodations and [Wertheim, Poston, et al, further fabricated, made up the story, that] petitioner's requests for further accommodation [TACOM to begin compliance with USACARA Report 05-80-001-G] were impossible and would constitute an undue hardship on the agency. Consequently, the Board then decided that petitioner was not ready, willing and able to work in the environment [allegedly] improved by the agency and that the placement of him on sick leave was not a suspension appealable to the Board.
evidence in the record would indicate such actions were not even attempted. The Board [fabricated, invented made up, lied] stated that the agency conducted periodic air surveys of the toxic substances but the record shows only one study which measured [not the ingredients but only] the cubic feet of fresh air per person. The agency does not argue nor does the record support that it ever complied with the recommendations of the grievance examiner. The agency presented no evidence that it considered the rights of the non-smokers or even recognized that its own regulations permitted smoking only to the extent that it did not cause discomfort or unreasonable annoyance to others. Insofar as the record is incomplete and often contradictory, the Commission is unable to perceive how the Board was able to reach any conclusion regarding the agency's efforts to accommodate petitioner.
Therefore, the Commission finds that the agency did not establish such accommodations.
The Commission's interpretation of the applicable regulation is at variance with the Board's and would place a much greater burden upon the agency. 29 C.F.R. 1613.704(a) reads as follows: “An agency shall make reasonable accommodation to the known physical or mental limitations of a qualified handicapped applicant or employee unless the agency can demonstrate that the accommodation would impose an undue hardship on the operation of its program.” (emphasis added). instant case adequately considered the record before it in light of the allegations of discrimination presented therein.
The consequences of the agency's action, i.e. petitioner no longer worked at the agency, was [as ASH had correctly said] essentially the same as a suspension or termination. Additionally, it would seem that the only way petitioner [Pletten] can purge himself of this enforced leave status would be by presenting a doctor's certificate that he is capable of working in the agency's smoke-filled environment [amidst prohibited behavior] which the agency [contrary to laws and rules] refuses to alter [as confessed by Col. Benacquista, Dep. p 25, an extortioner, Dep. p 62, aided and abetted by TACOM's Dr. Holt, Dep. p 46 and p 71].
The medical evidence [as thus overruled by Benacquista] suggests that petitioner will never be able to return to the agency's employment if it does not accommodate his condition. Inasmuch as the petitioner no longer works at the agency and inasmuch as the agency has not proven that it has accommodated him or would suffer undue hardship to do so, the Commission recommends that the Board reconsider the issue of whether the action taken against petitioner was in fact an adverse action appealable to the Board.
Office of Federal Operations P. O. Box 19848 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20506
not make clear, at the time of the notice of proposed cancellation letter of September 19, 1990, the nature of the specific information which it sought. Section 1613.215(a)(6) contemplates that the notice of proposed cancellation and the request for specific information should be made simultaneously. Here, the agency's letter of September 19, 1990 requires appellant to refer to an earlier letter sent to him by the agency in order to discern what specific information is required of him. This, we find, is an unreasonable burden to place on a complainant where a copy of the referenced letter is not enclosed with the current request for information.
The counselor [McLain] does not record dates of telephone conversations or dates and times for meetings proposed which appellant [Pletten] declined. Such evidence does not appear elsewhere in the file. The counselor further states in his letter: “Also, I do not feel I have the inclination to deal with (appellant) any longer. He has obviously been abusing the system for quite a long time and it is a shame that some sort of final disposition can (sic) be initiated to end this chapter.”
Appellant, throughout his contact with the agency wrote letters to the agency requesting counseling. The agency fails to document appellant's alleged lack of cooperation in assessing the nature of his complaint. There is no evidence that appellant met with an EEO counselor to discuss his complaint. The record fails to show that appellant is responsible for this lack of contact. Appellant requests counseling in his formal complaint dated August 6, 1990. Appellant continues on appeal to request counseling.
The agency shall process the complaint pursuant to 29 C. F. R. §§ 1613.215-.222. A final decision shall be issued with[in] ninety (90) calendar days of the date this decision becomes final, unless the matter is otherwise resolved within that timeframe. A copy of the relevant document finalizing the complaint must be sent to the Compliance Officer as referenced below. RIGHT TO REOUEST REOPENING 1. New and material evidence is available that was not readily available when the previous decision was issued; or Opportunity Commission, P.O. Box 19848, Washington, D.C. 20036. In the absence of a postmark, the Request to Reopen shall be deemed filed on the date it is received by the Commission. the civil action MUST BE FILED WITHIN THIRTY (30) DAYS from the date you receive the Commission's decision.
Office of Federal Operations P. O. Box 19848 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20506
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Ed. Note: See also rulings in my favor by MESC, OPM, and USACARA. |